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July 5, 2008 - Saturday

Rainy then clearing later on.


I had an okay morning. I got up showered and then relaxed for a while. It was nice to have the apartment to myself for a few minutes. Hubby was off at the doctor. When Fumihiko came back, we went out for breakfast to Gusto.

I was dropped off at my school and I got busy. I had two classes today, originally was supposed to be three. The classes I had did go quite well. It was a bit sad though because the last class of the day was also the last class for my two students. They're going to take a break for a while, possibly will come back, but I have my doubts. I've been teaching them at le Eikaiwa and my own school for years.

Fumihiko picked me up and we came home for a while. We were relaxing when we got a call. Earlier in the week a woman called and talked to my husband. We told her the days when she could come and have an interview, she could choose the day and time but she'd have to let us know first. Well, after waiting for her to call us all week, I gave up on her. After 6 pm she called us tonight to say she had been to the school but no one was there. Well, it would be nice if she made the appointment first! She might call us next week.

Fumihiko took me out for dinner tonight to Studio 14. It's a little Italian place we've been to a couple of times. We had our dinner there and it was really nice. We had anti-pasto and gnocchi, a selection of meats and then pasta with tomato sauce and risotto. Our dessert was really nice too. The only thing that would have been better is if they had given us a cup of coffee with our dessert. Still, a very nice meal.

We came home and finally got around to watching The Last Holiday. It was a hoot. It wasn't a "great" movie, I mean it wasn't going to win any awards, but it was fun. Basically a remake of an old movie, Queen Latifah stars as a department store clerk who finds out she has three weeks to live, so she takes her money out of the bank, flies off to Europe, and lives the high life for a few weeks. It had quite a few famous people and actors in it, including Timothy Hutton, Michael Nouri and Gerard Depardieu.

We just chilled out for the rest of the evening, then I watched Heroes. It's nice to see it on a bigger screen than my computer. Now, I'm watching old Desperate Housewives and listening to my husband snore.

So, that was my day. A bit sad, a bit odd, and a little bittersweet. Night!


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