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September 5, 2008 - Friday

Hot and humid, cloudy later on.


Today was an okay day. Not great, not bad. Okay. I got up, then slept longer!

My day at home was boring. The only interesting thing I watched today was The Unit. A wife of a soldier had a strange dream and when she told the other wives about it, was thought to have been receiving classified information from her husband. She was interrogated, as was the couple's daughter. I especially liked the episode because it had Linda Hunt in it. She is such an interesting actress.

I got to my school on time. It was hot today, but not as hot as the last couple of days. I got ready for my class and my student was in a good mood when he came. We had a good lesson today and he did well.

My second student of the day cancelled. Sigh. I was hoping she could come but was still busy. I took some time for myself. I'm reading a book I borrowed from a friend about a girl who goes missing and what happens to her family and friends. I read some of it and then called my husband. I didn't get an answer and then a few minutes later got a "I'm busy" message. I ended up taking a nap at the school. I put my head down and was out. Twenty minutes later when my husband called I was fast asleep. I didn't feel that great when I woke up.

He picked me up and we came home. After a bit of email checking, I started dinner. Really, there wasn't too much to do. I cooked the meat and set the table. Then, Fumihiko heated up the bought chawanmushi and poured the coffee. Dinner was nice. I served a choice of sauces for the meat, so we could have any flavour that we wanted. Hubby did the dishes (he actually started before I finished eating which was a little rude I thought) so I brought my coffee over to the computer and turned on The Talented Mr. Ripley. Matt Damon is so good in that movie. The whole cast is rather golden, not just in appearance, but at how famous they are now. Cate Blanchett, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Gwyneth Paltrow, all acting Oscar winners, Matt Damon, Philip Baker Hall and the wonderful Jude Law. However, the biggest surprise for me came near the end of the film when a very familiar looking actor appeared. Who the heck was he? I knew I'd seen him in something, but what? A quick check of IMDb revealed that it was Jack Davenport, also know as Captain Norrington from the Pirates of the Caribbean films. He was much younger and very good looking!

That's about it really. The rest of the evening I half watched another Matt Damon movie and surfed the internet. It was quiet really.

Tomorrow I have an early day at the school. I have two classes, hours apart though. I might do some dvd watching or some planning or some sleeping. I'm not sure yet! Tune in tomorrow and find out what I do. Night.


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