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Yes, the cat with no name. Can you tell I'm not pleased? Shall I explain? It all started like this...
I was born in a dark basement and was very WILD. This person came along and caught me. I soon began to like her a lot. She fed me and gave me a box to "go" in. But she couldn't decide on a name. Well, I will say that I am an exceedingly ordinary-looking cat, and exotic names would just not really suit me. I am not a Pyewacket or a Cleopatra. So she just called me Kitty.
As I got more into that active kitten stage, I began to shake my head like I was drunk when I got excited or was watching a string. So she called me Dizzy.
I soon grew out of that. So she, in her silliness, started calling me Chitty, which is just a silly variation of Kitty. That soon progressed into Chi-Chitty, as well as Chi-Chitty-Bang-Bang. You see where this is going...
She one day met this other human who eventually moved in with us. He decided that I was ordinary enough that I deserved a name like Annie. So he persisted in calling me Annie.
Now we have gone through Chitty, Chibba, Chibba-Dibba, Chibblet-Diblet, Chibb-Diblet, Chibblet-Giblet, Dibbs, Chibbs, Chibbums. The naming silliness has gone far enough! Just pick one already. Sheesh.
Now, The Troll got a page detailing his hobbies and stuff like that, so I thought that I would do the same. I am dictating this to my human as I don't type very fast, so any mistakes are hers alone.
My Hobbies:
- Nodgit Hunting.
- Walking on sleeping humans. Sniffing their ears, eyes, mouths & nostrils when they are deep in sleep. Nostrils are the best. I also like waking them by purring loudly in front of any of the above-listed orifices.
- Getting "jacked up" and racing through the house while yowling "MMRRAAUUWWW!" at the top of my kitty lungs. Sometimes The Troll or loud rock music will get me jacked. Sometimes it just happens.
- Making Biscuits.
- Munching houseplants...my human has begun to shake cayenne pepper on all of them. (Note from human: Houseplants with nub-leaves and red crust is mighty pretty.)
My accomplishments:
- I have perfected my meow to a wonderfully strident pitch. Wakes any sleeping human.
- Once I pulled an entire frozen chicken from the kitchen sink onto the floor. That is no small feat, as I am a petite little kitty. I even managed to gnaw a good bit of skin off of it before THEY caught me. Currently, I enjoy garbage-pail diving on a regular basis.
- I once escaped from prison for one whole night. It was big and scary outside, and no one bothered to put a cat box out there. So you can imagine what my first order of business was once I returned to the gulag.
- I am very clean, and proud of it. I wash every day and I take great pride in my appearance and hygiene. What belongs in the cat box stays there.
Things I like (two paws up):
- Nodgit Hunting!
- Snuggling with my human, or nestling under the blanket with her. I don't really like anyone else.
- Whole Milk. There's always a little left over when The Troll finishes slurping his down. Skim milk gets one paw up.
- Catnip. Fresh is best. My human grows it for me.
- Bathtubs. I like to get in and scratch around. A little bit of water is OK. Basically only if it's just enough for me to have a little drink without getting my feet wet.
- Vegetables and Fruit. I can't get enough. Tomatoes, corn, canteloupe, grapes, olives, green beans, houseplants, you name it. I'm smacking my cat lips just thinking about it...
- Tape. Masking Tape. Scotch Tape. Stickers. Tastes good. Sticks to your fur.
Things I don't like (twenty claws extended):
- Baths. Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
- Getting "lost". Sometimes my human will just disappear and I'll have to yowl until she comes back into the room to get me.
- Clem.
page last updated 2.28.2001