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The Job Barrel

Writers love to write, and they will do so whether they are paid or not. However, in the world we live in we must pay bills, and this means having a job to do that. Writing does not always pay, but it CAN! Here are several links to resources on-line. These are some great websites I have found in searching for my own work, and there really are good jobs out there.

The biggest tip I have in looking for these, is to stay on top of new work! There are new job postings daily on some of these sites, some of them are weekly, but there are so many writers out there, if you do not keep up with new postings, another writer will snatch a job you would have loved to have, simply because you didn't catch it in time. So be on the lookout! Good luck!

Please keep in mind, I have not written or sold to all of these places listed below. Follow common sense when submitting your work, and if anything sounds fishy to you, or too good to be true, trust your gut instinct!

Below are some wonderful links!


Roberts Publishing This is my publisher, and currently they are holding an open call for manuscripts. The books will be published electronically. If you're interested, take a look at their submission guidelines

Creative Freelancers: Help Wanted This is through the About.Com website, and has a great listing of jobs in a variety of fields. I found this website through a suggestion from a visitor to "The Courtyard," and was happily surprised to see the kinds of jobs, or "gigs" as they call them, that they had listed. Check it out, writers are under "Creative/Media."

SunOasis Jobs A wonderful site I go to often. It updates its job postings daily, and offers a wide variety of writing jobs. Some staff positions, some freelance, some telecommuting.

Freelance Writing.Com Interviews, articles, and resources for the freelance writers. How to get started, how to find work and more.

News Jobs Network A website with an alphabetical listing of several other websites that have job listings for writers. Also, they look for jobs for you in Canada as well, if you need something up that way.

Inscriptions Inscriptions E-Zine has a wonderful job page updated weekly with several postitions to choose from, and also keeps up its listings from the prior week. Top knotch listings make their newsletter, I really recommend this one.

Media Bistro Formerly "Hire Minds." An excellent website for the more experienced writer. This website updates daily it's listings of jobs with some big names in publishing and e-literature (websites, e-zines, etc.) Not a jobsite designed for "new" writers, but a very good one none the less.

WritersWrite Jobs page Writers Write has an extensive listing of classified ads placed by individuals and companies needing writers. This is updated often, and is a good resource.

Search over 50,000 FRESH jobs!

Type "Writer" in the search box for listings you want!

The Roberts Publishing Book Club and Newsletter only at!

Lookout! Wonderful resource!

Published! How to reach writing success! is the name of this great website. It is run by a professional and successful freelance writer and offers a ton of free advice on how to make money in writing. The website also offers classes, and more.

"The writer must earn money to be able to live and to write, but he must by no means live and write for the purpose of making money."

Karl Marx

Roberts Publishing.

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