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Title: "Lover's Last Words", Part 3/?
Rated: PG-13, but suitable for younger kids too
Summary: My version of what happens right after the season finale of "Angel",
Season 5 - "The Gift" spoilers, "Into the Woods", possibly more, Season 2 - "Angel"
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They belong to Joss, and they are his to
play with.
Author: Stephanie
Feedback: Yes please!! I love feedback. Send it to
Distribution: Ask and you shall recieve.


“Riley’s right here,” said a voice behind Angel. He put his bag down on the ground, and
stared a hole through Angel’s back.

Before turning, Angel smirked, and he knew that Buffy and Riley had broken up
somehow. Good, he thought. He wasn’t good enough for her, and she never really loved

“So... I see you had a little fall out, huh? What happened, she get tired of you?” Angel
turned around, looking Riley in the face.

Spike spoke up, and said, “Actually, no...” he took a puff on his cigarette, and exhaled.
“He got tired of her.”

Angel looked questionably at Riley.

Spike was just loving this. He never really did like that bloke Riley, and he knew Angel
was gonna blow his top at this news. “He was cheating on her... with vamps.”

It took a second for Angel to digest this info, and in that second he had lunged at Riley so
quickly Riley never saw it coming. Angel pinned him to the ground and started delivering
blow after blow on his face until Xander, Giles, and Willow rushed in to pull Angel off of

“Okay, that’s enough, that’s enough!” They all shouted at them.

“Did you know that he was cheating... on Buffy??” Angel asked them. “She in no way
deserved that!”

Giles had had enough. “And do you think she would really want you to behave like this?”

The room grew silent. Angel was humiliated, and of course he was right. He did have a
bad temper, especially when he was jealous... he never used to be.

“Okay, can I ask you guys a favor?” Angel asked quietly. “I need to talk to Dawn.

“What for?” Riley asked sharply, being overprotective of Buffy’s little sister. Angel just
shot him an icy glare that pretty much summed it up: Get out or get your ass kicked.

Everyone cleared out of the room, and sent Dawn in. She sat down in a chair and crossed
her arms, looking rebellious. “So what did you want to talk about?”

Angel didn’t know where to begin. “How are you-” He was cut off by Dawn before he
could finish his sentence.

“How am I doing? I’ll tell you how I’m doing. A couple days ago my sister died, saving
me. I should have died, I’m the Key. Not her. I should have jumped, but no, she had to go
all noble and do it! And I hate her!” Dawn broke off crying, and Angel walked over to her
and hugged her.

“Well, that was Buffy, right? Always thinking of other people’s needs before her own...
she was some person, huh?” Angel stated. “And, I have something to tell you. Buffy left
me a letter, and in that letter... she asked me to look after you, and take care of you.”

“Sh... She... she did?” Dawn asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, umm... I don’t know... I don’t...” Angel didn’t know if she wanted him to or not.

“Oh, so you don’t want to huh? What, am I too big of a job, a responsibility? Well, gee,
thanks. I don’t even know why Buffy loved you so much and cried over you so much,
your just a big meany butt!” Dawn said angrily, thinking he didn’t want to be her legal

“Dawn.. that’s not what I meant at all. I just didn’t know if you wanted me to or not and I
didn’t know how to put it,” Angel said in response. His mind was reeling, he made Buffy
cry “so much”?

“Oh. Well I do. Want you to. If you want to. You were kinda like a brother to me when
you were around.” Dawn said.

“Okay. Okay, good. Good. Because I want to.”

“Angel? I lied.” Dawn said simply. Angel looked at her, and she continued. “I don’t hate
her. I love her, and I hate whoever did this to her! Whoever told her it was her Gift...”

Angel’s face become a mixture of things. Disbelief, excitement, uncertainty, and
confusion. “Wait... a gift? Do you mean death?” He was excited now, and his mind was
racing faster than Dawn would respond.

“Yeah. Umm, yeah. Death was her Gift. What’s wrong?” Dawn asked, totally confused by
his behavior.

“Death is her gift... Death, I saw it. Slayer. The first. Call upon. Gotta get the book. I can.
I need to.” Angel was just shooting off words here and there.

“Angel, what are you talking about? What’s going on? Angel?” Dawn was extremely
worried now.

“I’ll explain later. Right now, where is the phone?” Dawn pointed into the main lobby, and
he quickly rushed off and grabbed it off it’s hook. He dialed some numbers, then looked
up and saw everyone’s eyes on him. They all had confusion on their faces and they wanted
to know what was going on. Well, everyone had confusion on their faces except for Riley,
who just had hatred. And everyone’s faces were all red and puffy. Hmmm.

Come on, come on, pick up! Angel silently ordered the phone. Finally, yes, a click!

“Angel Investigations, we help the helpless,” came Cordelia’s tired voice over the phone.

“Yeah, Cordelia? It’s me, Angel.”

“Angel? What do you want? And aren’t you supposed to be in Sunnydale?”

“Yeah, I am. Listen, I need you to get a book and come out here, right away. As soon as
you can.”

“What, like I am just supposed to drop all things and go? We have a serious case here, of
a kitten that has run away, and the owner thinks that a demon took her for, like, some
ritual, so---”

“Look, Cordelia, this is really important. Please?”

You could hear her sigh, very loudly, and she was exasperated. “Fine. What’s the book

Angel paused... “Sorceress of Death.”


To Be Continued... Feedback me!!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

