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Title: "Lover's Last Words", Part 2/?
Rated: PG-13, but suitable for younger kids too
Summary: My version of what happens right after the season finale of "Angel",
Season 5 - "The Gift" spoilers, "Into the Woods", possibly more, Season 2 - "Angel"
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They belong to Joss, and they are his to
play with.
Author: Stephanie
Feedback: Yes please!! I love feedback. Send it to
Distribution: Ask and you shall recieve.


Willow pulled into the “Magic Box” parking lot, opened the door, and got out. She gently
nudged Angel, as he had fallen asleep. He still had tears on his face. Willow would have
left him sleeping, but it was close to sunrise, and she didn’t want him all dusty.

Angel woke up and looked at Willow, and realized they were here in Sunnydale. Buffy’s
town. It used to be his, too, until he left for LA. He looked curiously up at the shop, his
face must have shown his confusion, for Willow quickly jumped in to explain.

“Giles set up a Magic Shop. It’s really great, there’s a training room in the back and
everything, and he gets a lot of customers.” she finished.

Angel nodded, and got out of the car. He followed Willow into the shop, where a small
group of people were gathered, looking at each forlornly. He glanced over all of them,
taking note of them as he went: Giles, Anya, Xander, Willow, Himself, Dawn, Tara,
Spike... Wait a minute!

Angel took three strides across the room, grabbed Spike by the throat, and slammed him
against the wall, then took a stake out of his pocket, and was about to jam it into Spike’s
unbeating heart, when Dawn grabbed his hand. He looked down, surprised, and saw
genuine concern on her face for Spike. He released his hold, and looked at Spike
suspiciously. “Will someone please explain why he is here?”

“He can’t hurt anyone Angel,” Dawn explained, her gaze at her feet. “He has a chip in his
head and can’t hurt any living being.”

“So? He’s still evil. At any chance he’ll kill all of you!” Angel said, wondering why Dawn
was protecting Spike.

“No... I won’t.” Spike said, holding his throat.

“Well then why are you here? I’m sure Buffy would be just thrilled to know you cared so
much about her!” Angel said sarcastically.

Everyone flinched at the name “Buffy”.
“She knows,” Spike said. “I love her, and she knows.”

“You can’t love...” Angel said. “Oh my god, did I just hear... you love her?”

“Okay, you guys... can you continue this later please? In private maybe?” Dawn asked.

“Okay, lil’ bit. Whatever you say...” Spike said with a smirk, that only lasted a couple

Angel got a better look at Spike, and saw his eyes were red, and it looked like he had been
crying his heart out.

Then Xander spoke, and said “Okay, umm, vamps... watch out for the sun, right. Unless
you want to get turned to dust, you better go in the training room.”

Good, Angel thought, it will give us a chance to... talk.

After the two vampires left the room, Giles spoke up, “He didn’t take that very well, what
about when he finds out about Riley, how will he handle that, and that he is coming here?”
They had gotten word to Riley in the jungle, and he had said he would come back for the
funeral. It was in 2 days.

“He won’t take it well,” Anya said bluntly.


“So....” Angel began. “What is this you loving Buffy????”

“Yeah. You got a problem mate?” Spike said. He didn’t like his feelings for Buffy being
made fun of.

“Did she love you?” Angel asked.

Spike paused, a sudden thought coming to mind. Mine as well tease him some, he seems
so damn upset over this. Spike grinned internally. “Yeah, we were engaged to be
married.” Of course Spike was reffering to Willow’s spell going awry, but Angel doesn’t
need to know that for a couple minutes.

Angel’s first thought was that he was lying. But he saw the genuine expression on Spike’s
face, and his whole world collapsed. He walked over to Spike, and punched him so hard
he went crashing up against the wall. Angel walked over to him and grabbed him, saying
“What did you do to her? What spell did you put her under?” He said whilst punching him
in the face.

Blood dripped from Spike’s nose, and he smiled, blood seeping into his mouth. “Bloody
hell, someone’s a little testy! Relax mate, it was Willow’s spell, and it was sometime last
year. We didn’t get married and the spell broke. I just had to tease you, you’re dripping
with envy and fear of us getting married. So piss off!” Spike then shoved Angel hard to
the ground.

Angel looked up, stunned. He couldn’t believe that he had actually believed Spike, even
for a second. Buffy would never do this to him, would she? But then again, he had done it
to her... sleeping with that bitch Darla.

A sudden thought came to Angel’s mind. “Where’s Riley?”


To Be Continued... Feedback me!!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

