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February 3, 2008 - Sunday

A little snow, and a little cold.


In the morning, in the few minutes between sleep and wakefulness I had the oddest dream. I dreamt that I was talking to Mitt Romney, the man running for the Republican candidate for US President. One minute we were at a party, having a really nice chat, the next minute I was in bed, with my husband asleep beside me, chatting with Mr. Romney who was sitting next to our bed. He offered me a cigarette, except he called it a "wicky". I accepted, but then remembered I was staying in a non-smoking room. I don't smoke! I woke up just after this, so that's where the dream ended. It was rather odd. In my dream he seemed like a very nice man, and a little lonely. Weirdest thing is...I'd probably vote for the Democrats if I was a US citizen!

The rest of my day was great. It really was. We had breakfast at the hotel. It wasn't bad. At 11 we checked out and went to The Mall. We did a quick check of the bookstore, and each got something. The three free hours of parking gets extended to five hours free when you spend more than 2000 yen. We put our books in the car and then took a subway downtown. We went to the Aer building. I got a couple of books for myself and my school, we had a coffee at Starbucks and then we went to Aoba-Tei for some gyutan. It was great! After lunch we walked over to my hotel and checked me in. The guy asked for my passport, but I refused and he seemed to know the law. I put down my home address after all. We visited the room quickly, then left and went back to The Mall.

At The Mall, Fumihiko gave me my birthday presents! I was really surprised because I didn't think he'd gotten me anything. I got the last Harry Potter DVD and a gorgeous cup for herb tea. Very very nice! He took the presents back home with him, he just didn't want me to buy the same dvd! He drove me back to the downtown area and dropped me and my suitcase off outside the hotel. He drove off.

I dropped my stuff off in my room and went out again. I walked a long way. I walked from my hotel to the Forus building. I went to the Body Shop and got a few essentials for myself, visited Tower Records but didn't buy anything (that might have been a mistake...I may have to go back), went to HMV and bought a couple of magazines and the soundtrack for Sweeney Todd. I think Fumihiko will like it. I made the pilgrimage to The Apple Store too. I'm thinking/mulling over getting myself a new iPod. My old iPod has a bunch of my music on it, but it has a few problems. The iPod nano's are very cool. Or, I could get a new iPod Classic. Or, not! Haven't decided yet. Just thinking.

I walked back to the station area making a few stops along the way. I had hoped to go back to Maruzen books, but didn't quite make it. The security guards were shooing people away, so I walked through the station and then back to the hotel.

I had bought a couple of sandwiches and other things to eat on the way so I sat and ate in my room. I also watched a couple of things on my computer, Dexter and an episode of Heroes. I enjoyed both of them. It was fun just vegging out. Fumihiko phoned me around 11 to say goodnight and that he missed me. I miss him too.

I'm winding down for the evening. I'll likely go to bed soon. I'm tired and my feet hurt!

I'll catch you tomorrow. Night night!


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