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Past Updates


August 17, 2003

Part Six of Undressing Rooms, by Dahlia.

August 1, 2003

Happy August. Added Diz's Domlijah story, Something, Something.

July 31, 2003

Wow. Mer actually wrote something in this fandom? How long's it been? Anyway, I present to you Domlijah-whores: Drowning. And yes, I did put up a new main image the other day *points* I couldn't resist.

July 19, 2003

Added a rec. Thing. Oh my God. Thing.

July 15, 2003

I have a bunch of things to update, but I'm sort of procrastinating. Anyway. I added Part Five of Undressing Rooms, and I added a new fic by Dahlia, Red Handed.

June 30, 2003

More recs, and part four of Undressing Rooms.

June 29, 2003

I added part three of Undressing Rooms, the other day, but I haven't mentioned it until now. Added a few recs, wrote a thing, a Harry Potter 5 implied-slash-thing to be more exact. Don't read it unless you a. have read the book (or at least have made it past pages 806 and 807. Or b. wish to be spoiled. Also, I'm in the mood for Remus/James/Sirius, so if anyone could rec some fics, I'd greatly appreciate it.

June 11, 2003

Part two of Undressing Rooms, by Dahlia is up.

June 7, 2003

Added two recs. One's actually het! A bizarre one though... still dishy. New from Dahlia (hooray!) Part One of Undressing Rooms.

May 24, 2003

Guh. I have to bitch and moan for a minute: I'm bored. There are no good fics around. If anyone would be charitable enough to donate their fan fics or questions or general random topics of discussion to the Save Mercedes From Boredom Fund, please do so here. And I'm painfully rereading Void and just thought I'd mention that as well, because it's so fantastic and fabulous.

May 16, 2003

Spring cleaning has gone underway, I've removed (by request of the authors) Pretty Piece of Flesh, Almost Prostitution, Don't Let Me Get Me, Kiss, Don't Bite, and Staring Into Perfection.

I also added the polls to Indigo and Lipstick Kissed Stale Cigarettes (along with chapter three).

May 11, 2003

Chapter Eight of Look Through to Me; Chapters 6 & 7 of Paradise Cove; two new stories: Indigo, by Isabel; and Lipstick Kissed Stale Cigarettes, by myself.

May 2, 2003

New short story: The Benson Fiasco. I started it a few months ago, picked it up yesterday and finished it.

April 17, 2003

Okay. Added Greenie and Amy's surveys FINALLY! Also, added some things to the Writing Tips page.

April 11, 2003

Added chapters 6 & 7 of Incognito. Also added two new stories by Amy: Garden of Eden, and Resist Your Urges.

April 6, 2003

Eeeee! Nine days until Gaurding The Moon by Francesca Lia Block comes out!

Ahem. Added the prologue-chapter 5 of Incognito by Greenie. Which is *het*, and fabulous and everyone needs to go read it. I'll post more in a bit. I'm also adding a bunch of other het stories, um, hopefully tonight. Ack! Must leave it at that for now... people are yelling at me.... go read Incognito!

March 27, 2003

EC is having three fan fiction contest/award thingies. Best Short Story, Best Work in Progress, and best Finished Piece. The latter two you can find on the main fan fiction page and the former you'll find on the short stories page. If someone wants to do some nice pretty banners for those three awards, you may do so and send them to me in .jpg format. Thanks! Now go vote!

March 26, 2003

New fic: Anatomy of a Star, by Zedral

March 24, 2003

Um, tcha. Another plagiarized piece to add to Kit-Kitty's prestigious list: Kiss Don't Bite. Let me say that I was thoroughly offended when she asked her readers if they wanted some Buffy conflict to ensue. I'm disgusted, hurt, angry, and feel petty and insignificant, and impatient. I'm waiting for two of the moderators to get back to me about all this inapropriateness (for lack of a better word, I just spent two hours reading fan fiction and am consequently brain dead). Oh great... I think I hear my cat throwing up in the other room. Huh. He's asleep. Maybe it was my dog hiccupping. ::shrug:: Anyway.

Diz's got something hilarious and promising on the horizon along with other stories we have yet to seeeeeeeeeeeee (note to Diz: I wanna see!); Isabel's writing funny, cute, bubble bath stuff; I've got multiple stories I'm working on, though I've been taking a small break from Infatuations, I'll get back to it, I promise. I have a new story I'm working on that I refuse to post any of until Infatuations is done, so there's some motivation. There should be some new author's joining us soon, I'm waiting for Amy to send me the final draft of a story; and Michelle's been writing and we'll probably be seeing more from her soon. Dahlia says she's got a longer story in the works for you DanLijah fans, she thinks it'll be done in a week or two.

