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Seta Soujiro, Juppon Gatana

Soujiro in the forest, looking kawaii and calm with his weapon over his shoulder. Now how wrong does that sound... ~_^ He is Shishio's right-hand-man, much to Kamatari's distress...If I remember correctly, this shot is from Chou explaining that Sojiro or Usui would be the ones able to kill fifty skilled policemen in two hours.

Sword drawn, ready for action!! (Tee hee, I said action) You know, it's slightly ironic that in the fight at Mount Hiei, Sojiro's hilt is white, but Kenshin's is black. I kinda would have liked to see Sojiro's shuntensatsu when it landed on someone. Not that AKRNH isn't cool, it is...but I like Sojiro too.

He is definitely so bishounen. I mean, he's about as defined bishounen as Tsukeshiro. Well, with a little less concern over his own appearance. This is the last fight he has with Kenshin, just before Kenshin goes to the Inferno room to fight Shishio.

Not digging the pink background Soujiro so much, but he does look quite nice in blue, doesn't he? Looks like he's already set up to become a rurouni like Kenshin, and find his own path.

A close up of his face with a slightly more dangerous expression. Although he is still sort of smiling. Makes it a little scary! Probably about to kill Okubo Toshimichi. I can't help but wonder how Okubo actually did die. I wonder if that attack by the descendents of samurai was real...

Here he is again, certainly in the carriage. Okay, so he's wearing pink...anway, he used his shukuchi, which surpasses even Kenshin's god-like speed, to catch up to the moving carriage. Sojiro's skills really are very impressive.

Full-length shot in blue. Such a pretty color. This is in the village Senkaku controls, where Shishio likes to use the hot springs. Soujiro is about to break Kenshin's sakabatou with his battoujutsu, the fast draw technique. Luckily, Soujiro's sword (well, it's actually Shishio's, but why split hairs?) is badly damaged as well, although he could have easily killed Kenshin at that point.

Black-and-white manga drawing of Soujiro.

Looking a little disheveled and dirty. Funny how that happens to people who fight Kenshin. This is when he's either telling Yumi the secret of AKRNH or asking her to take the wakizashi Shishio gave him back to Shishio.

Sojiro repairing his snapped strap on his waraji. I think he's just stalling. I mean, he could have easily killed Kenshin when he sliced him across the back before--his Tenken is more powerful than Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu! And he's faster than Kenshin, too! But then, you really need to be well balanced mentally to beat Kenshin and Soujiro fails that requirement...And you know, thinking about it, for a hitokiri Shishio didn't do much killing because of hsi time limit. He sent Sojiro to do it, and Usui, and the rest of the Juppongatana. That whole can't-fight-more-than-fifteen-minutes-or-I'll-spontaneously-combust deal must really suck.

Starting to look a little more like Dilandau! 0_0 But if you are strong, you live, and if you are weak, obviously you die. Then why didn't Shishio save him, if Kenshin is right? It's kind of heart-wrenching to watch this part of the series, especially if you're a fan of Sojiro's, which I am. Although I was totally taken aback when Soujiro started beating his head against the tatami...I was like, uh, whoa!!

To see a chibi Soujiro running and screaming "Dare ga tasukete!" (someone help me) and knowing no one will...tugs at the heart strings...and in the end you know Kenshin has to defeat him with Amakakero Ryu no Hirameki. But Soujiro's emotions wake again because of the fight with Kenshin and he becomes a whole person. But he's still sad when he hears that Shishio has died.

Then Soujiro gets to enjoy the world as a rurouni! Weeela! Mmm, dango.








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