

JAN 02...FEB 02...MAR 02...APR 02...MAY 02...JUN 02...JUL 02...AUG 02...SEP 02...OCT 02...JAN 03...JAN 05

JAN 01...FEB 01...MAR 01...APR 01...MAY 01...JUN 01...JUL 01...AUG 01...SEP 01...OCT 01...NOV 01...DEC 01

Hello, well last time I update this page was...January 7, 05
Hello everyone! This is going to be a sad message...why, you might wonder....well, turns out that friends ended last year,and Im in college, can you beleive I was in mid-school when I started this? seems like forever ago, anyway, with college, my friends, family, boyfriend, etc..I dont realy have the spare time and/or energy to keep this site up to date as you could see in previous "updates", the only thing I've kept up-to-date has been the poll, because I do check that everyday as well as the nice things you email me sometimes, beleive me Im always reading my email you can feel free to write anytime!
So this is goodbye, "its like the end of an era!" Im still a huge friends fan, and Im watching Joey, so a big sorry for everyone who couldnt get their keepers and adoptions I apologize! I'll make a page with the images with a "_____" so you can insert your name and be a proud owner.
I'd like to say thanks to everyone who contributed, and of course to all the visitors you kept me going for a long time!
have an incredible 2005 year and take care.

January 19, 03

And a new year begins..., Im sorry I didnt updated as much as the last year...but dont worry updating more often its going to be my new years resolution!!, Im also in the works for a new website...it wont be all about Friends (SORRY!) it will be about, music, movies...basically like a virtual magazine...
Anyway, here is what you all wanted, what has been updated:
-My info
-Season 9 spoilers

October 14, 2002

So...helloooooo, I was not able to update for a while..and for a while I mean a month, sorry but exams and stuff have not been the easiest thing , thus its hard to update..but here they are the updates:
-New poll question
-Links with banner
-My info
And more its still to come...

Septemeber 14, 2002

First of all....YU-HUH! today it´s my BDAY!!! Im 16 now...

In other things...you'll be happy to know the Related Friends Chain contest results are done...check out the winner!

I'll try to update more over the weekend since Mexico celebrates its independence we've got a loong weekend, no class on Monday!...great huh?

September 10, 2002

Miss me again?!
So Im back in school! =(! but Im still trying to update...now you've got Season 9 spoilers...I havent read them...Im waiting...its hard...but Im doing it!
Also my bday its on...4 days!

I think its all for now...well byebye!

August 12, 2002

Hey miss me?
Well since the last time you heard...well read from me, I've been on the beach, and had to go back to school :( I know its bad...hehe well not that bad..but I did had a good summer, so that's the part I'll miss...
Anyway...enough about me, I'll try to keep updating on weekends,but the homeworks I have keep me busy.

For today:

Last Poll Results

July 14, 2002

Ok, sorry for the long wait...I had to format my laptop...again...so the whole moving of files is not as easy as it sounds...I've got almost 10gbs of info...anyway, Im working on a new section that will be under "Infomation", plus "news" updates.

July 4, 2002

Happy Independence Day to all the people of USA!!
Well besides that, the "Support", "news" and "past news" are updated!

July 2, 2002

There are some good news Jennifer Aniston...and recent Past News
for the Arquettes.Also Matthew Perry and Phoebe's love life.


Jun 27, 2002

Can you beleive it...the ADOPTIONS AND KEEPERS section...its done!...wow it seemed I'd never end it!...but I did.

Also check the NEWS to check out more about Matthew's new movie.

Jun 23, 2002

As you can see the updates for the INTERACTIVE, and also THANKS to everyone for comming to JFP ... I had 10,000 visitors today =D

I hope you keep comming back!!

Jun 20, 2002

The news and past news sections were updated, and so were the couples sections which are almost done =D

Jun 19, 2002

Well as you have all noticed the "new look" is here with a 100% information section...wait for Couples and Interactive next...


