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Title: "Lover's Last Words", Part 7/?
Rated: PG-13
Summary: My version of what happens right after the season finale of "Angel",
Season 5 - "The Gift" spoilers, "Into the Woods", possibly more, Season 2 - "Angel"
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They belong to Joss, and they are his to
play with.
Author: Stephanie
Feedback: Yes please!! I love feedback. Send it to
Distribution: Ask and you shall recieve.


Spike recovered himself from shock, and went to help up Giles. Moaning, Giles said,
“What happened?”

“Buffy. Buffy happened. But she’s good, somewhere deep inside, and she needs our help.
I think something evil has overcome her, but for two brief moments, she was Buffy again,
our Buffy. And she asked for help. I think we need to get back to Angel and gang. They
don’t know, don’t know what to expect,” Spike finished, deeply disturbed by what had
just happened. He loved Buffy, and he didn’t want to see her like this. He vowed to bring
her back.

“Well, then we should head out,” Wesley stated. Everyone agreed and tried to hurry to the


Riley, Cordy, and Dawn were all sitting down on the couch when the door opened. Dawn
jumped up, knowing it was Buffy. Yes, yes, yes! She thought, when Buffy walked in.

“Buffy!!” Dawn screamed, and jumped up and down, and then hugged her.

Buffy smiled, a cold, sadistic smile. No one seemed to notice though. “Hi, Dawn,” she said
off-handedly. Her gaze lingered to Cordelia and Riley, and she smirked. Riley looked so
pained, well, let’s go make that pain so much worse she thought. She pushed Dawn aside,
and walked straight up to Riley, then kissed him, pushing him down onto the couch,
straddling him.

“Whoah, Dawnie’s virgin eyes here don’t need to be seeing this!” Cordelia exclaimed,
shocked at Buffy’s outburst of lust.

But she didn’t care, and wasn’t listening to Cordelia. Finally Riley shoved her off, gasping
out, “What’s the matter with you, Buffy?”

“Nothing, honey. Just looking for a little fun’s all,” Buffy said before kissing him again.
Just then Angel and Willow came down the stairs, having heard the commotion.

“What’s going on?” Willow asked them.

“I don’t know, but Buffy’s like, horny or something, look at her!” Cordelia said in disgust.
Just then Buffy looked up, and saw Willow and Angel.

“Hey, Wills, Angel... What’s up?” Buffy left the couch, and went over to them, eyeing
them up and down.

“Buffy.” Angel stated. “What’s the matter with you?”

“Nothing, honey. I just feel so.... Alive, ya know?” she said laughing and giving a twirl

Angel noticed her eyes looked gray and cold, her smile was that of evil, and her laugh was
cruel. Dawn stepped up to her and said, “Buffy, are you drunk?”

Laughing, Buffy walked over to her and stared at her. Her eyes turned to slits, and she
punched Dawn, throwing her so hard across the room. She anticipated Angel’s next move,
caught his arm, twisted it around, and broke it. He grunted in pain, and fell to the ground.

“So! What do you say we do now? Break the other one? Angel, Angel,” Buffy tsk-tsked.
“What kind of human are you? Attacking a person like that from behind! What has gotten
into you? Here, I was expecting a welcome back party, hey! Look what I got. A
try-to-hurt-Buffy party. That is just so mean!” Buffy ranted, then slammed her foot into
Angel’s chest.

Willow was murmuring some words in Latin, and all of a sudden Buffy was thrown into
the air. She writhed around, and then fell to the floor. Immediately, she got back up.

“Willow! Shame! I’m your best friend! Well let’s see how you like this!” Buffy just
glanced at her, and Willow rose into the air, and slammed into the wall.

“Gotta love the wiccan ways, huh?” Buffy exclaimed giddily. She rounded on Riley, just
about to do something, when she was overtook by the real Buffy, her eyes turned hazel,
and she collapsed, Riley grabbed her in his arms.

“Buffy? Buffy? Talk to me, what’s going on?” Riley asked anxiously.

“You’ve got to stop her... evil...” she managed to stutter out, she was shaking so much,
like something was trying to escape. Finally, it did, gray eyes, and Riley flew up into the
air. Just then, the car pulled up carrying the rest of the gang, and Buffy ran out the door.
Spike was on the sidewalk, and he tried to stop her, but she muttered a few Latin words at
him, and he slammed into the car grunting in pain. Buffy continued to run down the rest of
the street, dissapearing from sight again.

Everyone then rushed inside, seeing everyone scattered all over. Riley stood up and said,
“She’s still in there. Buffy’s still in there.”

“We know,” Spike said. “She told me to help her, and that’s what I’m gonna do. I’m
gonna go find her and help her. She looked so scared...”

Willow stood up, and said, “Okay, lots of things to get answers to... Buffy knows magic?
She was more powerful than me! So not fair! And another, I have some research I need to
share with you... you won’t like it.”


To Be Continued... Feedback me!!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

