Read John 15:9-10 About hte Fear Of Yahweh

The Pastor (s)
 Besides, One Does Not Appropriate For Themselves The Honor [Of Being High Priest], But They Are Called By God And Receives It Of Him, Just As Aaron Did, Hebrews 5:4

7 Remember Those Who Rule Over You, Who Have “Spoken” The Word Of God To You, Whose Faith Follow, Considering The Outcome Of Their Conduct.  17 Obey Them That Have The Rule Over You, And Submit Yourselves: For They Watch For Your Souls, As They That Must Give Account, That They May Do It With Joy, And Not With Grief: For That Is Unprofitable For You, {Hebrews 13:7; 17}.


I Will Give You Rest~!

The Rapid Movement Of Lizards Really Attracts The Attention Of My Cats.  And The Hopping Movement Of Frogs Also Attracts The Attention Of The Cats.  But, A Frog Is Smart Enough To Just Sit There Like An Old Bump On A Log And The Cat Can’t Find The Frog Anymore.  The Cats Will Initially Even Try To Move The Frog With Their Paw And The Frog Just Sits There… And The Cats Either Loses Interest In The Frog or Loses Sight Of The Frog.  I Believe They Lose Sight Of The Frog As The Cats Can’t Seem To Find The Frog Anymore.  The Frog Is Camouflaged So Well And With No Movement The Cats Think The Frog Is Just A Rock or A Knot On A Log.

Matthew 11:28-30,
{The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition}
28 “Come To Me, All You Who Labor And Are Heavy-Laden And Overburdened, And I Will Cause You To Rest. I Will Ease And Relieve And Refresh Your Souls.] 29 Take My Yoke Upon You And Learn Of Me, For I Am Gentle (Meek) And Humble (Lowly) In Heart, And You Will Find Rest (Relief And Ease And Refreshment And Recreation And Blessed Quiet) For Your Souls. 30 For My Yoke Is Wholesome (Useful, Good—Not Harsh, Hard, Sharp, or Pressing, But Comfortable, Gracious, And Pleasant), And My Burden Is Light And Easy To Be Borne”.

Matthew 11:28-30,
{The Passions Translation}
28 Are You Weary, Carrying A Heavy Burden? Come To Me.  I Will Refresh Your Life, For I Am Your Oasis. 29 Simply Join Your Life With Mine.  Learn My Ways And You’ll Discover That I’m Gentle, Humble, Easy To Please.  You Will Find Refreshment And Rest In Me. 30 For All That I Require Of You Will Be Pleasant And Easy To Bear”.

Repeat The Following Out Loud~!

I Receive Your Word Today

Heavenly Father,
I Believe Your Word.
I Believe Your Word~!
I Receive Your Word~!

Today, You Told Me,
Cast All Of Your Care Unto Me,
For I Care For You.

By Faith In Yahoshua’s Name
We Do That Now.
We Cast All Our Care,
All Of Our Concerns,
All Of Our Anxiety,
All The Stress,
All The Pressure,
Of Everything That’s Going On…

From Our Nation
To Our HouseHold
And We Walk In Peace.
We Receive The Peace Of Yahweh
That Passes Understanding.

We Thank You For The Rest.
By Faith,
We Enter Into The Rest.
The Rest Of Yahweh.

I Refuse The Pressure And Stress
I Choose Instead To Enter The Rest~!

Footnotes: {The Passion Translation}
11:28 Many Times Yahoshua Said, “Come After (Follow) Me”, But Only Here Does He Say, “Come To Me”.  See (Exodus 33:14; Matthew 23:4).
As Translated From The Aramaic;
11:29 Or “Bend Your Neck To My Yoke”. The Metaphor Of A Yoke Is That It Joins Two Animals To Work As One.  It Is Not Simply Work or Toil That Is The Focus Here, But Union With Christ;
The Aramaic Is “Tranquil” or “Peaceful”;
As Translated From The Hebrew Matthew. The Aramaic Could Be Translated “Come To Me And I Will Cheer [Refresh] You. I Am Cheerful [Refreshing] And Humble In Heart, And You Will Find Cheer [Refreshing] For Your Soul”.
11:30 Or “Kind” (or “Delightful”); See Psalm 55:22.

Be Like The Frog And Stop Striving In Your Own Endeavors And Being Anxious, And Enter Into Yahweh’s Rest~!



Prayer Declarations References

Yahweh, Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven In The Life Of My Pastor And Their Family.  Yahoshua, (The Messiah), And Him Alone, Sits On The Throne Of The Life Of My Pastor, And His/Her Family.  The Spirit Of Truth, Wisdom, And Revelation Of The Knowledge Of The Word Of God Dwells Within My Pastor.  My Pastor Always Walks In Love, And Follows The Spirit Of Our Heavenly Father.

Matthew 6:10
Deuteronomy 32:12
Ephesians 1:17-19

My Pastor Has Ears To Hear, Eyes To See, And A Heart To Know And Understand The Voice, The Workings, And The Will Of Yahweh.  As They Receive From Yahweh, They Lead Us Into The Entire Plan, Purpose, And Will Of Yahweh For Our Lives According To The Vision That Yahweh Has Implanted In Their Heart.

Matthew 13:11-16
John 10:27

The Spouse Of Our Pastor Is A Submissive, Virtuous, Adaptable, And Completing Woman Of Yahweh To The Life, Ministry, And Calling Of My Pastor.  He or She Operates In A Meek And Quiet Spirit, Functions In Divine Order, And Walks According To The Purpose, Plan, And Will Of Yahweh For Her Life.  He or She Is Anointed Help And Assists My Pastor In Fulfilling The Vision Of Yahweh, (The Wife Could Be The Pastor).

Proverbs 31:10-12
1 Peter 3:1-7
Genesis 2:18



Prayer Declarations References
The Pastor’s Spouse Is A Submissive, Virtuous, Adaptable, And Completing Woman Of Yahweh To The Life, Ministry, And Calling Of My Pastor.  She Operates In A Meek And Quiet Spirit, Functions In Divine Order, And Walks According To The Purpose, Plan, And Will Of Yahweh For Her Life.  She Is Anointed Help And Assists My Pastor In Fulfilling The Vision Of Yahweh.

Proverbs 31:10-12
1 Peter 3:1-7
Genesis 2:18
Their Children Are A Heritage Of Yahweh, Submissive And Obedient To Their Parents, Doing What Is Right And Pleasing Unto Yahweh.  The Rod Of Correction Has Already Driven Rebellion Out Of Their Children.  As Arrows Are In The Hand Of A Mighty Man; So Are The Children Of My Pastor & The Pastor’s Spouse.  My Pastor And His Spouse Have Trained Up Their Children And Have Shot These Arrows Pointed In The Way That They Should Go, And Now As The Children Grow Older, They Will Not Depart From This Upbringing. 

