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May 15, 2008 - Thursday

Warm and sunny. Nice day.


I got up today (yay me!), watched some bits of bad movies on WOWOW, showered and also did a little housework today. Impressed? Okay, you don't have to be! For lunch I had my should be famous taco omelette and it was really good. I put some taco sauce in with the eggs, then put the last of the meat down the middle. I added cheese, tomato, sour cream and lettuce. Yum. It was sooo good. I also had a tomato on crispbreads and it was really nice too.

I didn't go to work until quite late. I left here just before 5 pm. I went to the school via the drugstore. I bought Fumihiko a little present while I was there. He bought himself a long handled body brush for the bath at the hundred yen shop and likes it, but wanted a short handled one too. I got him one today. It is very nice and he says he likes it.

My school was quite hot when I got there. I decided to do some natural air conditioning for a bit and opened the big window. It did cool it down a bit, plus it's always nice to change the air in the room. When my students came I closed the window because of the noise.

We had good lessons tonight. In the first we did a song which I hope will help the students remember the phrase, and in the second I did the "same old thing" but in a new way and the student did really well. Yay.

After work I caught up with my paperwork and did dishes. One other thing I'd bought at the drugstore was a pair of rubber gloves. I used those to do my dishes. My hands are a little better today.

Fumihiko picked me up and took me off to M's Dining for dinner. We both had chicken, his plain, mine with mushrooms and teriyaki sauce. Very nice.

We came straight home afterwards, even though I wanted to get something for dinner tomorrow night. Fumihiko was really tired. We vegged for a while, then he bathed and went to bed.

That's it for my day. I also just finished my Dean Koontz that I started yesterday. It was, like most Dean Koontz novels, good until the ending. Always lets me down at the end. This one was The Good Guy, which was one of his less spectacular novels, but still a fun read.

So, I'll talk to you tomorrow I think. Got to go. Night night!


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