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May 31, 2007 - Thursday

Cloudy and rainy all day.

A pretty average sort of day. I got up, did my usual things, then watched Without a Trace and made and ate lunch. It was a good episode, all about Nazi war criminals. Interesting.

I went off to work. It was raining a little, but just a drizzle. I got to the school, checked my set up and then I read some more of my book. Saving Fish From Drowning is really intriguing. It's told from the point of view of a dead person. It's from Amy Tan, so I'd say, if you like her other books, you'll likely like this too. I'm loving it.

My first student of the day and I had a good class. Today was her final lesson. I'm sad about that but family commitments meant that she couldn't continue. After her class, I put away the lesson plans I'd used with her, and did a lot of paperwork. I also prepared for my Saturday classes. I'm off tomorrow, so I won't be into the school to do it.

I went out for a few minutes to buy some food. Because I had a big gap, I could have gone home, but I used most of it planning and reading. Besides, the weather was quite iffy.

My second class went well too. We finished up the textbook and next week will start the next higher one. It's quite exciting for the student.

At 8:00pm when she left, I cleaned up, changed and did the dishes. I called Fumihiko but there was no answer. I c-mailed him. No answer. I even called our apartment in case he was home and had "lost" his cell phone again. No answer. I was just getting ready to ride home when he called me. He'd just finished work.

I showed hubby my new decoration in my school. I decorated a photo frame by putting buttons all over it. I stuck them in with glitter glue. I'm sure that it's not "suitable for children" but I'm not planning to let any kids get near it! I posted a couple of pictures to my flickr account if anyone wants to see it.

We drove home and when we got home I cooked dinner. I didn't have any help at all, except in the making coffee department. And the eating department. However, someone did clean up afterwards so I guess it's okay! Tonight's fabulous dinner was fried chicken, broccoli, salad with extra cucumber, and leftover stirfry. It was quite good.

The rest of the evening was quiet. Seriously quiet. Hubby isn't doing well. The rainy weather plays havoc with his back and he just didn't feel like talking. I didn't have too much to say, but rather hoped to talk to him. Sigh. Oh well. That's the way things go I guess.

I got the plastic garbage all sorted out for tomorrow morning. Fumihiko is a dear and takes it out on his way to work. It's a good thing that he does, cause I certainly never get up early enough to take it out myself! Ha ha ha. In my singleton days, I used to stay up late to take out the garbage or sneak it out in the middle of the night. But not anymore. Nope. I have a husband. Yay!

And that's it for me. Gotta go! Night.


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