My Pastor Is Blameless, As The Steward Of Yahweh; He Is Not Self-Willed, Not Quick-Tempered, Not Given To Wine, Not Violent, Not Greedy, or Wanting Unholy Money.  My Pastor Rules Well His Own House, Having His Children In Subjection With ALL Gravity, Having Faithful Children Not Accused Of Debauchery, Insubordination, Being Unruly, or Of Being Rebellious.

Psalm 127:3-4
Proverbs 22:6
Ephesians 6:1
Colossians 3:20
Proverbs 22:15
1 Timothy 3:4
Titus 1:6-7

Strong’s Concordance Numbers 810 & 506


Double Honor~!

Probably Your Pastor Has Not Taught Much On Giving To Those That Have Authority Over Us, Because He Would Be Much Too Humble To Preach That Because He And His Family Would Be The Recipients.  “Obey Those Who Rule Over You, And Be Submissive, For They Watch Out For Your Souls, As Those Who Must Give An Account”, (Hebrews 13:17).

1 Timothy 2:1-4 Instruct Us To ~ 1 Therefore I Exhort First Of ALL That Supplications, Prayers, Intercessions, And Giving Of Thanks Be Made For ALL Men, 2 For Kings And All Who Are In Authority, That We May Lead A Quiet And Peaceable Life In ALL Godliness And Reverence.  3 For This Is Good And Acceptable In The Sight Of God Our Savior, 4 Who Desires All People To Be Saved And To Come To The Knowledge Of The Truth.

Romans 13:1-7

1 Let Every Soul Be Subject To The Governing Authorities. For There Is No Authority Except From God, And The Authorities That Exist Are Appointed By God.
2 Therefore Whoever Resists The Authority Resists The Ordinance Of God, And Those Who Resist Will Bring Judgment On Themselves.
3 For Rulers Are Not A Terror To Good Works, But To Evil. Do You Want To Be Unafraid Of The Authority?  Do What Is Good, And You Will Have Praise From The Same.
4 For He Is God’s Minister To You For Good. But If You Do Evil, Be Afraid; For He Does Not Bear The Sword In Vain;
For He Is God’s Minister, An Avenger To Execute Wrath On Him Who Practices Evil.
5 Therefore You Must Be Subject, Not Only Because Of Wrath But Also For Conscience’ Sake.
6 For This Reason You Also Pay Taxes, For They Are Servants Of God’s Service, Continually Doing This Very Thing.
7 Therefore Give Everyone What You Owe: If You Owe Taxes, Pay Taxes; If Customs, Then Customs; If Respect, Then Respect; If Honor, Then Honor.

This Tells Me That The Pastor Does More Than Just Preach, He or She Watches Out For Our Souls~!  And If The Pastor Is Preaching From The Pulpit Things That Cause Discord or Dissensions or Strife And Disharmony, And The Folks Rally Around This Public OutCry, And Then Rejoice When Your Enemy Falls, (Proverbs 24:17-18); That The Pastor Is Violating Proverbs 6:16-19, {He That Sows Discord Among Sisters And Brothers}, And Matthew 7:1-2 And Then d—Evil One Can Legally Cause Bad Things Happen To That Congregation, (Proverbs 24:17-18).  Dissensions Are Works Of The Flesh According To: Galatians 5:20 ~ Idolatry, Sorcery, Hatred, Contentions, Jealousies, Outbursts Of Wrath, Selfish Ambitions, DISSENSIONS /, Heresies.  So The Pastor Should Also Be Mindful To Be Honorable And Not Cause Discord Among The Sisters And Brothers~!

As The Pastor Will Be Accountable For The Things That Happen To Their Congregation’s Souls Where They Allowed Hatred or Anger To Enter In.  “It’s Not Yahweh’s Way”, Love Covers

(Psalms 103:7; Psalm 133:1;
1 Corinthians 1:10; Colossians 3:13-14;
John 17:21; Psalm 133:1; 1 Peter 3:8;
Ephesians 4:3; Romans 12:16;
Ephesians 2:14; Proverbs 17:9

We Should Instead Be Saying What The Scriptures Instruct Us To Say In Faith Over Our Leaders.  Such Things As, The King’s Heart Is Like A Stream Of Water Directed By Yahweh; He Guides It Wherever He Pleases, (Proverbs 21:1). {NLT}.  Or Say, {And Believe}, These Declarations Over Those That Have The Rule Over Us, {Tab or Enter Here}.

However, It Still Is In The Word, “But Let Him Who Is Taught In The Word Share ALL Good Things With Him Who Teaches”, (Galatians 6:6).  We Are Instructed A Little Further On In The Same Chapter Of Galatians At Galatians 6:10, “So Then, As We Have Opportunity, Let’s Do What Is Good Toward ALL People, And Especially Toward Those Who Are Of The Household Of The Faith”.

In Fact, We’re Not Only To Share ALL Good Things, But We Are To Give Double Honor To Those Of Who Labor In The Word And In Teaching.

Let The Elders Who Rule Well Be Counted Worthy Of Double Honor”, “Especially Those Who Labor In The Word And In Teaching”, (1 Timothy 5:17).  So, ‘The Assembly Should Give Double Honor To The Person Yahweh Has Placed To Watch Over Their Souls.

To See More On Honor And How We Should Treat Those In Authority Over Us, Enter Here~!


We Will Reap If We Do NOT Lose Heart~!

It’s Scriptural… Yahweh Never Instructs Us To Give And Not To Get Something Back.  Squeezed In Between Galatians 6:6 & Galatians 6:10 Is This Passage.

Galatians 6:7-9

7 Do Not Be Deceived, God Is Not Mocked; For Whatever A Person Sows, That They Will Also Reap.
8 For They Who Sow To Their Flesh Will Of The Flesh Reap Corruption, But They Who Sow To The Spirit Will Of The Spirit Reap Everlasting Life.
9 And Let Us Not Grow Weary While Doing Good, For In Due Season We Shall Reap If We Do Not Lose Heart.

In Due Season, If You Plant Corn And It Takes 90 To 120 Growing Days For It To Grow, Then You Will Have Corn, If You Don’t Uproot It. We UpRoot The Promises That We’re Standing On When We Lose Heart And Say Things Contrary To What We’re Believing For.  So, It’s Not A Precise Number Of Days And Depends On Soil Moisture, The Amount Of Rainfall, And Sunlight, But At The Time Of Harvest… In Due Season… We Will Reap If We Do Not Lose Heart~!   The Best That I Can Figure Is That Yahweh’s Hands On Earth Are Us.  And If He Has A Person That Is Teaching His Folks, Then Yahweh Is Delighted, But Sometimes These People May Become Discouraged And Yahweh Allows Us To Encourage Them, But Yahweh’s Plan Is Greater Than That.


