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The Theatre

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Playwriting is my favorite form of writing. As soon as I finished my first one, I knew that it was my passion. I want to help any other aspiring playwrights out there to find the resources they need to learn about the craft. There are several on-line sources that provide information about playwriting, and wonderful tips from the business. There are also several books on the topic that can be very helpful.

I have now completed one full length play, "Share The Wealth", one one act play, and co-authored several short plays. The key obviously to playwriting and in fact with any writing, is getting your work out there, and self promotion. If you're scared of being rejected this isn't the business for you! But, I can tell you, once you do see something, see it in print, or see it produced, you're very thankful you had the guts to hang in there and keep trying. And that's what you have to do, keep trying.

Here are some links that can help get you started learning all about playwriting.

Suggestion Read some of the classics...Eugene O'neill, Oscar Wilde, Neil Simon, Arthur Miller, Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, Edward Albee...they are all cornerstones in the theatre and there is so much to learn from reading what they have written.

Theatre Communications Group This site is one I found early on in my playwriting and never bookmarked! So, then when I tried to find it again, I couldn't. Alas, I ran into it again and I am putting it here for all to bookmark! Don't just go to this page...go to all of their pages. There is a ton of valuable info on this site and you have to surf to get it. But it is worth it! They are the publishers of The Dramatists Sourcebook! If you are only going to go to one web page for playwriting (God forbid), go to this one at least!

The Dramatists Play Service A play publishing company. It has literally dozens of titles, to rifle through from brand new plays to classics. Give it a look, and read some of the synopsis'of the plays.

The Playwrights Forum Homepage A great place for good links, and information.

Playwrights on the Web Playwrights on the Web - an international database of playwrights & their websites, offering production & publishing opportunities.

The Internet Theatre Bookshop at offers virtually every play currently published in the English language & includes specialist Music, Dance, Cinema, TV & Radio sections.

Screenwriter's and Playwrights Home Page. An award winning resource page, with plenty of links and suggestions! Be sure to check out his "Highlights For Playwrights" page for some invaluable resources.

Dramatic Exchange This is a website where playwrights can literally post their plays up on-line and they can be read by others. I have heard many good things about this website from reputable playwrights who have garnered many productions from having their work up there. I have not dealt with them myself, however, and I am not sure exactly how they work, so I do't personally endorse or discredit them, but it is certainly worth looking into.

Performing Arts at A listing of different stage awards that are given out including the Tony, Obie and Drama Critics Circle Awards. It has listings of past winners, resources, etc..

Playwriting Resources at ELAC A great resource page.

The Dramatists Guild

The Dramatists Guild is an organization of over 8,000 members. The Guild is the only professional association for playwrights, lyricists and composers. Joining the Guild is terribly important once you've decided you want to really pursue playwriting. They can help you with contracts; they have a toll free number you can call for advice on contracts, copyrights, producers, publishers etc..; they offer 3 seperate publications over the year that you wlll be subscribed to which contain valuable info on all the up to date happenings in the theater world. You can join the Guild at the entry level once you have written a play. The cost is $75 (or $35 if you happen to be a student) and well worth every penny. Their address is:

The Dramatists Guild
1501 Broadway Suite 701
New York, NY 10036

Write them for an application.

A Suggestion From The Tool Shed

Anyone who has typed up a play, a screenplay, etc... without the help of any software, knows it is a pain in the butt to try and figure out margins, spacing, proper formatting, and everything in between. Naturally, as writers, we write, and don't want to mess with all of that other stuff! So, my suggestion to you, if you are serious about this business, is to get the program that I have. It is called ScriptThing. It has several formats in it's directory including plays, screenplays, teleplays, radio plays, you name it. IT sets up the margins, IT handles the spacing, and all you have to do is type. It saves hours of time, and makes your job as a writer a whole lot easier.

Also worth mentioning...once you have finished your play, and before you send it out to be viewed by the world, register it with the Writer's Guild of America. This records the date that the piece was written and works to help prevent your work being stolen.

Wanna Read Some Of The Classics? Or About The People Who Wrote Them?...Pick A Playwright.

Below are some links to web sites I have personally been to, that focus on these playwrights. I have not created the links...but absolutely suggest going to them, because there is some great info there, and a lot of written works. Next to each name I have listed some of the plays, or other works of theirs, in case you're not sure of what they have written.

Anton Chekhov "The Three Sisters", "The Cherry Orchard", "Uncle Vanya"

Henrik Ibsen " A Dolls House"

Tom Stoppard "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead"...Academy Award Winner (with Marc Norman) for "Shakespeare In Love."

Oscar Wilde "The Importance Of Being Earnest" , "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (a novel)

Shakespeare "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet", "Troilus and Cressida","Richard The III","Antony and Cleopatra" and many many others.

Arthur Miller "All My Sons" , "The Crucible" , "Death of a Salesman", "A View From The Bridge", "The Misfits" (a film)

Other Playwrights I like!

Robs Playwriting Page A cool site set up by playwright Robert Ainsworth. It has several synopsis' of his plays, which have been produced and received great reviews. Check out his site, it's a nice place!

Home Page of Jon Dorf A playwright out of PA, whose plays include "Jesus at the Taco Stand" and "A-Bomb Wedding." He also offers help to young playwrights, which is greatly needed in the theatre! I nice site.

Bob Jude Ferrante's Personal Homepage This is a very nice guy, who happens to be a playwright and director out of New York. Above is the link to his personal page and here is a link to his playwriting lab, NY Play Development. These pages both have a lot of information. He also has a web ring, I am a member of and if you are a playwright with a web site devoted to your work, you should be a member of, called "La Ronde", which you can reach by going to these pages.

I used to have a long, long, persoal thought here about the benefits of entering your work in competitions. For this speech, please see...check out "The Courtyard's" competition page!

Where do I send my play when I'm done??

There are two books I can't recommend to you enough. Between them, you should have enough resources alone to keep you busy until the next edition comes out! The books are:

The Dramatists Sourcebook. This one comes out around August. It has the same kinds of listings. The benefit of getting both is that just about the time the info in one may change, the other book comes out with updated info.

Most public libraries will carry one or both of these books. If you can't find them there, check your bookstore. If you still can't find them, have the bookstore order them. You won't regret it.

"Writer's Market." Now this does have listings for ALL kinds of writing, not just playwriting, but it does have listings of theatres, contests and fellowships. Worth renting at the library at LEAST.

Barbed Wire

There is no darkness, but ignorance.

William Shakespeare

Barbed Wire

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The Hunger Site

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