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The Cinematic Wishing Well

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Look into the well. Who do you see? Eric Roth? Rob Reiner? Ben Affleck and Matt Damon? Curtis Hanson? Toss in a coin...make a wish...maybe becoming the next screenwriting sensation will happen to you. But, not wihout a little work on your part...or maybe a lot. Hey, that's why we call this a wishing well! Keep your chin up while we wade through this wonderful business we call screenwriting!

Movies are perhaps the biggest past time in America, right after baseball. Everyone goes to the movies...rents movies...has a favorite movie...and in L.A. writes movies. It is a universal language. Ever since moving pictures came into being, people have used this vehicle to express themselves through stories and words and plots, in the hopes that others would feel the way they felt or see something the way they saw it.

The movie business is not an easy one. But, in every area of writing you will come up against certain obstacles and you know that going in. Movies are no different. So if you want to get into screenwriting or teleplays etc...check these out!

Screenwriting Resources

First place you need to visit is the Writer's Guild of America This site is a mecca of information and links for screenwriters! Don't just skim it, go through it thoroughly and go to some of their links.

The Playwrights and Screenwriters Homepage A great resource site for screenwriting.

Screenwriters Utopia Literally! Looking for links, suggestion, resources?! Here's the spot! And here's music to your ears, they even have a search button!

Spec Screenplay Website For Writers More suggestions, tips and links.

ScriptNet This site offers a service where you may post a synopsis of your screenplay up for producers to look at. How do you know that not just anyone can log on and take a peek? Password protected. That's right. The producers have to be bonafide, and log in to use this service. Check it out, and for a limited time they'll let you post it for FREE! aka Done Deal! A listing of the most recent scripts sold to Hollywood, how much they were paid, who bought it etc. Also, listings of productions company's, other screenwriting resources, and more. A pretty good site, and very interesting!

WordplayThis is a fresh approach to screenwriting and a fun site set up by Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio...full of links and comments.

American Zoetrope This is the production company owned by Francis Ford Coppola. It's a great site because if you are a screenwriter it allows you to upload your entire screenplay to be read and reviewed by other screenwriters on the site. In turn, you must read and review four other scripts before being able to see the comments written about your work. American Zoetrope maintains this page, and also takes a look at the scripts who get 3 or 4 strong reviews, sometimes optioning them. Whether they otpion it or not, it may be a good place to get your script read by others without a fee, and get a little feedback!

Screenwriters Online "The only professional screenwriters site run by major screenwriters who get their scripts and screenplays made into movies." I am quoting their site, but it's true. It's a well done page and offers a little extra, for a fee they will read your screenplay and offer you a detailed analysis of it.

The Screenwriters Room Interesting site devoted to getting your work sold. They also offer script analysis by the "pro's".

Before sending money off to anyone for a script review, check them out. Thoroughly reference their site, see if their site is mentioned other places etc...

Words Into Pictures 1999 is a writer's conference being offered by the Writers Guild of America and taking place in Santa Monica in just a few months. It is a wonderful thing to go to if you are serious about screenwriting. The last one they had, two years ago, had speakers from all over come in...including Rob Reiner, Carrie Fisher, Chris Carter, Gary Marshall, etc... I knew someone who went to the last one, and thought it was a great place to connect with other writers in the business, and even managed to meet a few of the head honchos like Chris Carter and Larry Konner (author of Might Joe Young, Mercury Rising). So, for further info on how to attend or even volunteer, check out the link!

Film ReelWhat's the big deal?Film Reel

A lot of people ask what the difference is between playwriting and screenwriting. And truthfully...there are not a lot and there are A LOT! It all depends on how you look at it. First of all...screenwriting is a very visual type of writing. It enables your characters to be in Seattle one moment at the top of the Space Needle and in Alaska the next moment huddled in a tent. Playwriting does not offer these same visual effects. Often times screenwriters and playwrights alike find it difficult to cross over. Playwriting is all about dialogue. Where screenwriting can be very much about action and visual elements. I am not saying that playwriting is better than screenwriting or vice versa...I'm saying for a playwright to skip over to a movie script can be difficult to now factor in new locations and events they weren't able to accomodate before and screenwriters may find playwriting difficult for the opposite reason, they lose their locations, sets..etc... My advice is to try both. Get a book, or a software program that will teach or do the formats for you. Write one of each...even if they are short. Get the hang of writing both. Then you'll be able to decide for yourself which arena you find easier to write in.

Barbed Wire

People have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories don't have a middle or an end anymore. They usually have a beginning that never stops beginning.

Steven Spielberg

Barbed Wire

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The Hunger Site,

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