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My Fun Links!

These are all places on the web I've been to, and love. I'm a big fan, of a lot of things! And these sites reflect several more of my other interests, instead of just writing. So, check some of them out, and enjoy yourself! That's what they're here for!

I love Asian art, architecture, you name it. This Buddha is courtesy of a great website I found:

Best of the Web gifs

Another nice site is Asian Gifs


Music is a big part of my life. I listen to it every day, and I have plenty of favorites. My favorite band sites are below, and of course a list of my favorite songs!

Counting Crows official site My favorite band.

Lisa's Counting Crows Shrine A great fan site for the band.

Roadmap to Edward Kowalczyk's Homepage The lead singer of LIVE, keeps up an awesome site of his own, and personally, I think it's the best on the web.

LIVE homepage The offical LIVE website. Tour updates, merchandise (YES!) and more!

Joe90 This is a band that I became familiar with when they opened for Counting Crows and is THE hot new band to come off from E Pluribus Unum, the new record label started by CC front man, Adam Duritz. Check out their website for info on the band, and then go to Amazon.Com and buy thier CD!

A few of my favorite songs are..."Music of the Night" sung by Michael Crawford. "Layla" by Eric Clapton. "Wonderful World" sung by Louis Armstrong. "Lightning Crashes" by LIVE. "The Star Spangled Banner". "White Christmas" of course sung by Bing Crosby. "Blaze of Glory" and "Santa Fe" by Jon Bon Jovi."Solitary Man" by Neil Diamond. Any Elvis song. "Sugar Sugar" by The Archies. "Spirit In The Sky" sung by Norman Greenbaum (thanks Joshua!). "Chariots of Fire," "Mack The Knife" (Bobby Darin AND Brian Setzer). Any Bryan Adams song.


I'm a BIG basketball fan! Every sunday I'm in front of the tube watching the game, or if I'm really lucky, game(s)! My favorite teams are the Lakers, the Trailblazers, the Kings, I could go on and on. I'm a team fan, not a franchise fan though, if that makes sense?

The NBA's official site

Sports Center on ESPN Ever watch it? :-)

Fox Sports Net Fox Sports rocks! That's all there is to it. I am particularly fond on the international sports they air. I have gotten hooked on Australian Rules Football. If you haven't seen this sport, it's incredible! I'm thinking this is one of THE most athletic sports there are because these guys just go out and run, jump, hit, smack, kick, you name it. It's a tough game, and I LOVE IT!

L.A. Lakers at CBS Sportsline Cool info on the team, the latest news, photos, you name it. I LOVE this team! Favorite players are Kobe Bryant, Rick Fox and Derek Fisher. Oh and of course, all of this can be found at the Lakers Official Site!

Don't forget baseball! Here are MY teams :-)

The Atlanta Braves! My favorite team...period.

The New York Yankees I actually like BOTH the New York teams...

The New York Mets

I like other teams as well, like The Giants and the Dodgers. I like PLAYERS, and even though they get traded over and over again, I stick with them. So, now you see why I have so many teams :-) It all started with Kevin Brown...I'll leave it at that!

After Basketball and Baseball, I give my time over to boxing (yes!!) and the occasional Slamball game. That's a fun sport because they don't get a whistle everytime they pin someone and the air they get is awesome. To find out more about Slamball check out SpikeTV the first network for men. I know it says for men, but let's not discriminate...I love that channel! PLUS, they have "Most Extreme Challenge," a great show for mindless fun late at night.


The Life Altaring Institute The Life Altaring Institute “Workshops, exhibits and performances for personal and global transformation.” Winner of our Positive Vibe award!

Robs Playwriting Page A cool site set up by a playwright. It has several synopsis' of his plays, which have been produced and received great reviews. Check out his site, it's a nice place! Also, a WINNER of our "Positive Vibe Award!"

Winner of our Positive Vibe Award, Steve Holder's website Ascending Metaphors. Check it out!

Are you in need of proofreading services? Patricia Brightwell is a fellow writer who can help with all of those little errors your word program won't catch. Visit her website at!

Fictionally Yours A website sent to me by a new writer who deserves a look.

Aaron Shepard's Kidwriting Page.

An Experiment in the Experiential The home page of a personal friend of mine, whom I think did a wonderful job. The site has numerous quotes, explores religion, and incredible design. If you like a good web site, try this one.

Emeril's Homepage Oh yeah babe. Unfortunately he's already married because I LOVE everything about Emeril Lagasse! Kick it up a knotch and visit his website!

Haydens Homepage A fun site for Austin Powers Fans!

The Straight Dope This page is fun. It's a ll about a fellow named Cecil who knows EVERYTHING. You got an obscure question about how lint came to be called lint? He can probably answer it. They have a lot of neat stuff over there, give it a look!

Winner of our "Positive Vibe Award!"


My FAVORITE movie of all time, with my favorite actor, Kevin Spacey, is L.A. Confidential So, here's the link to a very good site with a run down on all the characters, even Rolo Tomasi!

I LOVE karate and martial arts movies, and who made the best ones? Bruce Lee! Click below for some awesome sites devoted to him.

Bruce Lee's Home on the Internet A pretty cool site with pictures, and info.

And crawling on the planet's face, some insects called the human race. Lost in time and lost in space...and meaning.

"The Rocky Horror Picture Show"

Smurf graphics courtesy of

Below is the banner for "The Hunger Site," a website that donates free food to people around the world whenever someone goes to their site and clicks the button to donate the food. It is free to you, and the food is paid for by sponsors. You can go once a day, please give it a shot, you have nothing to lose and you're helping a lot of people. Thank you in advance.

The Hunger Site

I'm thinking about going to...

Insomniacs Poetry Beanbag Library in the Garden Inspiration Room The Theatre The Cinematic Wishing Well My Fun Links Web Design The Fictional Gazebo About Me Competitions The Job Barrel The Observatory Write For Kids! Animal Rights and other causes
