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Himura Kenshin
Himura Kenshin

Sanosuke using Kenshin for a shield. Not very adept of Kenshin to be used that way, I must say.

Kenshin's "Oro" face. He makes this quite often. ^_^

Kenshin and Saitou, looking quite irritated with each other.

Another picture of Kenshin and Saitou. Looks like they're fighting. Sooprise, sooprise, sooprise.

Kenshin in Battousai the Manslayer mode...notice how his eyes turn yellow, and his hair gets funky and neon. Pretty scary. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that kind of stare... 0_0

Kenshin looking quite moody. And his hair is very big. And he only seems to have one eye, much like Saicho-san, and even occasionally Van.

A colored sketchy version of Kenshin (not bad sketchy...just sketchy sketchy)...

He really knows how to use that sword. Ah, the consummate assassin...

I always feel like he's looking surprised here. Like he should say "Whoa!" like Keanu Reeves in "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" or something. I dunno...Ken Kenshin Himura? Doesn't have the same ring as Ted Theodore Logan...

Kenshin with blade at hand, ready to draw.

Dark and light, just like Himura Battousai.

That looks quite painful. It reminds me of the mysterious, perfectly round bruises that appear on Kenshin after Aoshi beats him up. I love the way blood and bruises always take a moment or two to show up in anime. It's some weird kind of suspense.

Hee hee. Chibi Kenshin looking rather surprised.

I laughed so hard when I first saw this...Kenshin trying on Hiko's huge Elvis cape. ^_^

The scar is glowing. it definitely gives his face personality.







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