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Hi! The Hanniganites are a group of people "Devoted to the Adorable," none other than Alyson Hannigan, who plays Willow on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Calling all Hanniganites! Check out the announcement on the Announcement page.

The second anniversary of the AHF is coming up! So for it we're going to have a party on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19. Want details? Check out the announcements page.

Come join the Hanniganite mailing list! Just click below and register!

Click to subscribe to the Hanniganite mailing list

You can also visit the sister site to Hanniganites Unite! It's Eva's site, Frog City. We basically had so many of the same ideas that we split stuff up. Whatever you don't find on my page you'll find on hers. Whatever you don't find on her page, you'll find on mine.

Angel viewers: I'm sure you've all heard the rumour about Doyle by now. Well, apparently our fears are true... Do me and other Doyle fans a favor and go to this li'l page at rest assured, if this happens, I'm gathering a posse to hunt Joss down and whup on him till he fixes this...

And yes, I am doing some work on the site. It'd EXTREMELY tedious, though, so it might take me a little while. I promise I'll make it look all better and stuff, though.

Enjoy your stay at the site!

-Natalie, Hanniganite Pseudo-Treasurer and Temporary Membership Director

"But I know about the Hanniganites. I can't say it, either. I can never pronounce it."
-Alyson Hannigan

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Members | Quotes | Threads | Thanks
The Almighty Hanniganite Preschoolian Dictionary
Announcements | Help Me Out | Media | Willow and Oz

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