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Here are the rules and regulations. You know, the boring stuff you have to go through before you get to the cool stuff.

If you just surfed onto this page and are interested in the Hanniganites, read on.

Do you like/love/admire/have a thing for Alyson Hannigan, aka Willow? Then you can be a Hanniganite!
Well, it's not THAT simple. If you're on AOL, you've got to go to the posting board (keyword: wbnet) for like 2 weeks, get everyone used to you. But then basically you've got to E-mail me and tell me why you want to be a Hanniganite. If you're on the net, just go straight to the E-mail form. There is also a form on Dusty's site that goes to me. But don't use the form now, just E-mail me.

VERY IMPORTANT: Do not write like a tiny little paragraph like, "I like Willow. I am a lot like her. Alyson Hannigan is cool." We're talking like 100 words. It's not an essay, we just all want to make sure you don't want to be in it just to be in it. We're all very close, and it is like a family. We just want to make sure you're into that.

And please for the love of God, spell Alyson Hannigan right!

If I E-mail you back asking for more of an explanation, don't get all offended. It's probably because you weren't clear enough or something. Just elaborate a little and write to me again. HINT: Be creative. I'm using Eva as an example, but she used all her favorite Willow quotes in her application. I'm not saying steal her idea (because you will be pummeled if you do) but come up with something original. It helps.

In a few instances (four to date), people have been invited to join the Hanniganites. These are basically board people who were basically Hanniganites in everything but name and therefore invited to join to clear that up. In one case we declared someone a Hanniganite in a chat, it was actually pretty cool.

The Perks
-We hold weekly chats for AOL members. It's a lot of fun 99 times out of 100. Seriously, it's a great way to get to know people online, and we're a blast to hang with, if I do say so myself. (Warning, most the time we don't even talk about Buffy or Alyson or anything like that in the chats, so don't expect it, and don't yell if we don't mention the word 'Buffy' anywhere during that time.)

-Plus, you get my reminders. I stole Eva's idea of combining movies and Hanniganites (Here's where I will link up Eva's site and tell you go there to read Titalytic), and in some cases they suck (Illinois Haha for example), but I personally thought the recently-ended Alystasia was cute. Starting this week: See Nick battle the dark side in a dual role in Hanniganite Wars!
-The sense of family. I am not exaggerating how close we are (and no, we are not a cult!!!). Like on the boards, if one person gets verbally attacked, everyone will back them up. If something happens, we listen and offer advice. Extremely cool.
-We now have a mailing list! I just did it. You can to to Onelist to subscribe, and there'll be a button thingie to push to go there, too.
-There's also a Club at Yahoo. But I don't have much info on it yet. Give me time.
-You get to be mentioned on an awesome website like this!

Well, although there are a few members who for some reason or another do not want to be Hanniganites anymore and have gone into "retirement," there have not yet been any people kicked out. There are a couple people who have also had to give up their online connection. They remain on our lists, there in spirit if not in person- um, screen name?

Screen Name Changes
Just a pet peeve I have, if you're going to change your screen name, please tell me. You don't know how annoying it is for me to send out chat reminders and be told that about 10 people are not known AOL members. It just helps me out.

Okay, well, that's it for now. Look for more to be added!

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