May 22, 2002

Well guys we have a new Similar Friend, and...the winner of the JFP CHAIN CONTEST!, so now wait 'til the winning chain is up!

May 21, 2002

Im back!!, and with a little help from a friend (huh...that sounded like a song...)we have a new article about the season finale! check JFP SPEAKS OUT! The Chain contest is closed! and results will be out soon!


April 26, 2002

Sad update, I had to delete some files (videos and sounds) because Angelfire will no longer be offering the 50 mbs I had, not its just 20 mbs and I was using around...49.8mbs so I needed to delete some of those files...sorry!

April 19, 2002

Hello kids, new banner in home page and update in trivia and poll.

April 18, 2002

The trivia, and awards section was updated, check out the awards...they'll close next month!

April 1, 2002

No aprils fool joke...dont worry! but the good news is that I finally uploaded the fanfic I was carrying around in my school notebook...anyway its TOW Joey's Secret...and Joey and Rachel fans...be prepared...I'll be having 2 fics for all you guys!


March 28, 2002

JFP TRIVIA was updated and so was a part of JFP FRIENDS...

March 24, 2002

JFP TRIVIA, and I'll update HELP once the Oscars finish...

March 22, 2002

We had a minor update in the help section

March 20, 2002

I had a lot of offline time today, I sent out around 20 adoptions, awards, everything! plus I updated the trivia

March 19, 2002

Sorry just the trivia was updated today...I have to do maths homework =(

March 17, 2002

Bravenet problems were fixed!
Trivia, Sent keepers,adoption of the month and episode adoptions were updated!

March 8, 2002

Ok...bravenet its still fixing all the issues they have...so...things still need to be sent by mail...ok?
Oh and also JFP TRIVIA was updated!...byebye!

March 7, 2002

AH!!! Im trying to figure out how to fix this horrible problem of the email forms with bravenet!


February 25, 2002

Since most of you have already seen at least one epi of Season 8 I added that option to the poll

February 23, 2002

Trivia and Links were updated!

February 16, 2002

Two new Fanfics by...me! I've really been creative latetly..hehe...oh and also a new JFP SPEAKS OUT! check 'em out!

February 11, 2002

Just a small update on trivia and on the main page.

February 5, 2002

Check out the Valentines!!! and also the TRIVIA was updates ready for you to start sending the answers...oh and hurry up with those Related Friends Chains! I have a really large on now...so try to beat it!


January 6, 2002

Since I started school updates will be done on weekeneds! Check the TRIVIA

January 4, 2002

We've got really exciting news about the cast ,season 9, etc...


December 26, 2001

2002 is not here yet, but JFP's 2002 calendars are! Go check 'em out at the calendars section...

December 25, 2001

So...this are the last days of 2001, which means I'll have to start making the 2002 calendars for you...I think i already have all the pics Im going to use until July but just wait until I upload them...oh
Also we changed the poll from the main page and new episode adopted...bye!.

December 23, 2001

News were updated....and we'll have new fan lyrics, also check a review of The whole nine yards at Matthew's bio.

December 21, 2001

Finally the fan lyrics were updated!!

December 20, 2001

Check the Golden Globe Nominations, also check the HELP!

December 18, 2001

Trivia update,corrected links in the awards, and an anouncement of Brads Bday!

December 17, 2001

JFP TRIVIA WAS UPDATED...the Xmas surprise will be available for all JFP members.

December 14, 2001

Minor update in the trivia...and guess what...my laptop is ok now...so wait for a suprise ...
Also tonight new contest!!!RELATED FRIENDS

December 7, 2001

Hi there!
Minor update! 2 JFP FRIENDS profiles were added...
Xmas touch added to the main page.
The JFP TRIVIA was updated...uh...and if you were sad because you didnt enter to JFP fanfiction contest...DONT WORRY! a new contest is about to be launched!...stay tuned...

