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December 19, 2008 - Friday

Rainy in the morning, clearing later on.


A pretty good day. I got up this morning, but it was hard. It was really dark out, raining a lot. I watched the news and then got on with my day.

Around 12 I went out to the post office and then the convenience store. It was raining a little bit, but not too bad. I came home, ate a sandwich and watched some TV. I had lunch a little later and then I left for work.

When I left the apartment I was really surprised. It was gorgeous out. It was still a little cloudy, but the sun was out. It was chilly, but not cold. It was a lovely day for riding a bike.

At my school I got ready for the day. There was quite a lot to do, as I had to prepare the stamps for my class. When my student came, we had a fun class. I think he was happy that it wasn't a "study-study" class. He really enjoyed making a Christmas card.

After his class I set up for tomorrow. Unless anyone cancels, I'll have 4 lessons. I'll be busy! I sent Fumihiko a message and he came to get me. We came home, and he cooked dinner for us.

We had our cream stew tonight and it was really nice. It was better than the last time. I did the dishes as Fumihiko had cooked.

In the evening we just chilled out. We watched a silly movie, The Shooter with Mark Wahlberg, and after Grey's Anatomy, we we watched Training Day. It was incredibly violent. I didn't really like it that much. I think it's the sort of movie that you have to think about a lot. I don't live in the same world as the characters in the movie.

That's about it for my day. I had a good one. The pleasant bicycle ride to work was seriously one of the high points of my week. I can't tell you how often lately it has been raining or windy or just awful when I left for work.

Gotta go. Night!


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