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July 4, 2008 - Friday

Rainy and very humid.


Today was an okay day really. I got up to be greeted with baseball and boxing on the two channels I usually watch in the morning. I turned off the TV and went back to sleep. On the couch.

When I got up I showered and spent a long time at my computer. I watched Re:Genesis which was quite interesting today. It was one of those set up shows, I think lots of neat things will happen soon.

I cooked a very late lunch and then headed over to the school. It was 27 degrees in there, so I had to cool it down fairly quickly.

I had a good if a bit smelly class with my student today. For the most part my student was good, and he tried really hard and I think he actually understood what was going on. His mother came to pick him up after class and then I got ready to go.

It was still light out, so I rode my bike home, only to find that my husband wasn't at home. Hmm. Where was he? I sent him an email, but there wasn't any answer. He called me back after 8:00pm. He'd gone to get a massage then to visit his house. I guess he'd forgotten that I was finished early tonight.

We had a nice dinner at the tonkatsu shop, then visited the grocery store briefly for some milk and some of my husband's essentials. We came home and really had a quiet evening.

We're mellowing out right now, watching foreign news from Asia. It's quite interesting seeing other countries news when it's in English. Hong Kong, the Philippines and Singapore all have English language news. With us not getting a newspaper I don't really stay as in touch with world events as I should.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm off to the school a bit earlier. Hopefully everything will go well. Wish me luck eh? Night night.


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