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Silver Quill Winners Circle!

Below is a listing of all Silver Quill winners. They are in alphabetical order by last name.

Tara Atkinson, "Your Blue Shirt." (poem) November 2002.

Carla Carpenter, "Notes of a Dreamer." (short story) February 2003.

Damon Cavalchini, "The Twenty Fifth Day." (short story) July 2001.

Marilyn Cron, "Berry Pie."August 2000.

Candace Drimmer, "A Belief In Magic." (short story) October 2000.

Owen Dwyer, "Respite." (short story) July 2002.

Owen Dwyer, "Beaten Docket." (short story) July 2002.

Hillary Erck, "The Object." (short story) August 2001.

Chris Fischer, "Best of Breed" (short story) and "It Is To Weep" (poem). January 2001.

Chris Fischer, "Admin/Asst." (poem). June 2001.

Kelly Gamble, A Civil Soldier." (short story) November 2000.

Kelly Gamble, "Easy Money." (short story) December 2000.

Holly Green, "Family Secrets." (short story) May 2002.

Amy Hartl Sherman,"Grasshoppers." (poem) August 2002.

Jeremy Kehoe, "I Suck at Yahtzee." (poem) October, 2002.

Coreen Kopper, "The Apple Tree." (poem) August 2000.

Angela Lantzy, "Defining A Life." (short story) April 2002.

Carol McAllister, Tattooed Dreams." (short story) August 2000.

Brian Nally, "The Grievance." (short story February 2001.

Virgil Poulter, "Albert Gene." (short story) February 2001.

Lou Ann Prosack, "The Tree." (poem) June 2000.

Noah McCormack, "Monterey Morning," (poem) November 2002.

Monica McKayhan, "Aunt Pearl." (short story) October 2001.

Lin Fong-O'Neill, "A Parent In-Training." (short story) November 2001.

Jeremy Reynolds, "The Snake's Pit." (short story) July 2001.

Gina Romsdahl, "Mostly Good."* (short story) April 2000.

Gina Romsdahl, "The Kindness of Strangers." (short story) July 2001.

Mathew Rubin, The End of the Line." (short story) November 2002.

Lara Sargent, "Me and My Star." (poem) August 2002.

Norma Sherry, "Sam." (short story) August 2001.

Andrew Stames, "The Homecoming." (short story) October, 2002.

Edward Twardokus, "A Conflict of the Heart." (short story) August 2000.

Christopher Tilley, "One More Hill." (poem) July 2001.

Janelle Vernon, "Denied," and "Chocolate Kisses." (poems) June 2001.

Misha Skye, "Spring's Surprise." (short story) February 2002.

Phillip Wolf, "Little Hearts Need Big Miracles." (short story) May 2002.

Christina Yu, Portrait of a Sixteen Year Old." (short story) August 2000.

Rachel Zwicker, "School Blues." (short story) August 2000.

* First ever Silver Quill Winner!

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