Partners Partake~!

When We Submit And Humble Ourselves, {Not Exalting What We Think Is Right}, We Receive Grace By Faith(Romans 4:16; Ephesians 2:8).  Grace Is The Factor That Gets Us Over And That Is Another Way Of Saying We Also Get ALL The Same Anointing That The Man or Woman Of God Has That We Are Submitting To.  Grace, <NT: Cháris, Strong’s Concordance # G05485)>. Is A Gift, (Ephesians 2:7-8; 2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 3:4-7) That We Receive And Anointing Is That Gift In Action~!   David Respected King Saul’s Authority As The One God Had Anointed, And Later Became The King Himself, (1 Samuel 26:11).

Look Here Are Some Benefits, or The “What’s In It For Me”… {WIIFM}.  “It Is Even Right For Me To Think This Way On Behalf Of ALL Of You, Because I Have You In My Heart, Inasmuch As, Both In My Bonds And In The Defense And Confirmation Of The Gospel, You ALL Are Partakers With Me Of Grace, (Philippians 1:7).

Since Today Is The 3rd Month, And The 8th Day, I AM Reminded Of 1 Peter 3:8 {& 9} ~

Finally, All Of You Be Of One Mind, Having Compassion For One Another; Love As Sisters And Brothers, Be Tenderhearted, Be Courteous, {‘Humble’}; Not Returning Evil For Evil or Reviling For Reviling, But On The Contrary Blessing, Knowing That You Were Called To This, That You May Inherit A Blessing”.

You Are Blessed To Be A Blessing And You Inherit A Blessing When You Bless Others, (Genesis 12:3).

In Fact, Observe 1 Peter 3:8-14 ~
8 Finally, All Of You Be Of One Mind, Having Compassion For One Another; Love As Sisters And Brothers, Be Tenderhearted, Be Courteous, {Humble};
9 Not Returning Evil For Evil or Reviling For Reviling, But On The Contrary Blessing, Knowing That You Were Called To This, That You May Inherit A Blessing.
10 For “They Who Would Love Life And See Good Days”, Let Them Refrain Their Tongue From Evil, And Their Lips From Speaking Deceit.
11 Let Him Turn Away From Evil And Do Good; Let Him Seek Peace And Pursue It.
12 For The Eyes Of Yahweh Are On The Righteous, And His Ears Are Open To Their Prayers; But The Face Of Yahweh Is Against Those Who Do Evil."
13 And Who Is He Who Will Harm You If You Become Followers Of What Is Good?
14 But Even If You Should Suffer {When They Revile You} For Righteousness Sake, You Are Blessed, {Romans 8:37}. “And Do Not Be Afraid Of Their Threats, Nor Be Troubled”.

This Shows Us Even If You Are Suffering, Because They Are Talking Trash Talk To You And You Respond By Talking Trash To Them, Is Evil, {And Always Escalates Into Strife}.  And You Are A Blessing Just By You Being There And That You Were Called To Bless Folks Is Yahweh’s Way, Even When, {or Especially When}, They Are Bad-Mouthing You, (Genesis 12:3), And Is Considered Righteous~!  Click or Tap Below To Read More From

 (Proverbs 3:1-4; Psalm 34:11-19;
1 Peter 2:1,22

The Only Difference Between Good Works And Dead Works Are The Motives.  So, We Want Our Motives To Be Pure.  We Want To Give To Those That Are Over Us Generously, {Not Just Finances, But A Willing Heart To Submit To Their Authority}, But From A Heart That Just Wants Them Have The Best, And Not Because We’re Going To Get Something Back, (But I Wanted You To Know That You Do Get Something Back And The Next Time You’re Called Upon Like At A Car Wreck, You Have The Same Grace, {Anointing} Of The Ones You Are Partnered With In Christ).

Bonus Verses To Mix Your Faith With:
Read These Out Loud, Then Say,
According To The Word Of Yahweh’, {Which Cannot Lie},
I Believe I Receive This As Happening Now In Our Nation~!’

Proverbs 11:21 ~
Be Assured, The Evil Person Will Not Go Unpunished, But The Descendants Of The Righteous Will Be Rescued.

Proverbs 12:7
The Wicked Are Overthrown, And Are No More, But The House Of The Righteous Shall Stand.

But The Descendants Of The Righteous Will Be Rescued, Indicates That Long After A Righteous Person Has Passed Away, Because Of This Person’s Righteous Ways, That Even Their Offspring Will Be Rescued, But The Wicked Won’t Even Get To Complete Their Own Lifespan~!

Sometimes A Video Helps Us See Grace More Clearly… Here Is Grace In Action.
Notice She Had To Receive This Grace… By Faith.


You Will Not See Me, Until You Say, “Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord

Interesting Thing I Saw In Joshua 1:7 ~ Only Be Strong And Very Courageous, That You May Observe To Do According To ALL The Law Which Moses My Servant Commanded You; Do Not Turn From It To The Right Hand or To The Left, That You May Prosper Wherever You Go.

We In America Have The Attitude That If We Hear From Yahweh, Then We’ll Do It.  But Here, Yahweh Is Talking And He Is Telling Joshua, (Same Name As Yahoshua {Jesus}), To Observe To Do According To ALL The Law Which Moses My Servant Commanded You.  Moses Was Their Shepherd, The Man Who Would Hear From Yahweh And Tell The Israelites What Was Yahweh’s Plan.  He Was There Shepherd.  If Our Pastor Is Telling Us To Do Something, Then We Think That We Don’t Have To Honor That Word.  Wrong~!  Major Wrong~!

Yahoshua Said That We Will Not See Him, Until We Say From Our Hearts, “Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord”, (Luke 13:35; Matthew 23:39).  Yahoshua Has Already Come, (If It Meant Yahoshua, Then That Would Have Been Past Tense And Be Phrased, Blessed Is He Who Has Come In The Name Of The Lord”; But To Bless The Person That Comes In The Name Of The Lord Would Be Current Tense And In The Previous Passages, Luke 13:34; Matthew 23:37 Makes It Clear That Yahoshua Was Referring To Other Prophets As Well, And Not To Himself Alone.  Your Pastor Is One Of These People Who “Comes” In The Name Of Yahweh’~!   And You Won’t See Yahoshua Until You Say From Your Heart, Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord.

