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May 27, 2008 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm. Nice to see the sun again!


I had a busy day! I didn't get up as early as I did yesterday, but it was okay. I did get up when I thought I should, so not bad!

I had to get to the school earlier today, so I prepared my lunch around 1 and then left for the school before 2. I made a stop at the convenience store because I have a long shift with not really long enough time between classes to go anywhere.

My first class was good. It was with a student who had been away for a bit over a month. It went well, and it was really nice to see her again. My second class was a student who usually comes on Fridays but can't this week so we rescheduled. She's very interesting and we finished up the lesson we've been working on for ages. My last class of the day was with two ladies that get on very well, despite there being quite a difference in ages. We had a fun class talking about music. At the end, we tried to write a song on the board. I think I really wrote most of it, but the students did put some of the lines in it. It was quite cute. I tried to sing it later when I was alone and it was okay.

Fumihiko picked me up tonight and we decided to go to M's Dining for dinner. He had my favourite, the Mega-Big Burger and liked it. It was fun watching him eat it. It's quite messy and there's lots of drippy things coming out, but really nice. Watching him, I was a little sad that I hadn't had the same dish! I had grilled chicken with mushrooms and teriyaki sauce. That was good. I've had it before and enjoyed it too.

We came home and had a quiet evening in. We watched Monk which was okay, and then Fumihiko channel surfed for a bit before taking his shower and going to bed.

I started reading The Other Boleyn Girl tonight. It's quite gripping, right from the first page. I'm not big on historical dramas, but if they're well written then it's okay.

Anyway, I think that's it for me. I'll talk to you tomorrow most likely. Night.

PS Oh, my darn head is still itchy. I'm not sure what's worse now, the itch or the pain after I scratch it.


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