Rainy, but clearing in the evening.
This morning I had a hard time getting out of bed, but still, I did it! I watched the news and also The Sopranos while I explored my computer further. So far, I really like it, with one exception. It's really small! The screen seems a lot smaller than my last one, even though it isn't much smaller.
I had a bit of a veggie morning. After a bit I showered, then returned to my computer to watch the two episodes of Medium that I'd missed. They were quite good. I'm still not sure about the show. I like her boss, her husband, and even her kids, but I'm still stuck on the actress. Hmm. I really don't like her vampire teeth.
I got ready and went over to the school around 4:30. I had a lot of things to do. The first thing I did was unpack the new puppets I bought. I got some neat puppets at Toys "R" Us for only 300 yen each. As I use puppets in children's lessons, that was a great find. Kids don't like endlessly repeating things (and neither do I!), but if the puppet "says" it, I can usually get one or two more repetitions out of the child. And of course, in a solo class, it gives us one or two more people to "talk" with.
I went over my lessons for today and prepared some extra work. I thought that we'd finish early. We did, so it was a good thing that I had some extra pages ready. Both students came tonight. The adult that comes on Friday night made her first appearance for over a month! She'd had had many things come up for each appointment that we'd made. I was glad to see her again.
After I finished up, I called hubby and he came to get me. We came home and I started cooking right away. Tonight's lovely repast was fried chicken, blue cheese pizza, salad, and a Japanese mountain vegetable. I forget what it's called, but it's a bit like a very mild onion. It was nice. The blue cheese pizza was really good tonight. I didn't use tin foil underneath it like I did the last time I made it. My last slice I tried dipping in dijon salad dressing and it was good. I may just have to put some dijon mustard on it the next time I make it.
Fumihiko had to go to his office to pick up some papers, so I did dishes. When he came back, he worked on his notes for his replacement, and I worked on how to get my printer working again. I found some free software to make my computer talk to my printer, downloaded it, and, as they say, "Bob's your Uncle." I tested it by printing out next month's WOWOW schedule, then when Fumihiko was ready, I printed out his notes.
That was about it for my day. I'm enjoying using my computer and finding out it's little quirks. I was afraid to use so much of my old computer for so long. I was trying to stop it from crashing. It worked, for a while, but I'm hopeful that I don't have to worry about that happening to this one for a long, long, time!
Got to go. Night night.