This is what i have so far, if anyone has more articles, please feel free to email me...




Token Review - Wil Of Fortune
Token Website

Where there's a Wil
Sunday Telegraph

Celebrity Money
Sunday Telegraph

Wil has funny ideas about history
Daily Telegraph

Life In The Fast Lane Was No Joke
Sunday Telegraph

Stephen Dunne 

by Jason Richardson

Drum Media Interview
Elizabeth Berkley

Raising the Curtain
Southern Cross

Weird Coincidence
Adelaide Advertiser

Off they trot
Beat Magazine 2000 

Risky Business
Herald Sun 1997 

Are Death and taxes The Only thing we can be sure of?
Herald Sun 1997

Wil Anderson
Taken from Attitude

I am the Wilrus
Taken from by Tim Richards

Wil Anderson - Who Want$ To Be A Wilionaire?
Taken from by Ben Zipper

Wil Anderson - Who Wants To Be A Wilionaire?
5 April 2000, Inpress

Wil Can Charm But He Can't Bite 
7 April 2000, Herald Sun, Kate Herbert

A Token Review
Terra Wilius
5ive (Thirty)
Who Wants To Be A Wilionaire?

HQ Interview
by Catherine Caines

The Gambler
Inpress April 2000

Age Review - Who Wants To Be A Wilionaire?
by James Chessell

Citysearch 5ive (Thirty) Review
by Myfanny Warhurst

 JJJ Breakfast Show Profile
from triple j website


 Wil hits fever pitch
by Kate Herbert, Herald Sun page 89

Wil goes to War to win a laugh

Review from Edinburgh
By Stephanie Hills

Wil Anderson - The Texas Chainsaw Joker
Taken from JUICE June 1999 p60

Stand & Deliver
Taken from Australian Style Issue 32 1999 pp44-45

Is your humour Y2K compliant?
Taken from Drum Media 13 July 1999 p58

Wil And Testament
Taken from Daily Telegraph, Metro Friday 16 July 1999 p15

Email Interview

A Midsummer Night's Dream
Taken from The Age

Comedians Sling Off Over Shakespeare
Taken from The Herald Sun 24 December 1999

Twenty Signs You May Have Joined A Really Bad Millennium Cult
Taken from BEAT Magazine April 1999

featuring : WIL ANDERSON
Taken from BEAT Magazine April 1999 By Joanne Brookfield



A mammoth thank you goes to Caitlin Darroch for posting these articles to me

It's bit rich the way wheel of fortune turns

In short, school survey question's a curly one

All Split on the Second Banana

Fix the prix, grand or otherwise

Better house and gargoyles

O springs eternal and everybody's doing it