Anyone who has an idea for an April challenge (since I skipped March because I've been too busy to think) you're more than welcome to email it to me or leave me a comment about it on my live journal.

March 23, 2003

Before I begin ranting on how there's an "author" on the fan fiction board who's plagiarizing authors on EC and god knows where else, something new from Dahlia: How to Fuck a Mermaid

Ahem. Tell me if these look familiar to any of you:

I Don't Wanna Be

Perfect Executions


Paradise Cove

Because I believe in what's right and I believe in punishment, please authors, go bitch her OOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUTTT! She should NOT be getting credit for our hard work, our ass sweat from sitting and typing for hours upon hours and taking the product and saying it's her own. She actually blocked my name from commenting on her posts, so if ya'll would be so kind.... And I've emailed the administration and they're biatches and won't kick her off for BLATANT PLAGIARISM.

Basically, if you love EC, if you love us, if you love the fics, let Kit-Kitty know how you feel. Be it nicely or rudely, I don't care which. Normally I believe in peace, but not when my friends and I are on the receiving end.


March 18, 2003

Added Dahlia's author survey. Added new recs. Um, was gonna fiddle with some links too.

March 16, 2003

Political rant:
Hi. I'm an AMERICAN and I BELIEVE in PEACE. I believe George Bush has to THINK about the RAMIFICATIONS that a WAR will produce. I don't believe that saying DEROGATORY things about the current PRESIDENT will do any GOOD. I believe the HIPPIES had it RIGHT: LOVE NOT WAR. Send DIPLOMATS, not SOLDIERS. We are supposed to be a DEMOCRACY, LISTEN to the CITIZENS of America: WE DON'T WANT A WAR. As CHILDREN we are TOLD that GUNS are HARMFUL, but what kind of an EXAMPLE is the President setting for FUTURE GENERATIONS by coveting a war? I think JOHN LENNON says this BEST:

Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism
This-ism, that-ism, ism ism ism
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance

Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
Minister, Sinister, Banisters and Canisters,
Bishops, Fishops, Rabbis, and Pop Eyes, Bye bye, Bye byes
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance

(Let me tell you now)
Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
Revolution, Evolution, Masturbation, Flagellation, Regulation,
Integrations, mediations, United Nations, congratulations
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance

Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
John and Yoko, Timmy Leary, Rosemary,
Tommy Smothers, Bobby Dylan, Tommy Cooper,
Derek Taylor, Norman Mailer, Alan Ginsberg, Hare Krishna
Hare Hare Krishna
All we are saying is give peace a chance

Added two links and a clique (go to links and look under fan fiction). Added a new beta reader, Lilith. Yes, I took some pages off (bio, filmography, random quizes) things that don't pertain to what EC stands for. I took the bio off because anyone who comes to this site not knowing who Elijah Wood is, is in the wrooooong place. Filmography is irrelevant to what EC's main goal is: a decent fan fiction archive. Random quizes... was just random. I took some other thigns off too... oh yeah, the News page. I don't have time to update the news, there are other sites dedicated to that type of thing. Like Always & Forever is great for news, gossip, rumors, yada yada... especially rumors and gossip. If anyone wants to send me gossip and rumors, though, I'll be happy to make a page for that... hey, it's called inspiration, motivation, masturb-- I mean.... ::cough:: Revolution! Evolution! Give peace a chance, dammit! The world's so hellish already, why risk having nuclear weapons being set off and all our blue skies will turn yellow or a color no one's even discovered yet. The ocean's already polluted, as is the air, and we're already facing global warming... if not for the lives of others, make peace for the earth itself. If she weren't here, you wouldn't be either. Think about that George Dubbleya!

One last thing, excerpt from Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut Jr:

To whom it may concern: These people around you are almost all of the survivors on San Lorenzo of the winds that followed the freezing of the sea. These people made a captive of the spurious holy man named Bokonon. They brought him here, placed him at their center, and commanded him to tell them exactly what God Almighty was up to and what they should now do. The mountebank told them that God was surely trying to kill them, possibly because he was through with them, and that they should have the good manners to die. This, as you can see, they did.

