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December 19, 2007 - Wednesday

Clearing. Not too cold.


Today started in an interesting way. Fumihiko got a phone call on his cell phone. That was especially interesting because he was supposed to be at work, but was still in bed. I had to really wake him up and tell him he was late! He called his boss and told him he had overslept...and would be there soon. I helped by staying out of his way. I discovered later that he'd set his alarm for 6 am but that was too early. I think he must have hit the snooze button a few too many times.

After he left I got up for real, watched part of Charlie's Angels then turned over to the news. I had a quiet morning, but it was a bit busy too. I did a load of laundry and put away a bunch of my clothes. I even swapped out some of my more summery clothes for more of my winter clothes. I got out my long johns and sweats for sleeping in.

There was nothing much that I wanted to watch on TV today, so I popped in a Friends DVD and watched that. Fun. I had lunch, which was the last of my whole wheat bread, plus the chicken and salad I'd bought last night.

When I did the dishes I decided that our toaster oven was looking pretty bad. I don't know when the last time it was cleaned was, so I unplugged it and took out the crumb tray. I cleaned as much of it as I could. Now, we can even see in the window. Hurray! I wasn't able to get the dark stuff off the back of it though. The angle was wrong and I was afraid I'd damage something. Still, it's clean. Yay me.

I expected Fumihiko around 5:30 or 6:00, but got a text from him saying that he was still working. It was after 7 before he came home. He changed and we got ready to go out.

We had a few errands to run tonight. We needed toilet we went to the drugstore and got some, then we sent off a box of books to a new person in Miyazaki. After that, we had dinner in a place called "Big". It's a restaurant that's in the shape of a dome. It looks a bit like an igloo! It was okay. I had Japanese style spaghetti. It was good, but just a tad overcooked. Fumihiko said he wasn't feeling so well, so he just had a "hot sandwich" and coffee. Dinner was nice. It was nice to go somewhere almost new for a change. We went there once before, but I was very low carb at the time and only had coffee as I couldn't eat pasta.

On the way home we went to the grocery store and got a few things. I bought a red onion. I'm still plotting about a Greek Salad. Maybe. It's almost become my Christmas tradition!

At home we relaxed for a while. We watched an old episode of Ugly Betty and then tonight's Desperate Housewives. That was good. It was interesting that they actually discussed teens using birth control and being responsible. There were also some interesting things happening for Gabrielle, and Bree's husband's ex-wife has bought a house on the street. Hmm. You just know that's not going to end well.

I spent some time going through a nengajo book and picking out designs. I'll probably just use one or two designs, although I might diversify a little, especially for my students. Should be fun, I hope!

Tomorrow Fumihiko is off work to go to the hospital to have a consultation with a doctor about his back. He isn't really sure when the appointment is. It's either early-early, or around 11. He can't remember.

That was my day. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day for me tomorrow. Wish me luck! Night night.


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