Are You Calling Them, Blessed?   A Lot Of Sunday Roasting The Pastor And Judging Them After The Sermon Could Be Preventing Us From Hearing From Yahweh And Keeping Us From Seeing Yahoshua~!  Don’t Judge Others, For Then You’re Giving d—Evil One A Legal Right To Give You The Same Test, (Matthew 7:1-2), {And See How You Fare}.  Are You Being A Blessing To Your Pastor?  If Not, Just Repent, And Make A Quality Decision Not To Talk About Them Anymore or To Listen To Anyone Else Talking About Him.  Once You Start Criticizing Someone, Then You Can No Longer Pray And Intercede For Them As You Can’t Be Both The Defense Attorney And Also The Judge~!

I’m Not Saying That You Won’t See Their Faults, Because As An Intercessor We Wouldn’t Be Very Effective In Praying For Them If We Could Not See Their Faults.  Do We Take Them To The Cross To Be Crucified or Do We Take The Matter To The Cross Where That Debt Has Already Been Paid?  Submission To Our Pastors And Lightly Esteeming Their Word And Not Showing Honor Is An Obstacle That Has Tripped Up The Church For Way Too Long Now.  Click On This Link About Offenses To Avoid The PitFalls Of This Trap.


A Good Leader Is A Servant~!”

Also NoteWorthy That Moses Is Called, My Servant.  Yahoshua Said That Even He, The ‘Son Of Man’ Came Not To Be Served, (‘Ministered To’), But To Serve, (Minister To), (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45).  The Word ‘Minister’ Used Above Means To ‘Serve’.  It’s The Greek Word ‘Diakoneo’, (Which Is The Word That We Get ‘Deacon’ From).

Hebrews 6:10 ~ For Yahweh Is Not Unjust To Forget Your Work And “Labor Of Love” Which You Have Shown Toward His Name, In That You Have ‘Ministered’ To The Saints, And Do Minister.

Luke 12:37 ~ Blessed (Happy, Fortunate, And To Be Envied) Are Those Servants Whom The Master Finds Awake And Alert And Watching When He Comes.  Truly I Say To You, He Will Gird Himself And Have Them Recline At Table And Will Come And Serve Them~!

John 14:21 ~ Someone Who Has My Commandments, And Keeps Them, That Person Is One Who Loves Me And The One Who Loves Me Will Be Loved By My Father, And I Will Love Him, And Will Reveal Myself To Him”.

This Is My Commandment, That You ‘Love One Another’, Even As I Have Loved You, (John 15:12).  This Is Not A Suggestion Nor Was The Word, ‘Please’, or, ‘Endeavor’ or ‘Try’ Included As A Prefix.

Read More About Walking The Love Walk By Clicking Here


We Serve Yahweh, That Is Not Trying To Get Everyone To Notice Him
In Fact, He Is The Invisible God, Very Often Working ‘UnSeen’ In The BackGround
(Romans 1:20; Romans 8:28; Colossians 1:12-16; 1 Timothy 1:17; Hebrews 11:27)

Colossians 1:15
The Son Is The Image Of The Invisible God, The Firstborn Over All Creation.

1 Timothy 1:17
Now To The King Of The Ages, The Immortal, Invisible, Only God, Be Honor And Glory To The Ages Of The Ages. Amen.

Hey, I’ve Been Making A Mistake In The Way That I Am Speaking, (No One Corrected Me, Except The Holy Ghost ~ To Learn More About How To Hear The Holy Ghost When He Talks To You, Please Enter Here).  Yahweh’s Word Says In Romans 12:8 That, He Who Exhorts, To His Exhorting.  Well, I Am One That Has Been Blessed With The Gift Of Exhorting.

This Is A Gift.  It’s Not For My Use.  This Gift Is Really For Others.  I Am Just The Vessel. However, I Will Find Myself Saying Stuff Like, “I’m An Exhorter”.  I Think I Am Wrong To Say It That Way.  I Also Have A Tent That My Wife And I Camp In And Share With Others, But I Don’t Say That I Am, “A Camper”.  Sometimes We Do ‘Camp’, And Sometimes I Do ‘Exhort’, (But That’s Not My Identity).

2 Corinthians 10:12 ~
We Do Not Dare To Classify or Compare Ourselves With Some Who Commend Themselves. When They Measure Themselves By Themselves And Compare Themselves With Themselves, They Show Their Ignorance.

Reminds Me Of The Oscars Where The Movie Stars Vote On Themselves.

2 Corinthians 10:18 ~
For It Is Not The One Who Commends Himself Who Is Approved, But The One Whom The Lord Commends.

Like The Tuna Commercial Says: Star-Kist Is Not Looking For Tuna That Has ’Good Taste’, But Looking For Tuna That ’Taste Good’~!

Proverbs 25:27 ~
It Is Not Good To Eat Too Much Honey Or To Search Out One’s Own Glory.

Even Yahoshua, {Who Was Our Example, (John 13:14-15)}, Did Not Exalt Himself.

Philippians 2:7 ~
But Made Himself Of No Reputation, And Took Upon Him The Form Of A Servant, And Was Made In The Likeness Of Men.

Proverbs 27:2 ~
Let Another Praise You, And Not Your Own Mouth — A Stranger, And Not Your Own Lips.

In The Same Way, Please Consider The Phrase, “I Have A Spirit Of Discernment” As Compared With Having The Discernment Of Spirits Gift.  Saying It Wrong Can Actually Open Up A Door For The Wrong Spirits To Operate As Yahoshua Is The High Priest Of Our Confession, (Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews 4:14).  The Only Thing That You Have Is A Gift That You Will Be Held Responsible For, And How You Used It For Others.

1 Corinthians 12:10 ~
To Another ‘The Working Of Miracles; To Another ‘Prophecy; To Another ‘Discerning Of Spirits; To Another ‘Divers Kinds Of Tongues; To Another ‘The Interpretation Of Tongues.


Be Careful NOT To Seek A Title~!’

This Distinction May Even Apply To Him or Her Who Preaches, (Called A Preacher).  And Caution To Him or Her Who Wants To Be Called Doctor, or Having A PHD Making Them Appear Superior.  Yahweh Will Bring Honor.

How Then Will They Call On Him In Whom They Have Not Believed?  How Will They Believe In Him Whom They Have Not Heard?  How Will They Hear Without A Preacher?  *(Romans 10:14).  However, I Think The Term Preacher Was Meant To Be Used As One Who Heralds The ‘Good News’, As A Verb, Rather Than As A Noun, (And NOT A Proper Noun Such As A Title).

In Fact, I’m Researching This Whole, Title Business, (As I Had Fallen Prey).  We ALL Want To Be Something Special In Yahweh’s Kingdom And We Are~!  We Are Servants Of The Most High God, Even Then That’s Not Our Title.  We Are Just Supposed To Serve One Another In Love, (Galatians 5:13).