March 15, 2003

Yeah, yeah. I still have to come up with a new challenge. So sue me.

New fic: Wasted by Dahlia; just be forwarned that this is slash.

March 1, 2003

I can't believe Tori Amos did a cover of an Eminem song! Nonononononono! She's so much BETTER than that! Plus Bonny & Clyde '97 freaks me out! Moreso than Professional Widow, which is one of the scariest songs in existence.

*finishes ranting*

Anyway. I updated the Book Recs, which is on the Writing Tips page. Added a picture of muah, on my author survey. Trimester ends Friday! Shall have more time again!

February 9, 2003

Ha! I now have a livejournal after coveting one for four years!
Now you can leave me belligerent notes and natter at me to update things. Or, ya know, not... but whatever floats your boat.

February 4, 2003

Fan Fiction Challenge: Wherein, Elijah and his partner (can be girl or guy, you decide) have sex with each other for the first time and break up immediately there after. Can be a one-shot or a chapter story, as long as it's finished and submitted by March 1st, 2003. Please don't email these, post them on the new

and we'll review them there, along with the readers, who'll give you feedback (yes, everyone on the fan fiction commity is terrible about getting back to people and responding, we're sorry about that). So have at it!

February 1, 2003

A poem that randomly fluttered into my inbox from Anonymous:



It turns out that is still there. I also have because the fairies are real, dammit! Um, so you can contact me at either. Thanks everyone who emailed me and let me know the pages that still had my old address on them.

I'm going to send out a test to all the beta readers currently listed on EC to test their beta-skills.

About the fan fics:

Isabel's putting Almost Prostitution on hold so she can work on another story, currently titled: Untitled. It'll be posted as soon as she finishes writing the 2nd or 3rd part.

Vicky and Diz are procrastinating, as far as I know, so I advise you all to go lavish them with praise so they'll be inspired to write.

I'm being wierd. I'm working on chapter 11 and 12 of Infatuations -- chapter 11 will likely be the longest in the whole story (but then, chapter 8 could be just as long or longer). It's practically a short story within itself, thus, I'm using it for a school project due in two weeks. No. No I am not posting chapter 11 in two weeks. But the good thing about writing it now, is when I write chapter 10, I'll be able to post them both at the same time, so you'll have more to chew. I'm hoping to post the last three chapters all at once. Chapter 13 (the last chapter) will likely be the shortest chapter, and I've been writing on that as well. Chapter 8 is more of a history of Kaylie and Elijah's beginnings, so Sylvie's not in that chapter. That's all I'll say about Infatuations for now.

Now I know a lot of people have been asking when I'm going to update K,DB and DLMGM, but I'm afraid there won't be many (if any) updates on those two until I finish Infatuations. I haven't had much time to write since school started, but the schools here are having a large budget short fall, and will be cutting 24 days off of this school year -- meaning, an extra month of summer for me. So there'll be more writing, and more updating.

Happy belated birthday, Elijah. I saw TTT again today and am still disappointed that Sam and Frodo don't "suddenly begin making out like rabid bunnies," as Isabel put it so eloquently.

Um, if you're a really fantastical writer, please email me. By fantastical, I mean: you use spellcheck, understand sentence structure/fluency/redunduncy (the latter of which, you avoid at all costs), and aren't overly flowery, don't write Mary Sues, and have interesting plots that aren't so bizarre that Vonnegut wouldn't write them, or so cheesy that Drew Barrymore has already starred in a movie with the same plot line. That's really not asking for much. Of course, everyone has to see The Wedding Singer, because it's a fantastic movie, and I've always adored Drew Barrymore and that movie is just... It's darling. Sad, hilarious and darling all at once. Watch it when you're in love and you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's great.

Anywho. I guess that's all for now. Not really any updates, just a check-in and letting you all know of future events.

January 9, 2003

My email,, was deleted, so you can now contact me with all your miscelaneous questions, concerns, or fan fics at If you happen to see some random page with "email me at" please let me know so I can change it.

This site may be moving to just letting you all know in advance... New authors are also on the way along with new fics, so be on the look out for that.

Ooooh... I like blue and red balloons. And this Alanis CD -- why does this song remind me of Egypt? Hrm.

Hope you all had a lovely New Years.


