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Title: "Lover's Last Words", Part 4/?
Rated: PG-13, but suitable for younger kids too
Summary: My version of what happens right after the season finale of "Angel",
Season 5 - "The Gift" spoilers, "Into the Woods", possibly more, Season 2 - "Angel"
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They belong to Joss, and they are his to
play with.
Author: Stephanie
Feedback: Yes please!! I love feedback. Send it to
Distribution: Ask and you shall recieve.


After Angel had hung up after saying his goodbye’s, everyone looked expectantly at him.
Finally, Dawn was the first to break.

“Okay, Angel. What does ‘Sorceress of Death’ mean?”

“Well... okay, one day I was looking for a demon, and I came upon this book. So I started
looking in there and I came upon this passage called ‘The Gift of Death’. I found it pretty
interesting, because it was dedicated to Slayer’s, and well... ya know...” Angel sounded
almost sheepish at the last comment.

Everyone was still waiting for him to finish and get to the point! But they all had their
hopes and thought they knew what he was getting at...

“So anyways, I was reading it, and it basically stated that Slayer’s that reach a certain
point in their abilties and mental status, they embark on a quest, to find out about their
Gift... Death. Well it gave description to that, but also, there was a spell in there. A spell
to take the Gift away. To basically ressurect the Slayer.” Angel finished, trying to conceal
his hope inside until he figured out if they wanted to do it.

Everyone was stunned into silence, until finally Dawn squealed and threw her arms around
Angel, hugging him very tight. “Yes, yes, yes! Buffy is coming back! Yay!!” She was so

Giles spoke up, “Now wait a minute. Let’s not all get our hopes up in case this... fails. I’m
sure it is very powerful magic and can only be done by a highly powerful person, and I’m
afraid we don’t have one of --”

“Umm, Hello? Braindead? Giles? Kinda got the powerful wicca right over their, wouldn’t
you say?” Spike said, pointing at Willow.

Willow blushed, and stammered out, “well... uhhh... yeah, I guess I am powerful, aren’t I?
Of course, I will, anything to get Buffy back...”

“Well, that’s assuming that everyone here thinks that would be the most... err...
appropriate idea possible--” Giles was about to go into a lecture, but Riley cut him off.

“I think everyone here will vote ‘yay’ on that one, right?” Everyone nodded. “So it’s
decided. Let’s do this baby.”

“Well, we have to wait for Cordelia to get here,” Tara said.

Everyone cast their gaze down at their feet. They couldn’t stand the waiting. “When will
she be here, mate?” Spike asked Angel.

“Anywhere from 1-3 hours, I guess you could say...”

That was too long, was everybody’s thoughts. Just then a customer walked in, an avid

“Oooh! Customer! Money! Yay! Hey, you! Buy something!” Anya yelled over the shop.

“Uhhh, honey? Remember what I told you about being nice?” Xander patiently told her

“Oh yes. That part. So many things to remember.”

“Please!” Anya yelled back over at the customer, then gave Xander a big smile, which he
responded to with a thumbs up.

“So, I guess all we have to do is wait then,” Spike said impatiently.

“Yeah,” everyone chorused.


To Be Continued... Feedback me!!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

