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February 19, 2008 - Tuesday

A bit of snow overnight, warmish and sunny.


Today was a good day. I got up early enough to watch the news, then showered. I had a quiet but restful early part of the day. I also finally finished Atonement. It was....deep. Very beautifully written. I think you'll just have to see my book page to get my thoughts on it.

In the afternoon I made my lunch and then went to the school. The walk wasn't bad, but it wasn't easy either. The snow in many places has the consistency of sand, which makes it hard to walk on. At one spot on the way I saw a nail on the ground. It was bright and shiny, one of those short ones with a twist along the shank. It was in a place that my husband always drives so I thought I'd grab it in case hubby or someone else got a flat tire from it.

I did a very little bit of snow-shovelling at my school. I was lucky. There wasn't much to do, so I could go into the school. I got quite busy once I was in there. I did vacuuming, cleaning, putting stuff away and taking things out. My classes went well today, both of them. We had fun in them, and the time went by very quickly. In fact, my last one went overtime because the students were enjoying themselves so much.

After the last class I set up my new first class on Thursday. It's a new children's class. I'm a little nervous because there's quite an age gap between the two children. Hopefully it'll work out. I had to do a lot of paperwork too.

I finally called Fumihiko around 9 pm and he came and picked me up. We came home.

Tonight we had dinner at home. We both worked on setting the table, but he did more work than me. He got the eggplant sliced and put out the veggies on the table. I put out dishes and chopsticks. We had a great meal and we both enjoyed our yakiniku. I did the dishes afterwards and then we had a quiet night in.

Fumihiko worked on a sort of invoice for me to give students at the end of successful interviews to let them know the cost of their textbooks and lessons. He's not quite done. I was trying to get him to leave it for the night, but he didn't want to. He does have to be up early tomorrow though.

That's it for my day. I should really get myself to bed soon. I'm a bit tired. Night night!


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