December 28,

This is just a little note: Please make sure that if you're sending in fan fiction that you use spellcheck, and if you're not a native English speaker, find a willing beta reader. I'm getting a little tired of finding fan fiction in my mail box sans spell check or even proof-reading. Don't send in rough drafts! Go to the writing tips page, down to the bottom, click the CABS link, they have SO MUCH good advice! Yes, it's a slashish site, but the writing tips aren't just for slashers. Anyway. Done ranting now.

Anyone who hasn't seen TTT yet is doomed. It's hot in a variety of ways... but I was a little pissed that they didn't include the scene with the palantir and Saruman in the tower. Oh well. Maybe they have it on the extended version.

December 22,

Er... yes, I'm still alive. Amazingly. Not much has been, um, updated... added a little notey thing at the end of the submissions guidelines about why we sometimes don't reply. Also added a few book suggestions to the Writing Tips page. Winter break! Yay! Maybe there'll be writing... we'll see.

Matt has informed me that Elijah is on the Cheerio's box in the UK.

November 22,

Er... yes, I'm still alive. Amazingly. Not much has been, um, updated... added a little notey thing at the end of the submissions guidelines about why we sometimes don't reply. Also added a few book suggestions to the Writing Tips page. Winter break! Yay! Maybe there'll be writing... we'll see.

November 15,

Paradise Cove, Chapter Five.

November 9,

Infatuations, Chapter Seven. My profound apologise to Isabel for having to beta so much, and to the readers for having to wait so long.

November 8,

New main pic! A bit clearer than the last, since 'Lij isn't *moving*. Still not perfect though. This is from a few days ago, I just haven't announced it or anything... New fic! (Orlando/OC) Dancing, by Dizzy. Yay! Also, Vicky gave an ETA for the next chapter of Paradise Cove, and since I'm foggy and spacey today, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure she said Saturday. Isabel's working on another short story, het this time. So that's all stuff to look forward to in the near future.

November 1,

Added a Recs page!

October 17,

Added the extended surveys for Michelle, Chelle, and Dizzy. Been so incredibly busy for the past week and a half, I have not been able to update, and I'm really sorry! Isa tells tale that there may be another short story on the way... Diz has a short on the way... and I always have a short on the way. As for that next chapter of Infatuations: just waiting on a certain someone, who bugged me to update today, to beta it. I'm going to try and write over the weekend, but I have no idea how busy I'll be, there's a good chance I'll only have half of Sunday to write.

October 7,

Well lookee here. New fic! Yayyy! I gave Isabel a plot bunny so she'd write: Gap Voyeurism. Yes it is as dirty as it sounds -- and quirky. Warning: slash. Mildly graphic sex... ::watches the readers flock towards it:: but it's the kind of poetic sex ::is reminded of astro-sex:: that will expand your minds! But it's also hella sexy.
Annnd secondly (ala seconde), nominated EC for best fan fiction, name, and, um, content. The latter of which, I assure you, this site isn't gonna win.

October 6,

Been feeling a bit guilty for not updating... waiting for chapter seven of Infatuations to be betad (cough). Decided to fill out the author's survey, also sent out the new-and-improved ones, created by Dizzy and Isabel, so those should be up soon. Elijah started filming Thumbsucker last week, Thursday or something like that... wonder if he's staying at the Benson... If updates continue to be as scarce and stagnant as this, I may have to rewrite an older Elijah fic (Diz and Isa may remember this one), titled Party Like A Rock Star. I'll leave you guessing what it's about...

September 25,

Nothing really new. Thumbsucker's being filmed in Portland, Oregon (ha!), which befuddles and amuses me. Beta-reader Laura, changed her email.

September 20,

Not a real update. Should you be interested in hearing about the daily turmoil and aggravation that shoots me in the foot on a regular bases, I direct you to my online diary/journal thing.

September 17,

Chapter Seven of Look Through To Me, and chapters Three, and Four of Paradise Cove.

September 15,

Won an award... amazingly.

Thank ya!

September 12,

Damn. School's... schoolish. Luckily I only get homework for algebra, so I still have time to do... stuff. Dizzy has revamped the first chapter of Look Through To Me, so... yes, go read.

Something strange just happened: I updated Don't Let Me Get Me.

September 7,

New title pic for Infatuations... yeah, yeah... doesn't make up for having the next chapter out so late. I'm working on it. Been slightly preoccupied though, so, ::sticks out tongue:: to you!

September 4,

Erm... this isn't a real update, so I'm keeping the last update up to keep this company. Aaaanyway, I'm shamelessly promoting a Harry Potter vignette I just wrote.