December 4, 2001

New Season 8 puzzles..will you be able to solve them?
JFP Trivia updated...
Xmas wallpaper, Monthly Adoptions, News about Matty and David


November 30, 2001.

YEY!...today was my last final exam...so you'll have me here more...
Anyway...minor update...Joey and Rachel section opened...
C&M fans...stay tunned theirs section it's comming...

November 24, 2001.

The TV listings for the DF(MEXICO) are updated. The JFP TRIVIA also updated
The JFP friends are up

November 23, 2001.

Hello again!
What did you though that the month Adoptions were dead? NO!!...I just didnt upload them in a while, but now find the new ones here
Also check some neat work done here

November 22, 2001.

New Similar Friends Opinion about Jack and Jill.
I also updated the Adopted Episode List, and the Episode Guide...as well as The Adoption Page...bye!

November 19, 2001.

The award winners list was updated, and I also upload yesterday what its going to be like a Friends Photo storage page...huh?...well I just started and the descriptions are missing, but take a taste of what its going to be Fashionable Friends!!

November 14, 2001.

Today its minor update since I have just another 20 mins of battery...so the news section was updated...clue:Its about Brad and Jen....HERE

November 10, 2001.

So a new Chandler and Monica wallpaper and also the INFO ABOUT ME section was updated when I realized there was a mistake with the date of my b-day...jeje
I'll be doing more updates...I'll write them here later...bye!

November 9 2001.

Hey miss me?
Well today was my last exam (I still have finals near the end of the month =(...)Anyway...I upload the Nov and Dec Calendars! Also, I didn't update the "Update" section last week but I did an update in the news.
And also I'll update the list of episodes for adoption with Season 8 epis ok?


October 3 2001.

The last poll results were updated!
More to come this weekend


September 19 2001.

Th trivia was updated, and I made a Power Point little comic, but it had too many applications and sounds that it ended being 9mbs! so of course I couldn't upload it...when I make it a little bit smaller you'll be able to see it ok?

September 13 2001.

Not a mayor update...just the "A little note from me to you" from the Main page

September 8 2001.

New Clubsadded...
The trivia is corrected, the MEXICO TV listings, Episode Adoption was updated, new awards, and a huge downloads section will have all the skins I've been downloading...

September 6 2001.

New Article about Matthew on the News Section

September 1 2001.

New Wallpaper (C&M , R&R)



August 26 2001.

Well we have new wallpaper, New links, an adopted epi.and I think that's all. Oh...Also I started to count how many Friends related pics did I have and I had more than 1200 pics!!So stay tunned for the opening of the new galleries

August 22 2001.

Ok , so for today we have a new JFP FRIEND!, and the trivia list was updated, and Helena Reis is in the top of the JFP TRIVIA!

August 21 2001.

The new trivia is posted!!!

August 13 2001.

JFP applied for Luv4friends86 Awards...hope I win...One person answered the trivia right, and the adopted episodes list was also updated...TOW ALL THE NEWS P.II is in the way...an so are the galleries....

August 12 2001.

New Banners HeRe
This week's trivia is up...go HeRe The links and banner section was re-organized!! New BG music on the lyrics and new clubs on the clubs section

August 11 2001.

Major update on the C&M Fan Lyrics and R&R Fan Lyrics
The FANFIC Contest has a new Judge
A new Story on Similar Friends
New quiz awards ; and another, for my Fanfic "TOW ALL THE NEWS"...go check it at the Awards or in the fanfic
Check the J&P section new bg sound; The C&M section is almost done...and so are the pic galleries.
Also new games atHERE New awards were given HERE

August 7 2001.

Updates on the JFP TRIVIAand main page.More updates to come.

August 3 2001.

Also minor update, sent quotes, new Link, and a modification of the JFP FRIENDS
Also the TV Listings for MEXICO were updated because there was a change in the schedule

August 2 2001.