In Fact, There Are A Bunch Of “One Another” Commands In The Scriptures, Not Just ‘Love One Another’ or Serve One Another, But Also Instruct One Another, But Be Devoted To One Another, Live In Harmony With One Another, Bear With One Another, ‘Be Kind And Compassionate To One Another’, Submit One Another, Admonish One Another, Encourage One Another, Spur One Another On Towards Love And Good Deeds, (John 13:34; Romans 12:1,10; Romans 15:7,14; Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:2,32;
Ephesians 5:21; Colossians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Hebrews 10:24


Benefactors Means, “Titles Of Honor Matthew 23:4-9; Matthew 20:25-28; Luke 22:25-27; >

Matthew 23:4-9
4 For They Bind Heavy Burdens, Hard To Bear, And Lay Them On People’s Shoulders; But They Themselves Will Not Move Them With One Of Their Fingers.
5 But All Their Works They Do To Be Seen By Others. They Make Their Phylacteries Broad And Enlarge The Borders Of Their Garments.
6 They Love The Best Places At Feasts, The Best Seats In The Synagogues,
7 Greetings In The Marketplaces, And To Be Called By Others’, ‘Rabbi’, ‘Rabbi’.
8 But You, Do Not Be Called ‘Rabbi; For One Is Your Teacher, The Christ, And You Are All Brothers And Sisters.
9 Do Not Call Anyone On Earth Your Father; For One Is Your Father, He Who Is In Heaven.

I Used To Be A Radio Disc Jockey On A Christian Radio Station, And I Would Often Say Things To Make People Smile,   Like Working For God Has Great Rewards, I Mean Most Of His Benefits Are Out Of This World~!  I Was Just Trying To Be Funny; However, I Was Wrong About That, As Mark 10:30 Says:

Who Shall Not Receive A Hundredfold ‘NOW IN THIS TIME —Houses And Brothers And Sisters And Mothers And Children And Lands, With Persecutions—And In The Age To Come, Eternal Life.

Or I Would Joke That I Had A Face Made For Radio, (A Face Not Seen, Invisible).

But In This That I’m Going To Say, I Am Not Trying To Be Funny Or Witty.  Yahweh Is Opposite Of Matthew 23:4-9 In Every Way.  But, Especially In But All Their Works They Do To Be Seen By Others’.   In Fact, Like The Lyrics In The Song ‘WayMaker’ That Says, “Even When I Don’t See It, You’re Working”, Yahweh Does Many Things On And For Our Behalf Without Drawing Attention To Himself.  We Serve Yahweh, That Is Not Trying To Get Everyone To Notice Him. Yahweh’s M.O. Is Being The Invisible God~!  In Fact, He Is Does Stuff For Us So Consistently, Always Being The Unsung Hero Working Ambiguously or Anonymously Behind The Scenes, ‘UnSeen’ In The BackGround, Yahweh Is The Invisible God Is Not Just As Aspect His Appearance But A Quality Of His Character, (Romans 1:20; Romans 8:28; Colossians 1:12-16; 1 Timothy 1:17; Hebrews 11:27).

Colossians 1:15
The Son Is The Image Of The Invisible God, The Firstborn Over All Creation.

1 Timothy 1:17
Now To The King Of The Ages, The Immortal, Invisible, Only God, Be Honor And Glory To The Ages Of The Ages. Amen.

Proverbs 27:2 ~
Let Another Praise You, And Not Your Own Mouth — A Stranger, And Not Your Own Lips.

Matthew 20:25-26 ~ But Yahoshua, (Jesus), Called Them To Himself And Said, “You Know That The Rulers Of The Gentiles Lord It Over Them, And Those Who Are Great Exercise Authority Over Them.

Yahoshua Tells Us In Mark 10:42-45;

Mark 10:42-43
42 But Yahoshua, (Jesus), Called Them To Himself And Said To Them, ”You Know That Those Who Are Considered Rulers Over The Gentiles Lord It Over Them, And Their Great Ones Exercise Authority Over Them.
43 Yet It Shall Not Be So Among You; But Whoever Desires To Become Great Among You Shall Be Your Servant.”

Luke 22:25 ~ And He Said To Them, “The Kings Of The Gentiles Exercise Lordship Over Them, And Those Who Exercise Authority Over Them Are Called Benefactors.

The Word Benefactors Is From The Greek Word Listed As Strong’s Concordance Number #2110 And Translates Into A Title Of Honor.  So This Should Have Read, “The Kings Of The Gentiles Lord It Over Them, And Those Who Have Authority Over Them Are Called By A Title Of Honor.



Luke 22:25-27 ~ Then Yahoshua Went On To Say, “Yet It Shall Not Be So Among You; On The Contrary, Let Him Who Is The Greatest Among You Become Like The Youngest, And Him Who Is The Chief And Leader Like One Who Serves”.

So, I Don’t Use Titles Either And Neither Did Paul, (See Romans 1:1; Titus 1:1); Nor Do The Rest Of The Scriptures.

The Highest Title Of Tribute You Could Give A Person In The Old Testament Was To Call Him, The Servant Of Yahweh (‘ebedYHVH).  The Hebrew Word For Servant, ‘ebed’, Denotes, “God Given Authority As The Accredited Messengers Of Yahweh”.  The Servant Of Yahweh Was One Who Was Chosen By Yahweh.  The Origin Implies The Position Of A Slave~!

‘ebed’ OT Strong’s Concordance #:5650
The Term, The Servant Of Yahweh Is Also Applied To Those Who Worship God (Nehemiah 1:10); And To Those Who Minister or Serve Him (Isaiah 49:5-6). The Phrase, The Servant Of Yahweh, Is The Most Outstanding Reference To The Messiah In The Old Testament, And Its Teachings Are Concentrated At The End Of Isaiah; (Isaiah 42:1,19; 43:10; 49:3,5-7; 52:13; 53:11).  {Abide In Christ}.

I’m Not So Certain That We Aren’t Slipping Off Into The Very Area That Yahoshua Said Not To Do.  It Is Appropriate For Us Call One Another, Brothers And, Sisters As In James 4:11 , As Long As That Is Not A, Title To Be, Lorded Over Others.  I Just Can’t Get Past The Words Of Yahoshua When He Said, Yet It Shall Not Be So Among You.


Exercise Lordship

In Luke 22:25, The Words, Exercise Lordship Are Words That I Am Studying Out The Meanings Of Right Now.  Anytime We Give Ourselves, Titles, That Makes It Possible For Us To, Lord It Over Someone Else.  *Examples:, I Am Your Mother In Regards To An Adult Child or, I’m An Evangelist or, or, I’m Apostle S0-And-So or, I Am THE Pastor or I Am Your Husband, You Are Supposed To Respect Me, or, I Am Your Wife, You Are Supposed To Love Me or, I’ve Been An Electrician For Longer Than You Are Born, And You’re Going To Tell Me What To Do?, (‘Exercising Lordship’).  There Is No Humility In That, (Yahweh Gives Grace To The Humble ~ (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 29:23; Psalm 138:6; Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52; James 4:10)
{See Also Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 57:15; Jeremiah 9:24; Micah 6:8}.