September 3,

Chapter Two of Paradise Cove.

August 31,

Laura informs us...

In the German paper "Bild Zeitung" I read that the relationship between Elijah and Franka Potente seems to be not so good anymore. When the reporter asked her: "but you are a couple?" She answered: No, I wouldn't say so.

Thanks Laura!

New beta reader, updated the news, and it's time to update the FAQs too...

August 24,

Eek! School's starting in about two weeks, meaning: I need to move my arse and finish the next chapter of Infatuations. Only problem is my inspiration's kind of... out... on a bit of an elongated lunch break. However, on the bright side: new author and beta-reader: Vicky. Check out her story Paradise Cove.

August 20,

Chapter Six of Look Through To Me.

August 12,

::scowls:: The Ring Awards shut down. So ... fudge.

There's a rumor that The Two Tower's is gonna be 4 hours long -- yes, FOUR, F-O-U-R, however, this is just a rumor as of yet. Thanks Gail!

August 10,

My brother's birthday was yesterday, so happy birthday Alex!
Almost Prostitution, Chapter Five. Also edited the writing tips page, and added a tip.

August 6,

Added Chapter Five of Look Through to Me, and a writing tip.

August 3,

Added a book to the Writing Tips page, Vonnegut, Vonnegut, Vonnegut -- read Disco Bloodbath!

August 1,

Happy August! Added a writing tip, and a book recommendation; thanks Gail!

July 30,

Added a Writing Tips page.

July 29,

I created/added a webring yesterday, for sites featuring Elijah fan fiction -- if your site fits into this category, go join! It's on the links page under 'Fan Fiction'.

July 27,

Infatuations, Chapter Six. Added contact information under Elijah's bio.

July 25,

Added a bunch of pictures.

Isabel sent me a little blurby-article-thing:

Munich (AP). Actress Franka Potente obviously isn't thinking about getting married. Reports about the 27-year old's intention to marry her new boyfriend Elijah Wood, in the near future, are complete nonsense, tells Franka's mother, Hildegard Potente, the German magazine "Bunte". A few months ago, Franka had left director Tom Tykwer for the 21-year old Australian actor. According to "Bunte," also Sohela Emami, "Run, Lola, Run" star's PR agent, hasn't reported anything about an upcoming marriage. "Franka is happy, and she feels entirely fine; but most of all, she's enjoying her latest successes in the business."

Please note: of course, Elijah is American. We simply chose to keep the article's original content (published by the press agency), where Elijah is supposed to be Australian.

Thanks Isa!

July 22,

Changed the gallery, only because I've been feeling guilty for not updating. Also added a pic of Elijah on that scooter thing.

July 17,

Not much new. Finished Return of the King, wasn't pleased with the ending, may inspire a vignette or two, improbable and yet incredibly likely. Take your pic.

July 15,

Well ... seems as though Elijah Chico has aquired a bandit. THAT'S RIGHT! The artful Dodger, who seems to be running a muck amongst the polls, wrecking havoc on the innocent civilians -- er, authors. I can't act as sherrif (Boy, bring out them Western romance novels, 'cause the cowgirl's hankerin' for some classic saloon showdowns! Yippee-ki-yi-yay!) seeing as our Dodger sifts into Elijah Chico like an invisable vapor and is sucked out through the air ventalation! (Where the hell am I coming up with this?!) Translation: there ain't no email bein' left at them polls fer Dodger. Also, he seems to be leaving constructive critisicm (for the most part), therefor I can't condem him to being hung in townsquare -- or for that matter jail him until he escapes through the window, after carefully budging it loose, inch by inch, day by day. Erm ... Unless someone begs me to write them a vignette about the wild-wild-west, I don't believe I shall continue.

I was gonna say this yesterday but I didn't have time: I love this pic. No, no it's not of Elijah it's of Sean Astin, but I like the blurry birds and the lighting. Also, I am officially a genious, seeing as I figured out how to make THUMBNAILS!

July 14,

Chapter four of Look Through To Me. Hurrah!

July 12,

Added a WHOLE BUNCH of polls: Perfect Executions, Look Through To Me, Infatuations -- and I am SUCH A BAD PERSON! Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths is one of this site's oldest fics and it never got a poll or ANYTHING until just now when I realized there wasn't one. Gosh darnit people! When you see that a fic doesn't have a poll or a feedback button, Let. Me. Know. PLEASE! Otherwise I end up feeling guilty and stupider than neccisary (however the fuck you spell that!). Sigh. That's all for today.

