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ARL Alumni
Founders Biography
Items for Sale

Lost Pets
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Say hello to our ARL Alumni!

June 12 , 2001

     Hello. My name is Darlene (Gram to most people), and I'd like to share the story of Bubbles with you. I am 79 years old and I live alone. I was feeling very lonely, so I went to the Animal Rescue League on December 7, 1998, to see if I could find a new friend. That's where I found Bubbles. She needed a home and a lot of love just like I did. She was picked up by Animal Control, and the shelter had no history on her. She is a little beagle and is such great company for me.

       Bubbles loves everybody and everything. Bubbles is the most popular dog in Lawrenceville. The mailman loves her (imagine that!) and the man who reads the gas meter rings the doorbell and calls her name when he comes to my house. Neighborhood kids stop after school to visit her.


     My little beagle loves to walk, so it gets me out of the house and I get exercise. I take her to the bank with me, where she greets everybody in line. When we walk in, everyone in line looks so bored, but she takes care of that. By the time we leave, everyone in line is talking and laughing, telling stories about their own dogs. Bubbles brings out the best in everyone. Talk about bringing out community spirit! There's nothing like a cute dog to get people to open up and talk to each other.     
     Purina was a big help when it came to getting me together with Bubbles. Purina believes that older people should have pets, so they paid for her adoption through the Pets for People Program. The only rules they have are that you have to be 65 years of age and the dog you adopt must be an older dog (no puppies).

If you go into the Purina web site ( and type in Pets for People in the search window, you can get more information on this program.

I thank God for Purina and for Bubbles. Mere words can't express what she has done for me.

Be smart . . . . Adopt a pet from your local animal shelter!

P.S. Bubbles loves Purina "Fit ÔN Trim". Maybe she knows how much Purina helped her find a new home.


See past featured alumni!

Angel's Story, January 2002
A Pack, A Pride and a Family, December 2001
Thor, featured August, 2001
Bubbles, featured June 12, 2001
Rusty, featured April 3, 2001
Kodiak, featured January 15, 2001.

Max (Pati and Wayne), featured November 1, 2000
Max (of the Blair Family), featured September 19, 2000

Ray Ray, featured June 4, 2000
Buddy; featured March 5, 2000
Abby, Sunny, and Mojo; featured January, 2000

     Do you have a dog or cat that you adopted from the Animal Rescue League? If you have a pet that you adopted from the animal shelter, please contact us with any stories, photos, or updates of your pet and their new family, and we will try and post them up here! Show your friends, family, and prospective adopters what happens after shelter life.

For Sale
Lost Pets

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