Thundercatroar's Fanfiction

You have entered the territory of Thundercatroar. Be prepared for new characters and new surprises.
The Gift
What do you give the person who means everything to you? Read this story to find out.

The Switch
The mutants are at it again.  Vultureman's shifter makes a triumphant return with some very interesting and offtimes hilarious results for two Thundercats.
Part 1: The Little Differences
Part 2: Slaked Thirsts, and Return to Normal

Part Monkian, part Thunderian, and raised by the finest Thundercat warrior, this is Ardua Darkslayer's story. Join the the original Thundercats and the next generation as they face off against new dangers and find new loves.
Part 1: Memories and Parting
Part 2: Awakenings
Part 3: Candyfruit Pie, Good Advice, and Culture Shock
Part 4: Confessions and the Zen of Cultivator Repair
Part 5: Audience with Father, the Bonding Rite, and Departure
Part 6: All hail...the Princess?
Part 7: A funny thing happened on the way to find Ardua
Part 8: The Plan, and Third Earth Thundercats are Go!
Part 9: Secrets Revealed, and Love in its Many Forms
Part 10: The Rescue, Escape Attempt, and a Death in the Family
Part 11: The Battle Royale, with Cheese
Part 12: Life or Death?
Part 13: Preparation for a New Quest, and a Conquest?
Part 14: The Way We Met, and the Totem of Dera
Part 15: The Choice

Wallie Trouble
The Thundercats have taken on mutants, Lunatacs, hunters, Mumm-Ra, and scores of other villains. But in this hilarious story, they may have met their match.

A Day with 'Kit
Just what it says. A day in the life of ex-Thundercat Wiley Kit. No big fights, but an entertaining story nonetheless.

The Last Goodbye
Though he is a wise and much-loved Thundercat, Lynx-O's age begins to catch up with him in this tale of birth and death.

Idle Talk Among the Sexes
There may be many happily married couples among the Thundercats, but even married couples can have their share of problems. And who better to talk about it than a member of the same sex who knows exactly what you're going through.

The Family Way
Young love is in the air. But not only the youngsters are getting into it. The bug seems to be going around, and some of the older Thundercats are a far cry from immune.
Part 1: Rediscovery, Sweet Surprises, and the Cat's Tail
Part 2: And you wonder where Kera gets it
Part 3: Love's Way and that romantic Tygra
Part 4: The Bombshell
Part 5: The Last Peace for a while
Updated 10/14/01

The Thundercats Versus the Closet Monster
This hilarious story is for anyone who's ever encountered that mysterious monster in the closet. Only this monster gets a little encouragement from some tried and true warriors.

And you thought you had problems. Well, be prepared to be amazed, shocked, apalled, and whatever else goes along with those adjetives. ThunderSpringer is on!

Beauty and the Beast
Updated 10/14/01
The story of how the Thundercat Wiley Kit and the mutant Brod got together.
Part 1: Enter Melik, potty mouthed kids, and caring for the mutant
Part 2: Advice from Panthro on men, and the first date

Cheetara's Bedtime Story
Updated 10/14/01
Just what it sounds like. The Thunderkittens are having problems sleeping and Cheetara tells them this story.

The Thunderkitten's Revenge
Updated 10/14/01
The Thunderkittens are captured by the mutants, but as Jackalman painfully finds out, this is not a good thing.

Tygra's Vengeance
Updated 10/14/01
Based on an Edgar Allen Poe story, this tale does what every Tygra lover dreams of. But you'll never guess who the true authors is...

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