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February 22, 2008 - Friday

Rainy, then sunny and warm. Colder at night.


I overcompensated today for sleeping in yesterday. I got up earlier than I usually do today, before 9:00 am. Poor me! Not really. I read, watched the news and did my usual stuff until 1:30 or so.

Around 1:30 I went out to the post office to pay for my book orders. I rode my bike, which wasn't too bad except in the driveway of the apartment complex we live in. (Are two buildings enough for a complex?) When I got to the post office I used the automated teller machine to pay my bill. It was a bit tough because I think some of the buttons might be new, but I did it. I paid two bills successfully.

When I finished I visited a convenience store for some food for lunch. I didn't feel like cooking! I came home again. It was raining a little bit at this point, but it wasn't bad. I even wore my cute pink raincoat.

I came back home, ate my food and then watched CSI at 3:00. Cold Case is done for now. CSI was particularily slimy so it was a good thing I'd already finished eating! I left for work as soon as it ended, so around 3:40 or so.

I rode to work, and it was mostly fine today. I did have to get off my bike and walk a bit, but not even as much as I did yesterday. I went straight to my school today, and when I parked my bike, was overjoyed to see that NO snow shovelling was necessary. Hurray. Hurray.

I went in, finished my set up, and checked everything. My student came at his time and we had a pretty good lesson. I think he understands everything. His pronunciation is terrible, but this time last year I didn't think he was paying attention, so it's really nice to know that he was! I'd much rather praise the kid than scold him, I tend to believe in positive reinforcements.

After his class, I had an hour break which I used to check tomorrow's classes. They should be fine. I had a bit of card shuffling to do, but other than that, no problem. My hour break turned into two hours when my second student of the day told me she couldn't come. Sigh.

My last class came and we had quite a good class. We're talking about families and relationships. I think he's getting it.

After classes I put things away quickly and did paperwork quickly too. I'd done much of it earlier anyway. Fumihiko called me about 2 minutes before I was going to call him, so he came to get me.

We went to Moku-Moku for dinner. It was really nice tonight. They had a dinner special offer. You could get a meat dish or a pasta dish, plus soup bar, salad, dessert and coffee for 1300 yen. Fumihiko had ginger pork and I had salmon cream spaghetti. We also received some mussels as appetizers. I wasn't too sure about them. I've not been a big fan of mussels since I got terrible food poisoning in Canada from a dish with mussels. They seemed to be fine though.

After dinner we did a really quick run though of MaxValu to get a few necessities for the apartment, then came home. We spent a very quiet evening together. I hope to do a bit of reading of The Stand before I get to bed. You know, I realized that if that story was written today, the internet would have the story so fast, and also many people would have cellphones so the government wouldn't be able to keep such a tight lid on "Captain Trip."

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. I'll catch you tomorrow most likely! Night night.


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