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ARL Alumni
Founders Biography
Items for Sale

Lost Pets
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Say hello to our ARL Alumni!

November 1, 2000


     This handsome, well-dress guy is Max. Max is a 40 lb. Shepherd-Beagle mix. Max was adopted on March 21, 1993, by Pati and Wayne. Max was a frightened, 3-month old puppy when Pati and Wayne found him curled up, all alone, in a cage filled with a large pile of shredded newspaper at the Animal Rescue League.

     He immediately brightened up when he saw them. He started wagging his tail and nipping at their fingers (in typical puppy fashion) as they tried to touch him. Pati asked if they could take him out of the cage and get to know him. It didnŐt take long! Max was quickly wrapped in a blanket and was whisked off to his new home.

    Once they got him home, Pati and Wayne bonded immediately with Max. However, shortly after he moved in, Pati and Wayne realized that Max had some problems. He began taking seizures and was very frightened of virtually everything.Pati and Wayne did everything possible to make Max feel less frightened and more loved. As a result of their constant attention and reassurance that "everything is ok," Max stopped having regular seizures and now rarely has any. He is also much more secure and less frightened.

     Patience with Max and a lot of love prevailed. Pati and Wayne say that Max is a wonderful pet and that he brings endless joy to their lives. At age 7, Max is still as playful as a puppy.

  Pati would like to take this opportunity to say "I wish every animal could find a home where they are loved and adored as much as our Max."


See past featured alumni!

Angel's Story, January 2002
A Pack, A Pride and a Family, December 2001
Thor, featured August, 2001
Bubbles, featured June 12, 2001
Rusty, featured April 3, 2001
Kodiak, featured January 15, 2001.

Max (Pati and Wayne), featured November 1, 2000
Max (of the Blair Family), featured September 19, 2000

Ray Ray, featured June 4, 2000
Buddy; featured March 5, 2000
Abby, Sunny, and Mojo; featured January, 2000

     Do you have a dog or cat that you adopted from the Animal Rescue League? If you have a pet that you adopted from the animal shelter, please contact us with any stories, photos, or updates of your pet and their new family, and we will try and post them up here! Show your friends, family, and prospective adopters what happens after shelter life.

For Sale
Lost Pets

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