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November 29, 2005 - Tuesday

Rainy, very windy.

An interesting day. In the morning I was up before Fumihiko. He had to leave before me to do something with his license. I had a sort of relaxing morning after he left. I was a bit mad because he'd left his garbage all over. I don't know what it is about him but when he unwraps something he never throws the wrapping out.

Work wasn't too bad today. I wasn't very busy. I did some cleaning, some planning and some other stuff too. Classes went well, although they were all one person classes.

After work Fumihiko took me out for dinner to Oiichi in Voice. We had a nice meal.

We came home then and spent some time together. Now I'm watching The West Wing. I love that show, but I've never mentioned that before have I?

Anyway, I have to run. Have a good night! Bye.


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