Wow. I updated the filmography.

Added a FAQs page.

According to a source who wishes to remain anonymous ...
Elijah was recently in wellington (as you probably knew), but nearing the end of his stay here, who should stop by but Franka Potente. Yup, sorry love but the pair are an official item now. Not sure what happened to franka's other boyfriend, but elijah's the new thing on the block. i'm just as devistated as i am sure you are, more so because i totally know that my fountain of information is straight up no bullshit (excuse the french). I also know that the premiere of The Two Towers is going to be held in Paris, France, because they thought it was too politically incorrect to haveit in New York, because of the title.
Thanks a bunch!

July 11,

Ha! Taylor's back! I made something ...

Don't forget to send me writing tips so I can make that tips page! Do something for your fellow writer and help HUMANITY!

July 10,

REJOICE! is back up and running! RUNNING! UP! WAXJISM! AHHH! In other news ... my friend Taylor comes back from Mexico tomorrow! Now, concerning Elijah: erm ... no, nothing concerning Elijah, sorry, I gave your hopes up! He's like ... dead. Sorta. If anyone has tips for writing ... could you send those in? I'd like to compilate a writing tips page, book recomendations from people ... I don't know! I'm BORED! I was thinking the other day how cool it would be to start a book club -- whoa. Now I'm having flashbacks of Taylor: "I think I'm turning into a nerd!" Erm, I like peaches!

July 8,

New beta-reader.

July 4,

Happy fourth! Ahem, more spider delemas but I won't delve into them. I found a picture of that fountain Elijah and Dom pissed in! Check it out here. Also made a new title pic for I Don't Wanna Be, which is in the midst of being rewritten ... because I hate it.

July 1,

Why is this so typical of me? It's been July now for one hour and I'm wide awake, scared to climb into my arachnid-infested bed and get a good night's sleep ... instead, I decide that, yes, it's the perfect time to add yet another fic by Chelle, a new title pic for Verdraengen (Which I made on my own, mind you, with the dispicable Paint application ... remarkable anything comes out halfway decent.), and a new title pic for Infatuations, which is really just the tabloid pictures of Lijah and Franka at the hockey game -- with her ::giggles:: um, not so beautiful photo cropped out. That particular pic made her look like she'd just swallowed a dung beetle, or some other strange and creepycrawly creature which I would have false-awakenings about, crawling everywhere ... EVERYWHERE! Cough. Also updated the links section, and now I feel like writing.

June 30,

Huh, not much has been happening lately I suppose. That would explain my lack of updates -- new fic! Rejoice! It's called 'Butterfly Eyes (or How I Learned to Smoke)' by Chelle (not the same as Michelle). That's under the short stories section. Added Chelle's author survey.

June 27,

Chapter Five of Infatuations (finally!) it's long, grueling ...

June 26,

No updates, I don't think. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISABEL!

June 23,

Perfect Executions is done. Almost Prostitution is updated, and I'm in a hurry!

Ok kiddos, well I changed the name of 'What They Never Knew' (what a crappy-ass title! It's a wonder why I didn't change it months ago) ; it is now, officially: 'Kiss, Don't Bite' Kind of a cute/corny pun I thought of, hence the vampire theme. Also, the next chapter's coming soon (AAHHH! No friggin' way!), and I think I'm officially out of my rut. YAY!

June 22,

Tehe! Everybody has to read this article, oh it's so funny ... read it! Read it!

Chapter eleven of Perfect Executions!

June 21,

I added a new picture, however, it's old; from his guest appearence on LIVE with Regis and Kelly, but ya know ... only PARTS of it are live. If you look closely, you'll see that there clothes change like five times per show. Anyway, that's in the misc. gallery. Also, I added a 'Why?' thingy ... basically explaining why this dorky little Spanglish titled site exists.

June 20,

Ok... so I shamelessly nominated my site for The Ring Awards (the banner's below), also, the main page has aquired yet another "look". So ha. I like it a LOT better this way, I think. One of these days I'm gonna figure out how to make a navigation bar... oh someday over the rainbow... And then one day, Mercedes reorganized the fan fiction section; yes it WAS the 20th of June, year 2002; how coincidental!

