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Title: "Lover's Last Words", Part 8/?
Rated: PG-13
Summary: My version of what happens right after the season finale of "Angel",
Season 5 - "The Gift" spoilers, "Into the Woods", possibly more, Season 2 - "Angel"
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They belong to Joss, and they are his to
play with.
Author: Stephanie
Feedback: Yes please!! I love feedback. Send it to
Distribution: Ask and you shall recieve.


Buffy walked along the streets of Sunnydale, confidently, knowing she looked sexy. She
had just decided to make a trip to the Mall, as she needed new clothes. She was wearing
very tight leather pants, and a type of leather shirt, if you could call it a shirt. It pushed her
breasts up to make them look fuller, and it revealed her belly. It had strings up the back,
and it was very tight also. She had curled her hair, so that it hung in ringlets around her
face. She was wearing a deep shade of lipstick, almost black, and had black eyeshadow on.
Buffy was going to her old hangout, The Bronze.


Back at Buffy’s house, everyone was disturbed at the news Willow had just shared with

“You knew about this and you didn’t tell us?” Dawn asked her, incredulous.

Willow was torn. She hadn’t meant for it to end up like this. “Well, I-I... everyone was so
excited, and if there was a chance, even a chance of getting Buffy back, why wouldn’t we
try it? And she is back, she’s just trapped inside herself...”

Everyone calmed down a little at that. There was still hope of getting Buffy back.

“And I have an idea of maybe how to weaken the evil Buffy,” Willow continued. “If we
can use some sort of spell to trap her or something, I’m sure we can get Buffy, the real
Buffy, to resurface, and maybe use a freezing spell or something? But if we are going to
do anything, we need to act fast. Buffy doesn’t have much time left.”


Suffocating. Buffy was suffocating. It felt like she had been put into a little box and left
there, not being allowed to resurface. She was panicking, and knew that would do her no
good. She could see and feel everything that she was doing, but it wasn’t’t her... it was
evil. The thing that had inhabited her body.

Occasionally, she would find the strength to stop her evil self, and resurface, if only for a
couple of seconds. She needed to get a message out to her friends, but she was so weak. It
was like some of her energy was draining with every step she took. Buffy was enclosed in
her own body, and she wanted out.


Spike had had enough, “Well, if Buffy is dying even as we speak, why the bloody hell are
we all sitting here? We have to do something!” He was angry, angry at himself for not
doing more to stop or help Buffy.

“Calm down, Spike,” Giles said rationally.

Angel spoke up, “Spike’s right. We can’t just sit here. Who knows what... that thing could
do while we are here sitting around. I say we get the spell, go find Buffy, and try it out.”
His broken arm was already healing, but it still hurt like hell.

Xander decided to put his input, “I think that Willow, Angel, and Spike are the only
chances we have. I mean, Wills is the super witch, look at what she did to Glory when
Glory pissed Willow off, and Angel and Spike have that strength, so I vote that they go
and try to find Buffy, while we get the ingredients for the spell.” He glanced over at
Angel, then reconsidered. “Wait, Angel has a broken arm. He can’t go.”

“It’s healing, I’ll be good soon,” Angel said. He needed to go, he couldn’t let evil Buffy

“No, no. Xander is right,” Wesley said. “We can’t risk further injury, and you won’t be at
your best with that arm.”

Angel started to protest, but was met with a mass of glares, as everyone thought he would
be better off here. He sighed and said, “Fine. Spike, Willow, Goodluck.”


Spike looked at Willow, they were on their way through Sunnydale, and said, “Where do
you think she would have gone?”

Willow thought about it, then said, “The Bronze. There’s no other cool place to go. It has
to be there.”

Spike thought about it, and agreed with her. “To the Bronze it is then.”

Willow sped up the car, and took a right, pulled into the parking lot, and they both got

“We need to make this fast, we only have a couple of hours before dawn,” Spike said with
worry. He didn’t fancy being dust.

They paid their due, and entered the building. It was pretty crazy, even for in the morning.
They saw a circle of guys dancing around one girl, and moving closer, saw it was Buffy.
She was dancing like there was no tomorrow, grinding provocatively against their hips.
Then she spotted Willow and Spike and smiled at them. She excused herself from the
group, and ran over to them.

“Hey, guys, What’s up?” Buffy asked like a little girl.

Spike sniffed, and could smell alcohol on her breath. Good, he thought, it might make it
easier to beat her then.

“Can I tell you guys a secret?” Buffy asked of them. She leaned in closer, and whispered,
“I like boys!” Then she let out a giggle.

Willow started to say something, and was silenced. She started choking, as if an invisible
hand was gripping her. Buffy was staring at her intensely, muttering something under her
breath. Spike silently moved behind her, grabbed a pipe, silently saying sorry to the Buffy
somewhere in there, and slammed the pipe over her head.

Then Buffy’s world blacked out.


To Be Continued... Feedback me!!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

