Sunny and warm. Lots of snow on the ground though.
A good day, but not what I had planned! Last night one of my students phoned and cancelled her lesson today. Well, this morning, the mother of one student phoned and cancelled his lesson because he is sick, and later on the other student cancelled her lesson by email. Argh! Three classes and they all cancelled.
So, I had the day off, and Fumihiko had the day off. Yay for us! What did we do with it? Well, in the morning Fumihiko went to a massage place. He didn't get accupuncture, but it was something similar. I stayed home and watched the news and then The Sopranos.
In the afternoon we went out and ran a few errands. I wanted to make a deposit and I had a bill to pay. After that we had lunch at the evil place. It was okay today. I didn't eat too much. Hubby, I'm not sure about.
After lunch we went by my school for a while and I prepped for Saturday. Hopefully those students won't cancel too! When I finished I joined Fumihiko on the floor where he was trying to snooze. I finally suggested that we go home and take a nap. Our bed is much more comfortable than the cold floor.
So we came home and had quite a long nap. It was very nice!
After we made dinner. Fumihiko cooked some stuff that he got at work and I made buta kimchee. It was really good tonight. I sauteed some pork with some kimchee and soft tofu. Yum.
We didn't do too much tonight. We watched the Omen Movies. They freaked me out, but they didn't do much for Fumihiko. I was wondering if it was because I know what everything is supposed to mean, but he doesn't. The evil things in Japan just aren't the same things as are evil in North America. We went through a ghost house in Japan, I didn't get scared, but hubby did. Interesting isn't it?
And that's about it for me. Remember, I'll be away for a couple of nights, so please don't miss me too much! Take care.
Night night.