June 19,

Two new polls, one for ALMOST PROSTITUTION (loud COUGH), and one for Pretty Piece of Flesh, because I DON'T KNOW WHERE KATRINA WENT! She must have gotten a new email and didn't tell me... which is a pretty piece of crap right there! Er... chapter ten of Perfect Executions! Also, I've decided that the Bravenet polls are hella cuter than the HTMLGear polls... so, I'm just voicing my opinion :)

June 12,

Alrighty... added chapters 2 & 3 of Look Through To Me, annndd I wish I had KATRINA's email, author of Pretty Piece of Flesh, if you're out there... email me!

June 11,

New fic: "Look Through To Me" by Dizzy -- but just a note, this IS an Orlando Bloom fic.

June 10,

Added chapter three of Almost Prostitution, by Isabel.

June 9,

Changed the main page. I was getting tired of it.

June 8,

Four new movie posters (The Bumble Bee Flies Anyway, Deep Impact, Flipper, and Lord of the Rings -- don't ask why it took so long for me to add a LotR poster, because frankly, I haven't a clue.).

June 7,

Added a new picture of 'Lij at the American Film Institution Awards, that's under "Parties and Premiers"; I should probably change that to "Parties, Premiers, and Awards."

June 5,

Three new pictures... one of which is really a banner I stole from, and the second is just and Ash Wednesday pic that ya'll have probably already seen by now, but the last is from that Radio Sonic interview, I don't think a whole lot of you have seen that yet. Anyway, they're in the misc. gallery, except for the banner, that's in the LOTR gallery.

Alright... I updated the galleries ::hears cheers::, yeah, yeah... if there are any that don't show, right click the X and pick 'Show Picture'; if that doesn't work, email me the page URL and I'll figure out what's wrong.

June 4,

A bunch of random pics in the interview section... I never update the galleries, I've got plenty of pics around but I guess I'm just lazy.
Added the track list that was picked out by Elijah and Franka durring the Radio Sonic interview, here.
Also, I came up with a quote for the site (see above daily update).
Another new beta-reader: Laura.

June 3,

Added the Interview/Articles section, currently, I have 4 I/A's archived. I remember reading one for The Faculty a while back -- if anyone knows where that's at, could you email me? New beta-reader, Miss Gail, and I added AnimeFanFicGrl's author survey.

June 2,

Chapter two of Almost Prostitution, go read it!

June 1,

Hey! Two new beta readers: Isabel and Dizzy. Also a new story by Isabel: Almost Prostitution. Updated Infatuations, chapter four is up!

May 29,

::singing:: We're getting a new fiiiicc! Yahoo! It's an Orlando Bloom fic that I've made an exception for, it's by Miss Dizzy, the wonderous author of Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths. Wahoo! Le'me think, ooh! Ok, I finished TTT finally! I'm gonna add an updates page just because I see everyone else has one and I think I need one... if ya beg to differ, my email's down under the mess of updates... Oh! Also, I wanna add some beta-readers, so if you're interested, email me! I shall be adding an interviews/articles page as well... since, well, that's self-explainatory, doncha think?

::more singing:: IIIIIIII Haaaaaaaaaaaave an updates page!

Now I've got a beta-readers page -- I just need beta-readers!

Alrighty, I just switched all the links to/in 'Don't Let Me Get Me', so if you see any links not working, le'me know, please! Thanks!

Umm... added a pic to Dizzy's bio; cough. Ya'll have to find out for yourself just what I added... Diz didn't leave me a preference. Again: cough.

May 26,

Added/took two new quizes. If there's someone out there who is interested...

Someone email me, I'm lonely! lol, please! Send me fan fiction!!

WOO! People! Email 'Lij at hehe, you can read all the messages in his inbox too! Most of 'em are all teenybopper ones that say the same thing, but you can come up with something original to say.

Added Dizzy's author bio. I'm <---> this close to finishing TTT, whoo! Tolkien was a nutter... 24 page chapters, did he really expect people to read THAT much in one sitting?! Eh, I'm impatient.

My bad, yesterday was the 23rd; and now it's the 24th!

So, um. Chapters 7,8, and 9 of Perfect Executions, for everyone who's reading that. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER!

May 22? I think that's right.

WEEEEEEE!! Added Isabel and Michelle's author's bios.

Anywho, the short stories section said it was lonely -- so I added this picture of Lij, my stomach was all a'flutta when I saw it, it so reminds me of Ryan Phillipe for some reason! Ack! It's so cute I could comit suicide! Erm, bad analogy, but go check it out! And read 'Witch Baby' by Francesca Lia Block!
