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           A Beaten Kid -November 26th, 2003

           A Supposed Conclusion to It All -January 7th, 2003

           Ada Bayquen -January 18th, 2003

           Appreciated -January 7th, 2003

           Another Crappy Day -May 11th, 2003

           Aya Bayquen -January 18th, 2003

           Bad Dream -March 31st, 2003

           Broken Promise -August 9th, 2003

           Choosing Sides -November 26th, 2003

           Counting Down -January 12th, 2003

           Date With Evil -January 21st, 2003

           Enraged by the Enemy -January 29th, 2003

           Fighting the Fear -January 21st, 2003

           For the Longest Time -January 1st, 2003

           Freeing the Ice Queen -January 8th, 2003

           Future For Sale -January 21st, 2003

           Good Intentions -June 10th, 2003

           Guiding Light -August 20th, 2003

           How Sad -January 1st, 2003

           If I Could Have My Way -May 22nd, 2003

           I'm Not Proud of Myself -May 6th, 2003

           I'm Sorry -January 1st, 2003

           Imagination? -January 19th, 2003

           Intro -November 26th, 2003

           Kreigh Ludena -January 18th, 2003

           Left Hanging -January 21st, 2003

           Life vs the Computer -January 7th, 2003

           Mad -January 6th, 2003

           Move On Young -August 27th, 2003

           Needs, Wants and What We Do -January 1st, 2003

           New Hope -January 17th, 2003

           No Choice -January 13th, 2003

           Obviously Not Moving On -September 12th, 2003

           Roar -January 12th, 2003

           Rudolpho Retardo -January 2nd,2003

           Running Away -February 26th, 2003

           Sad Circumstance -January 21st, 2003

           Self-Defeat -January 21st, 2003

           She Hates Me -January 12th, 2003

           Signs '03 -August 28th, 2003

           Success or Disappointment? -January 21st, 2003

           Thanks -November 26th, 2003

           The 10PM Anthem -June 5th, 2003

           The Burden of Bullshit Bullshit -January 12th, 2003

           The Cause of Pain -January 10th, 2003

           The Inevitable Failure -January 12th, 2003

           The Truth I -January 8th, 2003

           The Truth II -January 10th, 2003

           The Way It Goes -January 15th, 2003

           They Are Called Morals -January 12th, 2003

           Time Questioned -January 5th, 2003

           Toyed WIth -February 8th, 2003

           U Fell 4 Me 2 -January 16th, 2003

           Unmet Wants -Novermber 26th, 2003

           Unsatisfied -January 13th, 2003

           Urgh -January 1st, 2003

           What Are You Going To Do? -March 8th, 2003

           What If? -March 8th, 2003

          All poems written by and Copyright © 1998-2006 of Kenneth R. Cabrieto & KHP INC. unless otherwise specified.