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Title: "Lover's Last Words", Part 6/?
Rated: PG-13
Summary: My version of what happens right after the season finale of "Angel",
Season 5 - "The Gift" spoilers, "Into the Woods", possibly more, Season 2 - "Angel"
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They belong to Joss, and they are his to
play with.
Author: Stephanie
Feedback: Yes please!! I love feedback. Send it to
Distribution: Ask and you shall recieve.


“So,” Angel said, “You wanted to talk?”

“I need to know what you felt once the spell ended,” Willow said, turning to face him. “I
need to know if it was the reaction we wanted.”

Angel sighed. He was still feeling the after-effects of the spell. “Intense pain. Like the
world was falling apart, and I was the only thing left. Fear.”

Willow’s face was a mask, and he couldn’t tell if what he said was a good thing or a bad
thing. She started pacing.

“Willow? Mind telling me what’s going on?” Angel impatiently said.

“Okay, I didn’t want to say this in front of anyone else, but I think you need to know. I’ve
read about ressurrection spells, and the results that can be expected from your reaction to
the spell. If the spell went correctly, you should have felt an uplifting feeling, of happiness
and tranquility. But I have read the results of what happens with your reaction... Buffy...
she will be... different,” she finished cryptically.

“Different? Different how?”

Willow paused, thought about telling him or not, then quietly said, “Evil.”


Giles parked the car, and got out of it, going to where the body was. Everyone filed out
after him, and they went into the building. He found the spot where her body was, and it
was still there.

“Please, tell me it takes a little bit for the spell to kick in,” Xander voiced everyone’s

Suddenly Buffy’s eyes flashed open. Giles jumped back, but then relaxed, and his face
showed relief, until Buffy grabbed him by the throat and threw him against the wall. He
crumbled into a heap, unconscious.

“So, you guys brought me back huh?” she laughed softly. Her voice sounded strange,
hard, evil. “Not the brightest idea, I’d say!” before shoving Anya aside.

“Hey!” Xander yelled, and she punched him so hard it threw him against the wall.
Everyone else backed off, except for Spike, who stood there looking at her like she was a
monster. But it was Buffy, wasn’t it? He was so confused, he just wanted to take her in his
arms and hold her! Her eyes were gray, and looked evil.

“What’s the matter, Spikey? Don’t like what you see?” Buffy gave a little twirl, and
laughed. All of a sudden she gasped, and her hand flew out to his arm, and she said to him
in her own voice, one not consumed by evil, “Spike! Help me!” her eyes were back to
their hazel color, and he breathed a sigh of relief. She was back. Spike was just about to
hug her and assure her it was all okay, when her eyes flashed back to their mean gray

“No, no, no, no! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be! Your staying in, I am powerful, you
are not!” she took out a stake, and was just about to finish Spike, when all of a sudden the
monster became Buffy again, and she dropped the stake with a loud clatter, and looked at
Spike helplessly. Her eyes were wide and frightened.

“Don’t let her win,” she pleaded of him, before evil overcame her. The monster Buffy
took one look at Spike, and ran, diving out the window and rolling on the ground.
Running across the parking lot, and she dissapeared.


“Evil? What do you mean?” Angel asked nervously. Buffy couldn’t be evil!

“There would be this evil force inside of her, consuming her, and Buffy, the real Buffy,
would be trapped inside. Eventually, the real Buffy would lose her strength, dying
internally, and fade out forever, and her evil force would be stronger than ever, virtually
unstoppable. We’ve got to get Buffy back before that happens.”

“How?” Angel asked, dread filling him.

“I don’t know... I don’t know...” Willow said sadly.


To Be Continued... Feedback me!!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

