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Well, I always need help with stuff. So if you want to give me a hand and get your name in bold letters on the thanks page, you can just read this list here.

-Have a webpage? Send me the link, I'll check it out and put it on the page. You don't have to be a Hanniganite, as long as it's an Alyson/Buffy-related site. If you ARE a Hanniganite, you can send me your general site. Doesn't matter if it's Buffy or not.

-I have this thing where I HATE transcribing stuff. See, I'm already headed to carpal tunnel syndrome, so I don't want to ease it in. If there's an Alyson chat, article or interview I don't have on the media page, send me the transcript or whatever, please!

-AOL'ers, got a post from the old days of the Buffy boards? E-mail me the link and I'll do what I can.

-And do you have a quote from one of the Buffy board or Hanniganite board posts, or from the mailing list. E-mail me with it. You don't know how tedious it can get searching.

If you have anything for me, E-mail it to me, and title it something to do with the Hanniganites. Just make sure it doesn't look like spam so I don't delete it.

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