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February 20, 2007 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm. Gorgeous day!

I had an okay day today. I got up at a reasonable time and I did a bit of laundry and I even did some mending for Fumihiko. I don't think he noticed though.

I watched a couple of episodes of Friends while I cooked and ate brunch. That was rather fun. One of them was the episode where Monica sang. She was on stage and she was wearing a see-through shirt and no bra. It was hilarious. She wasn't a bad singer I thought.

I left for my school around 5 and stopped in at the drugstore on the way for more sugarfree chocolate. I got to the school and parked my bike. I was wearing my backpack as usual but it was a bit heavy. I'd brought some magazines for my student and they were heavy! I prepared for my class and then when my student came, I taught the class. It went well I think.

After class I finished up, cleaned up and called hubby. He came to get me and he brought my other magazines for the student. Yep, I'm giving her a lot! Yay. We came straight home and started supper. We had shabu-shabu. It was quite easy from my point of view. Fumihiko made the soup out of dashi and I set the table. We used a bit of the kosho that a friend sent me in our dipping sauce and it was really nice.

When we finished dinner, Fumihiko went to a bar. It's not like that! Since his party last Friday he can't find his glasses. He'd gone to the bar with some friends that night, and he was thinking he might have lost them there. He didn't. While he was gone I discovered The Sopranos was on. I did the dishes and watched. At 11:00, Doctor Who was on. Doctor Who--ooo, Doctor Who--ooo....come on, sing it with me now! It was a very strange episode, told from the point of view of a man who'd had a couple of run-ins with The Doctor. Now, how's this for a coincidence? On Doctor Who, some characters performed "Don't Bring Me Down" by ELO. Then, at midnight on WOWOW (different channel) there was a music special about ELO. It was cool. I heard Last Train to London for the first time in 5? 10? 15?? 20??? years and I still knew all of the words. I should mention that ELO was never my favourite band, but I did like them. We got one of their records from Columbia House because we didn't send the postcard back in time to stop it from being sent automatically. It turned out that I LOVED it and played it all the time.

When Doctor Who came one, I came over to my computer and watched and read email. I did a bit of web surfing and I plied my hubby with a bit of alcohol. We each had a small sherry. I was shocked to see him put an ice cube in his. Philistine!

Anyway, that's it for my day. Tomorrow Fumihiko is off work but I'm working. We'll hopefully go to the taxation department in the early part of the day, but I'm hoping that hubby will go to the doctor first. His back is so bad today that he can't move very well.

The Daily Rant

I'm almost at my 10th anniversary of coming to Japan. It's been good, it's been bad, it's been great, it's been funny. One thing that I missed at first was Joe's Rant. It's a Canadian beer commercial which I didn't see until it was on a tape of TV shows that my sister made for me. Now, through the magic of the internet, I can see it anytime I like. I feel a bit strange linking to it here, especially since I don't drink beer. But, it makes me cry every time I watch it. I'm proud of my country and this commercial made many Canadians realize that they have a country they can take pride in. So today, I'm not going to rant, I'm going to let Joe rant for me.

Ironically, the company no longer uses the line "I am Canadian" as the Canadian company was bought by an American company!



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