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Title: "Lover's Last Words", Part 5/?
Rated: PG-13
Summary: My version of what happens right after the season finale of "Angel",
Season 5 - "The Gift" spoilers, "Into the Woods", possibly more, Season 2 - "Angel"
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They belong to Joss, and they are his to
play with.
Author: Stephanie
Feedback: Yes please!! I love feedback. Send it to
Distribution: Ask and you shall recieve.


“Okay, I’m here!” Cordelia sang out. “Now, I don’t know what the rush is!!” she
exclaimed as everyone came running out of the other room. Wesley followed behind her.

“Do you have the book?” Dawn asked excitedly.

“Hey Dawnie!!” Cordelia gave her a big hug, and then asked, “Okay, why is everyone so
chipper? Didn’t Buffy just die?” Oops, she thought to herself. Lacking tact!

“Well, Angel says in the book there is a way to bring back Buffy!” Dawn told her.

“Oooh, that’s why Angel wanted it. Hmm, bringing back from the dead, huh? Should be
interesting. Anything for his Buffy, right?”

Wesley then went and handed the book to Angel. “It’s in a different language, one that I
can’t decipher. It all looks like gibberish to me. You might be able to, though...”

He studied it for a few minutes and then said, “Yes, this is Gaelic. I can speak and read it,
but I haven’t for a while. I’m sure it will all come back to me,” Angel said.

“Well, then, what ingredients do we need? We need to start doing this!” Riley exclaimed.

“Hmm, well, someone needs to run to the Magic shop and get these items... Oh, well, we
are in a Magic shop, so run over to the shelves and get these, I guess,” Angel said writing
them down.

Giles went to go pick up the slip of paper, studied it, and said, “Yes... I’m pretty sure we
have all of these. Willow? If you could help me?” She nodded, with a happy smile on her
face and went to go look for the items with him.

“So,” Cordelia said. She looked at Riley. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Cordelia,” she
said, obviously flirting with him.

“Riley,” he said.

“Him and Buffy used to... ya know...” Xander said for backup information.

“Ohhh, I see. I must say, she always did have good taste in men,” Cordelia was so
obviously hitting on him.

“I think I’m going to be sick!” Spike and Angel exclaimed at once. Neither of them liked

“Okay!” Willow said a little too loudly, “ We’ve got everything we need. Angel? What’s

“It says here... we select one person, closest to the Slayer, they need to be alone in a room
of personal value, and recite this chant here,” Angel said while squinting at the book.

“So? Who’s the person closest to Buffy?” Wesley asked.

“Well, I would think it would be Dawn or Angel, I would have to say. Would everyone
agree?” Giles asked the group.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement (except for Riley - fuming over the fact that
Angel was one of the two chosen). “So who to choose now?” Tara questioned.

There was a long silence, in which Spike spoke up, “I don’t think Buffy would particularly
like it if her lil’ sister was doing spells and such, so, I vote for Angel.”

There was a chorus of okay’s after that, and then Xander said, “So what does a room of
‘personal value’ mean?”

“I think it would be Buffy’s bedroom, wouldn’t it?” Anya said. “I mean, it’s personal, and
it’s valued, I guess.”

Xander made a motion to his head, like why didn’t I think of that?

“So, let’s get started,” Willow anxiously said.


They were all set up, and Angel was alone in Buffy’s bedroom. They had waited until the
sun had set, just in case. Buffy’s bedroom. It had been forever since he had been here. He
looked out the window. It had been forever since he had climbed up that tree to see her in
the late night.

Angel started to pour a circle around him, and lit all of the candles, making sure to scatter
incense and put a couple of the items around him also. He sat in the middle of it, and took
a deep breath, calming himself, trying to clear his mind of all thoughts. He sat stock-still
for a few minutes, collecting himself, and preparing himself for what was to happen next.
He was faintly aware of the scuffling and murmuring of voices outside her bedroom,
everyone mulling about, talking quietly. But he had to focus on the task at hand.

Angel started to chant the words that needed to be said, talking in a low, deep voice,
putting every ounce of his being, every feeling he felt for Buffy, into those words, to make
them more powerful than anything. He said the incantation over and over, waiting for the
feeling of clarity that would come with the knowledge that he had suceeded.

Still chanting about ten minutes later, he felt a rush go through him, and a pain so fierce he
almost stopped chanting, but he just rose his voice and said the words even louder, and it
was like the world was rushing around him, enclosing him, and all that was were the
words and his lips murmuring them over and over. Finally it felt like someone had driven a
stake through his heart, and he was slammed to the ground, knocking all of the candles
aside. He opened his eyes, shaking, and sweating profusely. He looked around the room.
Everything looked the same, what was he expecting to find?

Slowly, he opened the door, and stumbled out. Everyone looked at him, he knew he must
look like hell.

“Good thing we didn’t let Dawnie do this,” Xander muttered.

Angel staggered down the stairs to where Giles was sitting on the couch, sipping tea.
Giles then stood up, and guided Angel to sit down.

“Did it work? Did it work?” Angel asked anxiously.

“Well... we can’t be sure, but--” Giles was interrupted by Spike.

“We bloody well can be! Just go look and see if her body is there or not!” he declared,
wondering how stupid this bloke is.

“Oh, yes, right. Excellent strategy,” Giles said, embarassed.

“So? Let’s load up and go over there!” Riley just about shouted.

“Doesn’t someone need to stay here?” Xander asked. “You know, in case she is on her
way here or something. We don’t really know what to expect... I mean...”

“Yes, yes, okay. Angel, you stay here with Riley, Cordelia, Dawn, and Willow. Everyone
else, come with me. We’ll go check about the body. Now listen, I was reading the script
while Angel was in Buffy’s room, and it said the results aren’t always correct, so, don’t
expect anything too much. She may not be the girl we recalled her to be. Just a little bit of
warning... Okay, we’ll meet back here once we’re done! Good luck,” Giles said to the
room, everyone hanging on his every word. Then the group turned and piled into a car,
then took off.

Angel, Riley, Cordy, Dawn, and Willow were left. Dawn sat down on the couch beside
Angel. He said, “You okay?”

“Yeah, sure. I mean, look at you, you just went through hell, and you’re asking me if I’m
okay,” she let out a little laugh. “So. Do you think it worked?”

“I don’t know, Dawnie. I don’t know,” Angel said, then hugged her for a couple seconds.

“So,” Cordelia said, “We just wait here? God I hate waiting.”

Everyone sat in awkward silence, not sure of what to say.

Willow went up to Angel and asked to talk to him in private. He nodded, and went with
her into the other room.

Riley asked, “What was that about?”

Cordy sighed, and said, “I dunno.”

This time Riley turned to Dawn and asked her if she wanted anything.

“Just my sister...” Dawn replied.


To Be Continued... Feedback me!!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

