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ARL Alumni
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Say hello to our ARL Alumni!

A Pack, A Pride and a Family
by Mary Greaves

   Hello! My name is Mary and this is the story of our multi-species household. Five of our family members are Animal Rescue League alumni: Tina the Bean (the sweet one), Dexter (the Sickly King), Cinnamon (the Queen Maniac), Esmerelda (the original "scaredy cat"), and Sophie (HAVOC-WREAKER).

The puppy gang

Sunny Sam

Sophie the Havoc Wreaker


Iris the Betta

  There are a few other members of our family that were either bought, got, or caught (ok -so I didn't exactly catch the fish or the birds but I have to catch them to clean their houses...)

   These include: Samantha (Sam, the Wise Old Soul, who kind of came with the house...), True Blue and Pretty Girl (the Lovebirds), and Iris the Betta Fish. Can you find both lovies in their garden?

True Blue and Pretty Girl that makes nine...well, ten...if you include me! Maybe we are a flock and a pod, too? Maybe...I'm not sure yet; but we're working on it! Making a multi-species home work is the first step to making a multi-species WORLD work. A world where all species, races, sexes, religions, etc., live peaceably and respectfully, and even share a little FUN now and then. Ok...I'm done with the philosophizing - haha! Now, onto the ARL alumni!

The ARL Alumni


    Es came to our home on 10/9/94 as a shy, scared kitten who had probably been taken away from her mother too early. I found her huddled in the back corner of a cage at ARL. She slept on my knee for 2 days after coming "home" and was a great companion for her elderly brother, Merlin, a 16 year old beagle mix, until he died about a year later.

She wailed for him for a few nights after his death. Very few other humans get the privilege of Esmerelda's company as she IS a scaredy cat with strangers. But with family, she is a purry, whiny, self-centered witchypoo who gets a real kick out of stalking and batting her siblings!

       I believe Cinnamon CALLED me to come and get her from ARL on 10/15/95. After Merlin died, I still had Esmerelda and Samantha, and thought I had decided NOT to adopt a dog. It was kind of easier with just the cats but a lot quieter, too. I was at the grocery store and felt this strong compulsion to "GO TO THE ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE". Having learned to trust "cosmic nudges", I did. The next thing I knew I was sitting in the car with this 18 month old maniac dog who was so beautiful and full of life.
Things were rocky in the beginning. We worked these things out over time. To give you an example, Cinnamon used to jump up on the furniture, pull things off the wall and chew them up...I noticed the only thing that seemed to distract her from her evil destructive ways (haha only half kidding) was (were?)...other dogs. So....




     Dexter, the cocker spaniel, was approximately 4 years old (adoption date: 1/28/96) when I first laid eyes on him at ARL. I went there for the express purpose of finding a companion dog for Cinnamon. It was Dog Walking Time at ARL. Have you been there when the dogs are getting their walks? It was cacophony. All "you-know-what" was breaking loose as the dogs were barking: "Me! Me! Me!" As I strolled up and down the corridors, I wasn't sure how I would be able to tell the right dog.
        Then...there he was...

     While all the other dogs were going CRAZY, Dexter was sitting calmly in the middle of his cage. He looked at me ambivalently. He looked like Howard Stern with his long unkempt wavy black tresses and that made me laugh. I thought: If he can handle THIS with such grace, he can handle Cinnamon!

     And so it came to be. Dex has had some health problems. He's had 2 surgeries (so far) for urinary calculi and has to be on a prescription diet. Though we think of him as "the sick one", his problems really don't seem to deter him any! I DO have Little Green Clean Machines all over the house though...the things we do for LOVE...

SOPHIE: (a.k.a. Havoc-Wreaker)

    Sophie was adopted from ARL on 1/26/97 but that was not the first time I had met her. I had been visiting the ARL the previous November and had seen her then. She was a BEAUTIFUL 2_ year old domestic long hair. All white and pink with green eyes. I wanted her then but already had 2 dogs and 2 cats and I was certain she would be scooped up.

      Two months later, I went back to ARL to visit the animals and she was still there. Only shelter life had taken a toll. I didn't think she was a likely candidate for adoption now and so I brought her home.

      I named her Sophie after the movie "Sophie's Choice". She's BEAUTIFUL again! She is a lover and an antagonist, our Sophie. She actually HUGS people and sometimes taunts and chases her siblings "...wreaking havoc everywhere she goes". That's her havoc-wreaking face in the photo...

Sophie's Havoc Wreaking face

After Sophie came, we all settled in for a while. Last year I got True Blue and Pretty Girl, the Lovebirds, and Iris the Betta Fish. I continued to visit and support the ARL animals as much as possible.

     One day, not so long ago, I was visiting the dogs and I found myself circling and circling the corridors. I even thought to myself: "Why are you going around AGAIN?" Well, there was a reason. All of a sudden, there was...Tina, who had been on a walk with Barb, the volunteer who loved her.

TINA: (a.k.a. The Bean)

    Tina was adopted on 8/18/01 with a horribly persistent case of kennel cough. She's somewhere between age 8 and 12 as best as different vets can determine. She is THE SWEETEST dog I have ever known. How her people could let her go is truly a mystery to me and to everyone I know who has met her.
      After spending some time with Tina in the visitation room and learning her history from Barb (ARL Women's' Auxiliary Treasurer and ARL Volunteer), I went home to get Cinnamon and Dexter to bring them to ARL to meet her. All went well and "the Bean" joined our happy family. Her kennel cough FINALLY got better after trips to the vets and she has taken her place among the pooches as fellow guardian of the yard and house. She loves belly scratches and kisses. She also has been becoming more at ease joining in play with her sibs and cousin, Barney (see pic on right). At first she felt the need to "put Barney in his place" with all kinds of nasty posturing. It worked (well, let's say Barney was very patient with her...) So now they can play without too much conflict...TOO much...conflict.


Thanks to the Animal Rescue League for taking such good care of my "kids" before they found "home"! We will continue to support ARL as well!


See past featured alumni!

Angel's Story, January 2002
A Pack, A Pride and a Family, December 2001
Thor, featured August, 2001
Bubbles, featured June 12, 2001
Rusty, featured April 3, 2001
Kodiak, featured January 15, 2001.

Max (Pati and Wayne), featured November 1, 2000
Max (of the Blair Family), featured September 19, 2000

Ray Ray, featured June 4, 2000
Buddy; featured March 5, 2000
Abby, Sunny, and Mojo; featured January, 2000

     Do you have a dog or cat that you adopted from the Animal Rescue League? If you have a pet that you adopted from the animal shelter, please contact us with any stories, photos, or updates of your pet and their new family, and we will try and post them up here! Show your friends, family, and prospective adopters what happens after shelter life.

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