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March 25, 2008 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm today.


Today was mostly a good day. I went to bed late, but not as late as I do at times. I managed to get up this morning to watch the news, but it wasn't on. Golf was. Bleck.

I showered and then I started on my computer for a while. I was surfing until it was time to have lunch. I cooked my lunch and also set up the slow cooker again for tonight's dinner. It was all from our freezer. Chicken breasts that I put on top of veggies. I turned it on and finished making my brunch.

I rode my new bike to the school. It felt strange. It has a spring or a shock absorber in the back and anytime that I started to get a bit of speed going, I felt like I was on a trampoline. Not much fun for me! I'm also still not too happy about the height of the seat and handlebars.

My classes went well today. I had three and they seemed to go quite well. My last one has two students and they stayed a little late to chat with each other in Japanese. I wasn't too happy about that but....

I did the dishes and called Fumihiko. There was no answer, but he called me back soon. He came to get me. I found him in the parking lot trying to put my bike in the trunk of his car. It was a bit tough. This bike is a bit heavier than my old one and the handlebars don't fold down on this one. It made it difficult to fit into the trunk and then close the lid.

We came home and I heated up the soup and looked for a recipe on-line. Last year I'd made honey mustard sauce and I wanted to make it again. I found the recipe and then thought maybe there's a wasabi sauce somewhere that I could make. I found one and adapted it. It started with wasabi powder, which I don't have, mixed with mayonaise, which I do have. So I took wasabi paste and mixed it with a dollop or two of mayo. I added a touch of soy sauce at the end too. I also made the honey mustard sauce.

When the soup was ready I served it. Fumihiko made coffee tonight and then we had soup and coffee. The soup was really good tonight too, and Fumihiko had seconds. I didn't! The main dish was chicken breasts with veggies. The veggies had turned to mush mostly, but were still tasty. The chicken was mostly great, but the outside was a little dry and needed the sauces. If I'd been able to come home earlier I'm sure the chicken would have been perfect. The wasabi sauce was especially good. I can't believe I've never thought of that before.

Fumihiko did the dishes and at 11 we watched Criminal Minds. It was an interesting one where we find out about a team member's past.

And that was about it. It was a quiet evening. Fumihiko went to bed a little while ago and is already asleep. I'm still working on my book, but I'm thinking an early night might be in order. Can you call 2 am early? I do.

Gotta go! Night night.


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