Hint: ALL Marriage Problems Can Be Approached From Christ And The Church, (Ephesians 5:21-33).  What’s The Husband Supposed To Do, (Die To Self, Love UnConditionally).  What’s The Wife Supposed To Do, (Respect Her Husband).  So, If They’re Not Doing Their Part, You Are Only Responsible For Doing The Part Assigned To You, And Let Yahweh Make Them Into The Delightful Spouse That You’ve Always Wanted).  You Can’t Be A Good OverSeer Unless, You Are One That Oversees Their Own House Well, (Not Like A Tyrant or Dictator ~ But, If A Person Doesn’t Know How To Oversee And Care For Their Own House, How Will They Take Care Of The Assembly Of Yahweh?  ~ 1 Timothy 3:1-5).

Compared To Yahweh’s Way Of Thinking And Doing Right

Romans 14:17 ~ For The Kingdom Of Yahweh Is Not Eating And Drinking

But Righteousness
And Peace
And ‘Joy’ In The Holy Ghost

2 Timothy 2:14, 23-26 ~ {Based On The International Children’s Bible}
14 Continue Teaching These Things. And Warn People Before God Not To Argue About Words. Arguing About Words Does Not Help Anyone, And It Ruins Those Who Listen.
23 Stay Away From Foolish And Stupid Arguments. You Know That Such Arguments Grow Into Bigger Arguments. Yahweh’s Servant Must NOT Quarrel,

24 And A Servant Of Yahweh Must Not Quarrel~! They Must Be Kind To Everyone. They Must Be A Good Teacher. They Must Be Patient.
25 Yahweh’s Servant Must Gently Teach Those Who Do Not Agree With Them. Maybe God Will Let Them Change Their Hearts So That They Can Accept The Truth.,
26 The Devil Has Trapped Them And Causes Them To Do What He Wants. But Maybe They Can Wake Up And Free Themselves From The Devil’s Trap.

2 Timothy 2:14; 23-26 ~ {Based On The Amplified Bible Classic Edition}
14 Remind [The People] Of These Facts And [Solemnly] Charge Them In The Presence Of Yahweh To Avoid Petty Controversy Over Words, Which Does No Good But Upsets And Undermines The Faith Of The Hearers. 23 But Refuse (Shut Your Mind Against, Have Nothing To Do With) Trifling (Ill-Informed, Unedifying, Stupid) Controversies Over Ignorant Questionings, For You Know That They Foster STRIFE And Breed Quarrels. 24 And The Servant Of Yahweh Must Not Be Quarrelsome, (Fighting And Contending).  24 Instead, They Must Be Kindly To Everyone And Mild-Tempered, [Preserving The Bond Of Peace]; They Must Be Skilled And Suitable Teachers, Patient And Forbearing And Willing To Suffer Wrong.  25 They Must Correct Their Opponents With Courtesy And Gentleness, In The Hope That Yahweh May Grant That They Will Repent And Come To Know The Truth [That They Will Perceive And Recognize And Become Accurately Acquainted With And Acknowledge It], 26 And That They May Come To Their Senses [And] Escape Out Of The Snare Of The Devil, Having Been Held Captive By Him, [Henceforth] To Do His [God’s] Will.


Title Of Honor

John 13:13-17 (WEB)
13 You Call Me, Teacher And Lord.’  You Say So Correctly, For So I Am.
14 If I Then, The Lord, And The Teacher, Have Washed Your Feet, You Also Ought To Wash One Another’s Feet.
15 For I Have Given You An Example, That You Also Should Do As I Have Done To You.
16 Most Assuredly I Tell You, A Servant Is Not Greater Than His Lord, Neither One Who Is Sent Greater Than He Who Sent Him.
17 If You Know These Things, Blessed Are You If You Do Them.

For The Son Of Man Also Came Not To Be Served, But To Serve, And To Give His Life As A Ransom For Many, (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45).  If Even Yahoshua, The Head Of The Modern Day Church Came Not To Be Served, But To Minister To Others, And He Has Given Us An Example, Had Not We Much More So Than He, Being That We Are Under His Authority?


Called Benefactors

Look At Luke 22:25

And He Said To Them, ”The Kings Of The Gentiles Exercise Lordship Over Them, And Those Who Exercise Authority Over Them Are ‘Called Benefactors’.

The Wording Of, Called Benefactors.  To Be, Called Is To Be, Called By A Title.  Not What Your Name Is, But What You Are Called By, (Judge Judy, Doctor Luke, Reverend Jackson, Parson Brown, Apostle Davis, Elder Johnston, Deacon Jones).  And Look At The Word ‘Benefactors’, (Strong’s Concordance # 2110 Defined Below).

NT:2110 ~ In The New Testament, Used As A Title Of Honor
(From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 By AMG International, Inc.  Revised Edition, 1993)

NT:2110 ~ A Benefactor (From Pindar And Herodotus Down); It Was Also A Title Of Honor, (From Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, PC Study Bible Formatted Electronic Database.  Copyright © 2006 By Biblesoft, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.)

Conclusion: The Kings Of The Gentiles Exercise Lordship Over Them, And Those Who Exercise Authority Over Them Are Called By Titles… But Not So Among You; On The Contrary, He Who Is Greatest Among You, Let Him Be As The Younger, And He Who Governs As He Who Serves, (Luke 20:25-26).

I Want To Be Called By The Same Title That Yahoshua Called Himself By, (Not What Others Called Him).


Our Authority & Responsibility

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A King Will Take Only The Finest Young Men,
{But May Neglect The One That Yahweh Chooses~!}

And He Said, “This Will Be The Behavior Of The King Who Will Reign Over You:  He Will Take Your Sons And Appoint Them For His Own Chariots And To Be His Horsemen, And Some Will Run Before His Chariots”, “He Will Take Your Male Servants, And Your Female Servants, And Your Best Young Men, And Your Donkeys, And Put Them To His Work”, (1 Samuel 8:11-12; 16).

And There Was Sore War Against The Philistines ALL The Days Of Saul: And When Saul Saw Any Strong Man, or Any Valiant Man, He Took Him Unto Him, (1 Samuel 14:52).

Note: Saul Himself Was Head And Shoulders Taller Than Everyone Else, {So, He Like The People Chose Someone That Had The Appearance Of Being Strong or A Valiant Man}, (1 Samuel 9:2; 1 Samuel 10:23).

