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So if you're here, you're probably a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And you know that Alyson's character Willow is involved with Oz, a band member/werewolf played by Seth Green.

It should be noted that I am a rabid W/O shipper. I heard Willow was getting a boyfriend, I saw Seth Green's name on the guest credits, I pieced it together and I've been a shipper ever since.

This bandwagon is something that formed on the AOL Buffy boards in 1997 when Willow and Oz first met. It started as Willow and Oz in '97/98, and when it came close to 1999, we realized, hey, we need to fix this. Thus the bandwagon rages on again as Willow and Oz in '98/99.

It's not something you can join. Just support it and have fun with it. =)

By the way, Willow and Xander shippers? Too bad. This is MY page!

Inca Mummy Girl
Oz sees Willow for the first time. Thus asking the timeless question: "Who is that girl?"

Willow and Oz bump into each other, literally. And Oz gets his first glimpse of Willow in leather. (Now waiting for Hap and/or John to say it...)

What's My Line, part one
They meet! And now I giggle every time I hear the word "canape."

What's My Line, part two
Oz takes a bullet for Willow. Aw... We also find out that monkeys are the only animal crackers that wear pants. (Note: I actually check for pants when I eat animal crackers. I want to know what brand actually puts pants on their monkey crackers.)

Willow and Oz go on their first date to Buffy's birthday party, and Oz learns what the Scooby Gang is all about. Doesn't even faze him.

Reeling from finding out about Xander and Cordelia, Willow asks Oz straight out to make out with her. And instead of doing so, Oz tells her that he wants it to be special. Where are the real guys like this out there?

The whole werewolf thing begins. And Willow refuses to leave him over this, and they have their first kiss and everything.

Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Willow calls Oz, crying because of the love spell Xander and Amy cast that went horribly wrong, and so Oz punches Xander simply because Willow was crying about him. Okay, that's it. I need my I Want an Oz Un-Anonymous support group here!

Becoming, part two
Willow is in the hospital, and Oz sits with her. That scene just had to be the absolute sweetest.

And Oz is back in high school for another year. Which Willow has issues with, but I think she's over it.

Faith, Hope and Trick
If it wasn't Oz and Willow I would be asking for someone to hose them down. But they're just so cute.

All Men Are Beasts
A body is found and Oz might have been the one to kill them. And Willow wants to help him deal, but he would rather bail. Plus there's mention of the Oz half monty, to which we're still left wondering which half.

And now we're onto the episodes I seriously don't like. The clothing fluke. And I'm going through a period of seriously wanting to smack both Willow and Xander.

Lovers Walk
Willow and Xander are kidnapped, adn Oz and Cordelia go off to find them, only to find them kissing. It's the end of Cordelia and Xander (TCUXACOGTALOMC!!!! *), and Oz won't even talk to Willow. We also find out that Oz can smell her because of the werewolf thing. Maybe she just wears really strong perfume?

The Wish
Oz still won't talk to Willow (and have I been vocal enough that I side with Oz and Cordelia on this one?). But in an alternate reality, he does get to kill Evil Willow. I still think they should have remembered it, cuz then Oz would have gotten it out of his system and stuff. Like how dreams are wish fulfillment, same thing. See, I take one year of psych in high school and suddenly I know all.

They made up! To this I say yay. Willow also decides that she wants to sleep with Oz to prove that she's his, but he tells her that he wants to wait till they're both ready. Is he not the sweetest guy?

After coming back from a gig on Monterey, Oz just feels compelled to hug Willow, as if he has no will of his own. Also after thinking she was turned into a vampire, Oz actually showed some emotion. =) And after taking the place of Evil Willow, Nice Willow can't help but wave at her boyfriend as she's trying to give orders. Although to prove that Oz is a gentleman, his eyes never strayed from Willow/Evil Willow's face. (Probably checking out that hooker makeup job...)


So. Willow gets kidnapped, and it leads to one of the most powerful scenes this season, IMO. Oz listens to the discussion on what to do, never moving, completely silent, but when it comes down to the question of whether or not to save Willow, he silences everyone by smashing something. Now if only we could have seen a touching Willow/Oz reunion scene...

Not too big on Willow and Oz. But there was the might-as-well-be-classic "I'll follow the redhead" line.

The Prom
Not at all big on the Willow and Oz scenes. But didn't they look oh-so cute together at prom?

Graduation, part one
Well, I think it's safe to say that Willow and Oz got past the Oz half monty, considering they only slept together and all. I think this bandwagon has been successful...

Graduation, part two
So... They're cute together... They're also all over each other. But they're Willow and Oz so it's cute. =)

The Freshman
Not much to say, except they're pretty much always together. But they're so darn cute...

Living Conditions
Haven't seen it yet...

The Harsh Light of Day
Coming soon...

Fear, Itself
We get some concern from Oz over Willow's powers. which is just adorable. And she won't leave him alone when he's starting to go wolfy, because she's concered. And need I mention the costumes? (Come on, Joan of Arc (Willow) and her close personal relationship with God (Oz)?)

Beer Bad
Coming Soon.

Wild at Heart
I can not like this episode. Although Willow and Oz are adorable at the beginning... Gr... I'm just gonna gr... I can't watch this episode, simply because I cried for half an hour straight after watching this. gr....

*The Completely Unofficial Xander and Cordelia Oughta Get Together At Least Once More Campaign. Originally started during season two by Karyn and revived after Lovers Walk. It was recently disbanded officially due to Cordelia's move to Angel, but it will be revived at the first semblance of hope for us X/C shippers.

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