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January 28, 2008 - Monday

Warmer, no new snow.


Today was quiet but good. I didn't have a great waking up though. Fumihiko woke me up around 7:30, then a few minutes later when he got up, and then again when he actually left the apartment. Sigh.

I got up and watched Project Runway 2. Yes, I've already seen it, and no I don't care! It was fun. I'd set the vcr so after I watched the end, I rewound the tape and watched the beginning. Then, I re-watched Saturday's Project Runway 3. It was fun. I'm still not sure why they made Angela the bad person in the show. Her partner Vincent seemed to everything he could to push her out. After that, I watched Criminal Minds. It was a bit gruesome as always, but I guessed the ubervillain. Yay me.

I really had a quiet day at home. I thought about going out but didn't. I could have walked to the mall, but decided just to stay home. I had a lateish lunch and spent the rest of my time on my computer.

Fumihiko came home around 6 and after a while we went out. I wanted to make a stop at the drugstore, which we did, then we went by my school so I could set the heater in my classroom. I need to turn it on early to make the room warm enough. My heater is good, but it's slow.

After that, we came back home and I cooked dinner. Tonight we had tacos. I did all the work tonight. Usually Fumihiko helps out a bit, grating cheese, or cutting tomatoes, but tonight he didn't do anything. I wasn't too impressed. Still, it turns out that he was making a map for me of our apartment. If I have to take a taxi here it's a little complicated to get here. We had dinner and it was good. We each ate quite a bit, but I'll have leftovers for my world famous* taco omelette. Fumihiko did do the dishes, which went a long way in me forgiving him for not helping out!

We had a quiet evening at home. We watched Ugly Betty at 11. It was fun. Poor Betty. She likes a guy but he's got a girlfriend. It's terribly sad. One thing that I like about that show is seeing Judith Light again. I'm not sure how much she's done since Who's the Boss? but it's lovely to see her as a grand lady with serious problems.

Fumihiko is now watching something about Ichiro and eating ramen. Sigh. Honestly, he eats way too much ramen. I keep telling him he'll turn into noodle if he's not careful!

So that's it. My day. Quiet, but rather nice. Hurray for that. Tomorrow I'm back to work and we'll see how things go. When we were at the school, the parking space was fine, but more snow has been forecast for tonight. Sigh. Oh my.

Talk to you later. Night!

*At least in my mind! But people read this blog from all over so....


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