So today, a minor update, at the ADOPTIONS and the JFP TRIVIA
Also a new Chandler's Fanfic award winner

August 1 2001.

Hi! there!
Its August!!!...a year ago I sat on my laptop and started to think..."huh...all this Friends webpages look cool...I think Im going to make one..." and I DID!! Yes...Jeniffer's Friends Page is celebrating 1 year of being on the net!!
Also 1 new FANFIC And I have new sections for you:

Nothing else for today...byebye...!


July 31 2001.

Today I corrected a mistake on the R&R FAN LYRICS Also the MAIN page was updated with the BDAY dates. News section was also updated More updates: New sections:
Similar Friends Links...I know I already had a links sections I just put the Free-4-all-links and the Cool links sections in one section to make the frames more navegable...so was the AwardsSection...and the Adoptions and KeepersNow you will have all the adoptions with a breif description on this new sections...New things ...old things...JFP is always improving!!
And dont forget to wait until the opening of a new JFP Project.

July 30 2001.

Just the TRIVIA section was updated
And one more AWARD But two new sections are been worked on offline one is going to be called : Similar Friends, and the other one is a surprise so...wait for it...want to know what am I talking about?...go here????

July 29 2001.

Updates for today!
New adopted epi!HERE New entry for the FANFIC CONTEST This week JFP TRIVIA is up! The kisses between Rachel and Phoebe, Rachel and Melissa are now up at Who has kissed who? New button of JFP on the frames! Im also working on this months specials

July 28 2001.

New Friends Encounter!!HERE

July 27 2001.

Well not much today...I had to go to the campus today...and Im really tired so...updates:

July 26 2001.

Hey there!
TV listings for MEXICO
Rachel's Gallery
Cast pics
TOP5 Episodes!
Also CMFAN LYRICS;RRFAN LYRICS was also updated
New adopted episode.
Remember that the News Section has always updated News about entertainment

July 25 2001.

A new section called:How to survive on the beach without FRIENDS
Not much today...just a little note on the main page.

July 24 2001.

News sections updated.
And the Friends Fans NEW SECTION!

July 23 2001.

LinksSections updated News sections updated. And the JFP TRIVIA from this week was updated.

July 19 2001.

Uhm...not much today...just a banner added in the Links section
Also a the the news section was updated

July 18 2001.

New Sections: JFP Triviaand Ross and RachelAlso the INDEX has a new look.
Oh!, and we have a new winner from the NON-Friends Page Website Awards

July 16 2001.

NewClubs added and also new lyrics at the C&M Fan Lyrics

July 14 2001.

The buttons for the JFP Friends are up now...so go get 'em!

July 12 2001.

The List of the Emmy Nominations is up now visit it at the news section

July 11 2001.

The adoptions of the month are up and dont forget to visit the new section called JFP Speaks Out! it talkes about the whole "Who is the father issue" its going to have opinions about "Friends" themes on it,and New awards

July 8 2001.

New Awards, an adopted episode, and a new TOP50 added to VOTE 4 ME, also 2 new mag covers

July 6 2001.

A new Cartoon,New magazine covers, 2 new clubs and a new wallpaper (J&P), and 2 pics on the Postcards

July 4 2001.

Two new Fanfics, 6 new wallpapers, and the adoption list (Episodes) was updated


June 28 2001.

New Sections : Feedback and Fanfic contest!

June 26 2001.

2 new Awards,One new Site in the awards that were given, one new link at the free-4-all-links, new Magazines, and a new section: "Cartoons and Fan Art"

June 23 2001.

Today what´s new?
Well let's see, new Quiz, and the Awards section has splited into 3 sections, Awards page 1, 2, and quiz awards. Magazine covers sections, and 2 games on the Fun stuff section.

June 20 2001.

Check out the new message board!

June 19 2001.

Well I guess you have seen the Award on the main page huh? Anyway, a new C&M fan lyric, and sounds from epi 717.
P.S.Kathleen Turner (Chandler´s Dad) turns 47 today.

