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February 9, 2008 - Saturday

Sunny and almost warm!


Today was a pretty good day. I got up on time, showered and then watched Criminal Minds. It was a bit difficult to watch this morning. One of the characters had a meltdown and did something bad.

Fumihiko and I went out for brunch. I was a bit surprised when at first he suggested a lovely restaurant on the other side of our city. I said there was no way that I could go as I had to be at work in an hour. It would be nice if we go another time though. We ended up at Gusto of course.

My classes went well today. My first student and I had a lot of fun, my second student and I had some interesting discussions. After classes were over, I washed my dishes and put on more water for coffee. Fumihiko was coming over to do my taxes! He got stuck into my paperwork, and I did a bit of preparing for next week's classes. After a bit, I finished, but he didn't. He kept working for a while, so I kept quiet. He quit around 7 pm. I was really happy with him for the most part. We did get into a discussion about money as usual.

We went out and had dinner at a fish restaurant tonight. The restaurant belongs to the family of one of Fumihiko's ex-coworker's. The food was good, but...some of it was hard to eat. It had bones sticking out all over the place. After dinner we went to the grocery store and got some food.

We came home and Fumihiko got back to work on my tax stuff. I think he got a lot done. I think things are okay. Hurray.

I spent an interesting evening watching my shows tonight. I may have to watch part of them again. Grey's Anatomy was really interesting tonight. It was the aftermath of the ferry accident. Can't say much more than that.

I had a fun evening watching Project Runway tonight. Tonight was the episode where somebody got thrown off the show for cheating. Oooo. It was a good. We're now kicking back watching Charlie's Angels.

I'll talk to you tomorrow, most likely. Night night!


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