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Shinomori Aoshi

Okashira of Edo Oniwabanshuu

The Oniwabanshuu. In the back row is Shikijou, Hyottoko, Aoshi, Hannya, and Beshimi. In the front row we have Misao bonking Okina on the head, probably for being a pervert.

Kenshin and Aoshi in front of Kanryu, the yutz, with Shikijou, Hyottoko, Beshimi, and Hannya in the background.

A little dark picture of Aoshi... can't you just hear him saying, "Shi-ne" in that cold, dispassionate tone of voice?

Aoshi's about to punch the bejeezus out of Kenshin. This is their first fight, when the Oniwabanshu are still alive and the Kenshin Gumi is rescuing Megumi-san.

Aoshi and his kanji.

What the heck happened to Kenshin's sakabato? It's all weirdly bent. But I guess Aoshi has that effect on people. Hmm...oddly similar to the pose of the above picture....

Aoshi attacking with his kodachi. I recommend everyone see the "Particle Man" Rurouni Kenshin video...freakin' hilarious....

Aoshi uses his kodachi to block an attack from Kenshin. This just proves how cool he is. ^_^ You can tell Kenshin's surprised.

You know, I know Kenshin is short, but really...Aoshi can't be all that tall. Although, Sano is the tallest of the Kenshin Gumi...

Aoshi's giving Kenshin a hair cut! He needs it, that's for sure. 0_0

An OVA style Aoshi as a wallpaper. Looks pretty damn good, eh?

Am I the only one who knows just how wrong it looks that Aoshi's kodachi is, well, right there?? *_* I need to get my mind out of the gutter. But he is good with his weapons...

For once, Aoshi's looking pensive and even calm. Well, not like he's ever manic like some people we could name *cough Dilandau cough*, but he looks almost at peace.

Aoshi not only looking thoughtful, but also young and vulnerable. Siiiiiiiiiigh.

Even younger!! Aoshi-kun looks so surprised. ^_^

Aoshi back in bad-ass mode. ~_^

All those damn scars...they're so sexy. Either that or I'm just a sick twist and I really need help. Either way I'll just sit and quietly enjoy them.

Erzeru and Anzu say I'm a melty bitch for enjoying all the guys who suffer...and I'm beginning to think they're right... #_#

Melty bitch time!!! ^_^ I decided to replace this with a larger picture...oooh baby....







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