The Three Eldest Sons Of Jesse Had Gone After Saul To The Battle: And The Names Of His Three Sons Who Went To The Battle Were Eliab The Firstborn, And Next To Him Abinadab, And The Third Shammah, (1 Samuel 17:13).

So David’s Brothers Of The House Of Jesse Must Have Fit The Criteria Of Being A Strong Man, or A Valiant Man That King Saul Had Seen~!

Psalm 131:2
David Had To Wean His ‘Soul’… To Discipline Himself.  “Like A Weaned Child Is My ‘Soul’ Within Me”

Somehow, King Saul Either Did Not See or As In The Same Manner as Samuel, {Did Not Perceive David As Being A Candidate For His Army}, (1 Samuel 16:5-13).  Always Interesting To Note That Even Samuel Was Looking At The Outward Appearance, Whereas Yahweh Looks On The Heart, (1 Samuel 16:7).  David Was The Youngest Of Eight Boys, (1 Samuel 16:11).  So, Perhaps, David Wasn’t As Tall, or Big or As Muscular As He Was Going To Be, As The Scripture Never Mentions David’s Stature After This Time Period, {However, At That Period Of Time, David’s Brother Eliab Must Have Been Taller Than David For When Samuel Looked On Eliab And Thought, “Surely Yahweh’s Anointed Is Before Him”.  But Yahweh Said To Samuel, “Do Not Look On His Appearance or On The Height Of His Stature”, (1 Samuel 16:6)}.  David Was Not Only The Man Yahweh Chose, But The Man That Reigned As King For Over 40 Years~!  Something To Ponder Is That The Epitaph For King David Says, “David Fulfilled His Purpose In His Generation”, (Acts 13:36).

Why Was David Chosen To Be A King?  Read Below To Find Out~!


Here’s Another One In The Line Of King David That Was Overlooked~!


Why Was David Chosen To Be A King?

1 Samuel 13:14
Yahweh Has Sought For Himself A Person After His Own Heart

Psalm 89:20
I Have Found David, My Servant.  I Have Anointed Him With My Holy Oil.

Yahweh Was Searching For And Now He Has Found David’.

A Person After His Own Heart’.  What Does That Mean? And ‘My Servant? There Used To Be A Looney Tunes Cartoon Where Ralph Wolf And Sam Sheepdog Would Punch In On A Time Clock And They Would Greet One Another.  Then Throughout The Rest Of The Day Until They Clocked Out, They Were Enemies, Until Tomorrow.

However, Sheep Don’t Keep 9-to-5 Schedules.  My Father Was A Pastor For 42 Years And The Numerous Times Dad Would Have To Lay Aside Some Project He Was Working On, Or Have His Vacation Interrupted Because He Had To Rush Back To His Church Because Someone Was In The Hospital, or A Person Died And The Family Wanted Dad To Perform The Funeral And He Would Have To Cut Short His Time Visiting Kinfolks In The Smoky Mountains.  To Give Up One’s Agenda To Tend To The Flock… ‘That’s A Pastor’s Heart, And A Person After Yahweh’s Own Heart’.

I Have Had Several Folks Tell Me That They Thought I Have A Pastor’s Heart.  Well, It Wasn’t On Purpose.  I Didn’t Want To Give Up What I Was Doing To Go To The Hospital… …But, The Love Of Yahweh Just Kept Leaking Out~!  The Love Of Yahweh Compels Us, (2 Corinthians 5:14-15); To Willing Do The Right Thing, (Isaiah 1:19).  Not For Selfish Gain or Filthy Lucre, {NT:146 ~ A Person Who Is Eager To Gain Even If Such Gain Degrades Their Moral Character}, Not As A Hireling, (John 10:12, 1 Timothy 3:2-3).   It Means To Lay Down Your Life, Your Plans, Your Agenda, For The Flock That Yahweh Has Entrusted You With, (John 10:11-15); And To Do So Cheerfully.  “For They Watch For Your Souls, As They That Must Give Account, That They May Do It With Joy~!”, {Hebrews 13:7; 17}.  It Is The Exact Same Thing A Husband Is Told To Do For Their Wives, (Ephesians 5:28); But On A Bigger Scale~!  This Is A Person After Yahweh’s Own Heart.

Sometimes, An Ewe, (A Female Sheep) Was About To Give Birth Any Day Now, (Called ‘Lambing’).  A Shepherd Watching Over Their Pasture, (Pastor), Would Know The State Of Their Flock And They Would Know That Fluffy Was About To Give Birth And They Might HaveTo Pull An Overnighter In The Cold With Left Over Food And Follow Fluffy All Around And Make Sure She Doesn’t Fall In A Ditch, (Because Of Her Being Pregnant With Additional Weight And Off-Balance, She Might Tumble Down A Hill).  Perhaps There Was A Joyous Event Taking Place Back At The Homestead, (A Celebration, A Birthday Party, An Anniversary, A Feast Day}… But The Shepherd Couldn’t Leave Because They Were Needed To Watch After Fluffy As She Was In A Vulnerable Situation From Predators During Labor, And In Case She Needed Assistance.  Was This Noticed By Yahweh?  You Betcha~!

So, Here’s The Reason Why David Was Chosen To Be A King~!

Psalm 78:70-73 ~
He Also Chose David His Servant, And Took Him From The Sheepfolds; From Following The Ewes Great With Young He Brought Him To Feed Jacob His People, And Israel His Inheritance, So He Was Their Shepherd According To The Integrity Of His Heart, And Guided Them By The Skillfulness Of His Hands

2 Samuel 7:8; 1 Chronicles 17:7. ~
Now Therefore Thus Shall You Tell My Servant David, Thus Says Yahweh Of Hosts , I Took You From The Sheep Pen, From Following The Sheep, That You Should Be Prince Over My People, Over Israel

1 Samuel 17:34-35 ~
And David Said Unto Saul, Your ServantKept His Father’s Sheep, And There Came A Lion, And A Bear, And Took A Lamb Out Of The Flock: Your Servant Slew Both The Lion And The Bear: And This unCircumcised Philistine Shall Be As One Of Them, Seeing He Has Defied The Armies Of The Living God”.

Do A Word Study On Kept or Keep, {Start With Psalm 121:5-8 & Take It ALL The Way To Yahoshua Words, (John 17:12)}.

David Would Follow The Ewes And Stay With Them If They Were Pregnant Probably Meaning An Overnighter Without Much Food Probably In The Cold, Eating Leftovers Alone Instead Of The ‘Supper With The Family’ And Miss Out On The Joyous LaughterDavid Was A Good Shepherd In The Pastures, And Yahweh Wanted Someone With A Heart Like His, That Would Want To Watch Over And Tend To Those In His Charge, And Not Someone Doing It For Money, (Not A Hireling ~ Read It For Yourself). ‘A Person After His Own Heart’ ‘My Servant’.

