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The Observatory

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writers Welcome!

I have included Science Fiction and Fantasy writers on the same page, because so many of their resources are found in the same places, that making two separate areas for them would be redundant. In many ways they are interwoven, and sometimes they are not. A few of the sites will deal with only one of them, while the others include both genres. Below you will find the beginnings of my new page. I will add more links as I am able. For now, here is a start!

Professional Resources

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America The guild of this genre. It has good link, guidelines for writers, tips, scam updates and more. More of a networking website, where you can find info from other writers, producers etc. Still a good resource.

Critters Workshop I won't call this a professional workshop, because I'm not sure how many pro writers belong to it, as opposed to beginners, but it looks like a good networking tool. It is a website devoted to writing and reading of sci-fi, primarily sharing it between readers and reviewing each others work.


Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database. You can sign up to be a member, and receive loads of information on publications, history of the genre, etc.

The AFU & Urban Legends Archive. Need to know about a myth, or Urban Legend for your new fantasy? They've got it!

Publications / Markets

Science Fiction Weekly With over 250,000 readers, this is one of the largest sci-fi publications aorund. Good news, they take submissions!

Science Fiction and Fantasy World. A huge website devoted to sci-fi and fantasy lit, and they take submissions!

Event Horizon This is an online publication that officially stopped putting up new info in 1999, but still has all of it's archives up on the site. That includes interviews from more authors, tips and so on.

Spicy Green Iguana I kid you not. This website is a genre magazine resource site. It has a ton of listings of specific genre publications, semi-pro, pro and so on. There are some genres not sci-fi or fantasy, but you can sift past some of those to find what you need. A pretty good place.

Paula Fleming's Market List These are markets specifically for Science Fiction and Fantasy writing!

Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine Probably one of the largest Sci-Fi publication there is. You might have to find writer's guidelines in Writer's Market, because I don't know that they just list them on the site. If nothing else, a subscription would sure help for learning style.

Fantasy and Science Fiction Another major Sci-Fi publication. Writer's guidelines ARE posted on the site.

Artemis Magazine A Sci-Fi magazine published quarterly. Writer's Guidelines are on the website.

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