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May 26, 2008 - Monday

Cloudy and rainy all day.


I suprised myself this morning. I didn't sleep in. In fact, I was up before 8 am. Why? I have no idea! Once I was up, I checked then read email and chatted with a friend of mine for a while. My husband even came home in the middle of all that. I was very surprised to see him. He had a bit of coffee and relaxed for a few minutes.

Later on I showered. I'm still having problems with my scalp. It isn't as bad as it was, but it isn't back to normal yet. I shampooed using one of my new shampoos. It seems to be okay for my head.

In the afternoon I watched my weekend shows. What About Brian was strange. It started six months after last weeks episode. Everyone has changed a bit. The girl that "Brian" is supposed to be in love with is annoying. I can understand why she'd like him, but why on earth does he like her? Then I watched CSI: New York and finished up with CSI : Las Vegas. Murder and mayhem. There's nothing like it. Oh, next week, one of the Cold Case guys will be on CSI :NY. How cool is that? It's a crossover show.

After I finished watching them, I did something quite important. I changed the surge protectors we've been using. Lately I've noticed that lights are blinking more than they should so I think it's a cheap way to protect our equipment. Hopefully. Of course, I had to vacuum a lot too, because some of the areas where the cords go don't see much daylight. I ended up doing most of the apartment after that too. Yay me.

When Fumihiko came home, we relaxed for a while and then went out for dinner. We decided to try our old favourite Benkei's. It's moved to a new location. The parking lot was crowded but we found a space. We went in and had some of our old favourites, but also a few new things. It was really busy tonight and they didn't even have oolong tea for me to drink. Apparently, most of their patrons tonight were drivers and they drank all the tea! When we paid we were given a small package each as a thank you/welcome present. Then, a man came into the restaurant not too happy because someone was parking in his space. Guess who it was. Us! Oops. We moved quickly. It was marked, I think we just thought the name on it was from the old tenants.

We bought milk and eggs at the grocery store, then came home. We had a quiet evening watching Medium and drinking coffee.

Pretty much, that's it for my day. Tomorrow I'm a little busier for a change as I'll have 3 lessons. I'll also have to get to my school quite early. Wish me luck with that!

Gotta go. Night night!


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