June 17 2001.

New sounds on the SoundsSection,and 2 awards.

June 15 2001.

New sections:
Non-Friends Awards
Music from the show
Release dates

June 13 2001.

I added an article about Jen´s being pregnant, and her participation on a Music video.
A new pic is asked for in HELP
And a new JFP joins JFP Friends.

June 10 2001.

Well lots of updates were made today the has new calendars Also: Disclaimer Fun Zone Vote 4 me The sounds from epi 602 are ready! Also...Disclaimer section, JFP Friends...and 2 awards were won! Check also the Free-4-all-links

June 6 2001.

I know I havent update as much as I used to, but Im only 2 days away from the final exams so give me a little break,the game I am preparing ; the first section is done, now I only need to finish the other two...be patient and wait. By the way check out June´s cal.


May 24 2001.

Ok, you might be like Whoa! this has been a long time! but actually....no, I have been recording sounds and uploading them, now you'll be able to get from 5 to almost 20 sounds from some epis.Isnt that cool? Also, Im working on a game which really takes a while to make but at the end you are going to love it.ok, and dont forget to come back.



We have a new quiz and an amazing game is coming!


Finally the site had a complete update!! Now its in frames, most of the sections are going to have the same background except for a few one which I like way they look as they are now...anyway, the gallery is almost done I hope to finished it as soon as possible.


New Awards, Im still working on the "credits" and Im almost donde with the galleries, they are going to open with a few pics but I'll keep uploading and updating them, and also the news section has been updated with Jennifer Aniston's Vanity Fair Article


New awards, and adoptions, Im also working on a new section "credits" this one is mostly informative, not so "interactive"...also its posibly we have the individual galleries open soon


I received a new award, I have 3 new wallpapers,R&R, C&M Fan Lyrics,episode adoptions and Aprils Calendar!...check out the following sections: AWARDS,MULTIMEDIA , CALENDARS, R&R Fan Lyrics,C&M Fan LyricsandEpisode Adoption.



Hello there!

Today we have a new Fanfic and I submitted the site to a lot of search enginees


Hey! Well I have written a new fic called TOW all the news, I think it was pretty cool, anyway its in the FANFICS section,I also have a new adopted kiss and new awards...ok...bye!


Today I opened 2 sections, HELP and I re-opened the FAQ contest so start sending your faqs =HERE=

Mar, 18,2001

Well, lot's of thing happened, We have 2 more fics,a second page of adoptions,a new sections of the sent keepers, Jeniffer's Friends Page TOP 100, new links, 2 awards for me, and the FAQ contest is open again...I really worked hard huh?


Ok, so the new look is here...¿¿what do you think??I hope you like it,you can vote about it in the main page. Also the the section of adoptions is ready,and Im working in more adoptions...so what do you think?




So...You might be thinking what's new here?

Well I am working on a totally new look for the main page , with new sections, buttons , well it might be finished for the next week or next two weeks so you will see when it is finished.Oh, and by the way there are new links. Check 'em out!



Well as you saw I havent update this for a while...SORRY!!, but hey I had my reasons, I finished the SEASON-BY-SEASON FRIENDS QUIZ!! you have to answer ten questions on each level, and there are 7 levels, but dont worry if you havent watched 7 season yet, cause in that case you´ll receive another award. I also worked in the Picture Gallery, and more adoptions (episode, season finale, or entire season) oh and guess what...MORE QUIZES!! so stay tuned and come back.




Hey!,...miss me?

No really, being serious, I'll like to thanks Friends Newsfor the Award and also a HUGE apology, because I've link them wrong so..

I am also waiting an award, I hope I get it...so far thats all, just let me finish this "mid-term exams" and you would have me updating almost everyday ok?


So guess what? Today I upload almost 30 or 40 pics for the galleries, so stayed tuned and wait for them.