Notice This About David And Compare It To Being A Good Shepherd And Probably One Of The Reasons That David Was Chosen.

1 Samuel 17:20 And David Rose Up Early In The Morning, And Left The Sheep With A Keeper Of The Supplies / Baggage / Quartermaster Carriages, And Took, And Went, As Jesse Had Commanded Him; And He Came To The Trench, As The Host Was Going Forth To The Fight, And Shouted For The Battle.

1 Samuel 17:22 And David Left His Carriage In The Hand Of The Keeper Of The Carriage, And Ran Into The Army, And Came And Saluted His Brethren.

And David Valued Those That Stayed And Kept Their Provisions, (1 Samuel 30:21-23).

Or Enter Here To See How Yahoshua Kept The Disciples In His Charge.

Matthew 25:23
His Lord Said To Him, ‘Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant; You Have Been Faithful Over A Few Things, I Will Make You Ruler Over Many Things. Enter Into The Joy Of Your Lord.’

Suppose You Know Of Someone That Has A Pet(s) And They Go Out Of Town?  And They Just Leave The Pet Alone With Some Dry Food or Water For A Few Days.  Or You Know Of Someone Else When They Go Out Of Town, They Get A Neighbor To Watch After Their Pet(s) And A Key To The House, So That They Can Check On The Pet(s).  If You Had To Go Out Of Town And Leave Your Pets With Someone, Which Would You Choose?  This Is Precisely What Yahweh Did.  This Is What It Means To Have A Pastor’s {Shepherd’s} Heart.  Yahweh Chose Someone That Had A Good Shepherd’s Heart To Shepherd His Folks.  Except, We Are Not Just Talking About Feeding Them With Food.

Be Diligent To Know The State Of Your Flocks, And Attend To Your Herds, (Proverbs 27:23).

Take Care And Be On Guard For Yourselves And The Whole Flock Over Which The Holy Spirit Has Appointed You As A Watchman’, {OverSeer, Guardians} <NT: Cháris, Strong’s Concordance # G01985)>, To Shepherd (Tend And Feed And Guide) The Church Of The Lord or Of God Which He Obtained For Himself [Buying It And Saving It For Himself] With His Own Blood”. (Acts 20:28).

Tend, {Shepherd, Nurture, Guard, Guide, And Fold} <NT: Cháris, Strong’s Concordance # G04165)>, The Flock Of God That Is [Your Responsibility], Not By Coercion or Constraint, But Willingly; Not DisHonorably Motivated By The Advantages And Profits [Belonging To The Office], But Eagerly And Cheerfully, (1 Peter 5:1-5).

Feed The Flock Of God Which Is Among You, Taking The Oversight Thereof, Not By Constraint, But Willingly; Not For Filthy Lucre, But Of A Ready Mind; Neither As Being Lords Over God’s Heritage, But Being Ensamples, {An Example To Be Imitated ~ Of Men Worthy Of Imitation}, To The Flock, (1 Peter 5:2-3).

To Feed, Implies The Whole Office Of The Shepherd As Guiding, Guarding, Folding Of The Flock As Well As Leading It To Nourishment’, (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 By AMG International, Inc. Revised Edition, 1993)

Be An Example To The Flock”.  Yahweh Didn’t Appoint You Over Them To Be A King To Lord It Over Them, But To Be A Shepherd, { To Tend And To Feed}, (Ezekiel 34:1-10), And To Lead Them As The Good Shepherd Would~!’  See Also (Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52;
Luke 14:11; 1 Peter 5:6;
James 1:9; James 4:10

Good Shepherds Examples In Scripture:
Psalm 23; Jeremiah 23:1-5; Isaiah 40:11
Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15, 22-23; 37:24
Zechariah 13:7; Matthew 20:28
Mark 10:45; John 10:11
John 15:13; 1 John 3:16
Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 2:12, 25; 5:4
John 21:15-17; Revelation 7:17


Why Was Abraham Chosen?

Yahweh Said, “Will I Hide From Abraham What I Do, Seeing That Abraham Has Surely Become A Great And Mighty Nation, And ALL The Nations Of The Earth Will Be Blessed In Him?  For I Have Known Him, To The End That He May Command His Children And His Household After Him, That They May Keep The Way Of Yahweh, To Do Righteousness And Justice; To The End That Yahweh May Bring On Abraham That Which He Has Spoken Of Him”, (Genesis 18:17-19).

Both Abraham & David Were Faithful~!


If You Will Do These Three Things, You Will Always Succeed~!
{It Will Eliminate The Situation That Creates Fear Of What Other People Think Or What They Might Say}

  1. Find Out The Will Of Yahweh, (In Prayer Not From Other Folks ~ Spend Time With Yahweh Finding Out His Plan, His Purposes, & His Pursuits.

  2. Once You Find Out The Will And The Direction Of Yahweh; Confer No Longer With Flesh & Blood.

  3. Get Your Job Done At ALL Monetary Cost, (Seek Yahweh For The Caring Out Of The Plan).  Roll ALL The Care Over On Yahweh, (1 Peter 5:6-10).

Having A Fear Of Yahweh That Exceeds A Fear Of Man~!

  1. Don’t Waste Time, Money or Resources Doing Something Yahweh Did Not Tell You To Do, (Don’t Give Away Money or Time To Someone or Programs Just Because Others Are Doing It, And Then When The Holy Ghost Prompts You To Give To Someone or Something, And Then You Don’t Have The Money).  Is Your Church Having Problems In Finances?  Are You Doing Programs And Doing Things That Yahweh Did Not Tell You To Do, Then When The Programs Come Up That Yahweh Did Tell You To Do, You Won’t Have The Time, Money or Resources.  Suppose You Are Spending Money On The Young Adult Class, Did Yahweh Tell You To Have A Young Adult Class?  Seek Yahweh, Not People.

  2. Don’t Ever Read Anything In Print About What Others Have Said About You, Whether Good or Bad.

  3. If You Stand At The Front Door, Shaking Hands, Pray About Why You Do This..  If You Do This Just Because Other Pastors Do This..  This Is A Place Where The Congregation May Brag On You, Are You Doing This For Others or For Yourself As This Is Where They Brag On You And You Can Get That Extra Pat On The Back.  Just Pray About It, And Don’t Do It By Rout.  If It’s To Give That Personal Touch, Fine.  But, Take A Look At It, And Find Out Why You’re There At The Front Door, (If It’s To Find Out From The Congregation, How They Are Doing, It Seems That Delegating Deacons Would Be More Advantageous).


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