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Sagara Sanosuke

Sano looking as spiky-headed as usual.

Here's Sano about to punch someone. I'd duck...

Here's a nice pic of Sano and Kenshin. Notice, Kenshin is not being used as a shield in this one...

That rougish wink... ~_^

Sano blushing. Erzeru thinks he's so cute. ^_^

An interesting composite of Sano and Kenshin. Except the faces don't match up very well. Oh well.

I'm sure I wouldn't trust Kaoru-dono to fling knives at me! I don't blame Sano for being upset. ~_^

Sano's holding up the circus tent! And luckily, he is not being stuck with knives.


"Oops..." And he still has the fishbone in his mouth!

Apparently, Kaoru's cooking is not so good, even though Kenshin eats it and Sanosuke's got a stomach made of steel and a cast-iron epiglottis. This is right before Kaoru throws stuff at Sano and Kenshin gets hit in the head. ^_^

That cute over-the-shoulder look. Besides, his shirt's not on!!

This picture is for Erzeru!! I mean, who doesn't want to go hot-tubbing with Sanosuke?

I love Kenshin's "Oro?" face....

Sanosuke is clearly not pleased with Saitou. Of course, Sano is the only one who seems to irritate Saitou beyond all belief. ^_^

Ah, the ubiquitous fishbone... maybe one day, man will discover the answer to the question that haunts us: wtf is he chewing on a fishbone for?

Kawaii Sano and his mentor of the Sekihoutai, Sagara, who was killed by evil imperialists who wanted to keep taxes high. ;_;

Sanosuke in front of Sagara. Sadly, Sagara never gets to see Sano all grown up. ;_;







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